
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Gokaiger changes they haven't done yet

UPDATED 7/22/14
As of July 31st, 2011, these were Gokaiger changes they haven't done, as of ep 29 and the movie (they become Battle Fever J). But as of October 15, they have ultimately done them all except for GokaiSilver being MagiShine, Go-On Gold and Go-On Silver. 

Changeman, they all became them in 33 (except Green) and all of them in 35. And then them all in a later eisode.

Kakuranger-Red Ninja and Yellow Ninja (Yellow became Black in ep3; Don, Ahim and Joe became Black, White and Blue in ep21) They all became them in Ep33.

Liveman (Don became Green Sai in 12, Marvelous became Red Falcon in 25, Joe became Blue Dolphin in 25 and Luka as Yellow Lion in 25.) The whole team in Ep 30.

Bioman (Don transformed into Green in Ep 19 and the whole team in 28)

Flashman (Don transformed into Green in Ep 19 and Ahim became Pink in Ep 12, whole team in 27)

Maskman (Yellow in ep 12, whole team in 28)

Marvelous became Abared in 25 And the whole team in 29.

When this post was made in July 31, 2011, Gai had yet to become AbareKiller, MagiShine, Go-On Gold, Go-On Silver, GaoSilver and DekaBreak. But ultimately, he became Dekabreak in Ep 26, AbareKiller in 29, GaoSilver in 33, MagiShine in 39, and Go-On Gold in 41. He never became a male version of Go-On Silver, only as Go-On Wings.


  1. Would Gai really need to turn in to the individual Go-On Wings when he has the combo and would he even be able too since Gold and Silver are the same button?

  2. Yup, dun see the need for him yo change into Go-On or Silver, since he's able to change into Go-On Double Wings combo in just a touch on his keypad "5"...

    Hope he can transform into Bull-Black, Deka Master, Magi-mother (so he'll be called Magi-Brother or Magi-Father?) and Lio, Mele, Zuuban and Wolzard Fire..

  3. Don transformed into Green Sai in Ep 12.

  4. I believe GokaiGreen turned into GreenSai from Liveman during the Shinkenger eps.

  5. acualy, Don DID Become Green Sai in Episode 12

  6. request please do another gender change post they have done more by now thank you

  7. Don changes to Green Sai from Liveman in the Shinkenger tribute episode. the same episode that Pink became PinkFlash.

  8. Wouldn't abared from abaranger be part of the not transformed too list? I don't remember abared being used yet?

  9. Don turned into Green Sai/Rhino (Liveman) in episode 12

  10. Don transformed into Liveman Green Sai in 12 too.

  11. Awesome! I contributed to the blog about Abared.

  12. where are those pics from

  13. I wondered if all of the Goukaijaa (Heroic Rangers) can perform the Aura Power, The Bio Particles, The Stealth or Ninja, The Prism Power and the like. Summoning the other Robots would've amazing in defeating not only the Zanguyakku, but also other villains that were resurrected by the said villain. Will there be an Anti-Flash Phenomenon reestablished by Mess and Zanguyakku in the next episodes?

  14. did don ever turn into abablack yet?

  15. It breaks my heart that we haven't had a single changeman so far.


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