
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tensou Sentai Goseiger - Epic 2 - Episode Review

Excellent - 106 of 156 votes! Meaning only 50 didn't think it was so excellent. 35 voted good, 13 voted so-so and 2 thought it was bad.

I see that they saved the big money for the second episode, where the robo Gosei Great premieres. It was a great episode with a super cool villain.

Poll Results: MMPR Reversion / Goseiger first ep

Have you stop watching MMPR 'remastered'?
Yes -- 91 of 204
No -- 75 of 204
Didn't See it Yet-- 22 of 204
Can't see it -- 16 of 204

What did you think of the Goseiger premiere?
Awesome -- 75 of 110
Could have been better - 21 of 110
I've seen better - 13 of 110
Horrible - only 1 vote! good sign!

African-American Green Heronie in Hot Wheels Battle Force 5

So there this is this new Animated program that started in August on Cartoon Network, based on this new Hot Wheels sub-line Battle Force 5. It is Power Rangers-esque because they were different solid color uniforms and battle animal-like creatures in color-coded vehicles. Only thing is that they don't have transformation devices. The interesting thing is that their female cohort is African-American, and she doesn't wear Pink or Yellow, she wears Green. I think that is great, it is unprecedented for an American series. And no one has said anything about it! Her name is Agura Ibaden and she drives an ATV. She has an action figure, not as many of the red one leader but as much as the other 4. As we Tokusatsu fans know, Tomica Fire Rescue has a female in Green armor. Hope this translates to Super Sentai soon (we have gotten close with Gekiranger's Mele, I love her, but I see her more like a villain).

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2010 - For Whom the Bell Trolls - Episode Review

Episode Summary:
Trini shows off her doll collection for Hobby Week, making Rita angry because she never got to play with dolls. Ticklesneezer, a doll that belonged to Trini's mom, is a collector and is made alive by Rita, to collect things with his magic bottle. He shrinks Trini and Billy in Trini's car into the bottle. And then it all turns out to be a dream.

Episode Review:
Why does a high school have a whole week dedicated to show and tell? Doesn't make sense. Back then, we believed anything. Anyhoo, the Ticklesneezer doll was one ugly doll, and we had to be staring at him---and the revision makes him have fire eyes. It was an interesting episode and for a dream, it was like a regular episode, maybe that is why Trini stayed asleep for so long, she thought it was for real. When I first saw the episode, I thought why did she have such an ugly doll.

Looking at the schedule, "Happy Birthday, Zack" is next week and then three weeks of nothing until March 27 where "No Clowning Around" airs and then in April, the "Green with Evil" saga. But they are skipping three episodes: "Love, Peace, Woe," "Dark Ninja," and "Power Punks." I would have rather they skipped this one and "Big Sisters" for "Power Punks" and "Love, Peace, & Woe," love those episodes.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Most Attractive PR Villainess?

Since I already did Best Villainess poll, decided to do a poll on the most attractive. As you can see, I did not include Rita and some choice ones.


Divatox (Hilary Turner)

Divatox (Carol Hoyt)











Favorite Sentai Villainess?

Since I did Most Attractive Sentai Villainess and Best PR Villainess, I decided to do a poll on your favorite Sentai Villainess, I didn't include all villainesses, that would take forever. Maybe I will do that later.



Empress Hysteria






Wendinu and Furabijou

Jannu & Rije

Nai and Mea / Vancuria

Kazu no Shizuka


