
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Power Rangers Samurai - Room For One More - Episode Review

The gang wait for Antonio to arrive and he is late, he makes a big entrance in a suit and embarrasses himself. Jii takes his morpher, saying it is too dangerous and he is not a true samurai. As a kid, Jayden gave Antonio the Octo Zord and Antonio promised to become a Samurai. They met at a fish market that Antonio's dad owned. Jayden regrettably tells Antonio he can't do it. Antonio wants to fight Jii for the morpher but the others stop him. Antonio leaves and Mike and Emily go after him. Jayden and Mia spar a bit and have a conversation that becomes everyone surrounding Jayden and saying even though he is leader, they get the risks and he can't control what they do. They defeat the monster and save the day of course. They combine the Octo Zord with the Megazord too (OctoSpear Megazord).

Oh yeah and Spike has a daydream of saving the Pink Ranger.

There were bits that made me laugh out loud. Like when Antonio needed space to fit for the six to stand lined up. This episode is close to the original, even down to the Red-Pink spar but Mako handled it better. Mia doesn't seem that formidable in this one, Jayden seemed more pissed off than intimidated. Jayden and Antonio do seem to have a camaraderie, a bit different from Takeru and Genta, in which Takeru seemed to have no humor, where Jayden does seem to. Anyway, I liked the Mike moments, I didn't think the fact that Antonio and Mike being both latino. By the way, Steven's Spanish accent sometimes sucks (because in real life, he is half Asian and half German). When he says "Vamos a Comer," (Let's Eat)---he says it bad. I liked it, cool episode.

Power Rangers Samurai - Unexpected Arrival - Episode Reivew

My "Unexpected Arrival" is late because I was busy last Saturday and didn't know they switched new episodes to Saturdays.

The Rangers respond to a gap sensor signal but no Nighlok, when they return they return 'See you Soon' letter. Mike says it is 'fishy' and it actually smells like fish. Jayden senses something but no one believes him, he is a bit edgy. The new Nighlok kept feeding his paranoia. The next day, the other four still have the same clothes and pass by Antonio. Emily recognizes the hand writing in Antonio's announcement as the flyers he is passing out. Mia confront him. Antonio throws ice at them to trip them and runs off. Jayden headed off to Spring Valley and Mia and Kevin go. Emily and Mike go after 'the fish guy.' Jayden does symbol power and it fogs up the Nighlok's magic mirror.

Nighlok comes out and Jayden nabs his mirror. Blue and Pink arrive. Jayden says he realized water can block the spell of the Nighlok, that their water is purer than the water from the Sanzu River. And that the holy spring can do it. Antonio wants to make a perfect moment as he hears Mike and Emily leave to help the others. The five are taken down, Jayden especially under the spells and Antonio arrives and morphs into Gold Ranger and fights the Moogers. Trees fall on him and he fights the Nighlok. The five defeat him and Vopez gets big. Vopez beats up the Megazord invisible and Antonio shows off the octozord. At the end of the episode, Antonio asks Jayden if he remembers him, that they were childhood friends. The girls definitely think he is a cool edition.

I got to give Alex credit, he is getting better with the Jayden character. So far he has been stalwart, wooden and goody-goody, while Takeru was just a dick and serious. In the original episode, everyone believed Takeru but in this one, no one believed Jayden. Could this had been a cultural thing? I liked Mike's lines too. This episode is just like the original, save for that Jayden doesn't take a bath like Takeru does, :(. I would had liked to see Jayden shirtless, some fans have pointed out he has some hair on his chest. This episode feels a bit rushed compared to the original. Antonio really does have a strange accent and his vocieover so weird.

And Kothoa's line 'he's so sparkly' sounds so weird coming out of Emily's mouth. I did feel bromance between Takeru and Genta in the original episode but it didn't continue in the show, it was more like Genta was in love with Takeru but it was one-way. Here, there is a definite shared bromance (how he came up to him and said "You still think you can take me?"). I don't feel the Spangirsh jarring, just Steven's accent. I don't feel he talks too much like fans have said. The New Zealand accent of the kids in the flashback did feel jarring though.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Last Day of OOO contest

Well, only 22 hrs left till the contest closes, and frankly, I'm dissapointed wth the turnout. So, I'm giving the contest an extended 3 hours. You have untill Sun 3:00 am E/12:00 pm P. this is LITERALLY the final stretch, so for those of you who have started already, start wrapping up, and submit your combos A.S.A.P. Don't lose the small remaining window.

Good Luck!!!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Poll Results: Morphing Call / Sidearms

Best Morphing Call?
It's Morphin Time
197 (63%)
Shift into Turbo
85 (27%)
Let's Rocket
92 (29%)
Go Galactic
60 (19%)
Lightspeed R
42 (13%)
Time for TF
74 (24%)
Wild Access
67 (21%)
NS Ranger Form
79 (25%)
DT Power Up!
63 (20%)
SPD Emergency
110 (35%)
Magical Source, MF
68 (22%)
Kick into Overdrive
48 (15%)
J. Beast S. U.
56 (18%)
RPM Get in Gear
83 (26%)
Go Go Samurai
80 (25%)
oops, it was Overdrive Accelerate. I forgot.

Worst Morphing Call?
It's Morphin Time
46 (13%)
Shift into Turbo
42 (12%)
Let's Rocket
55 (16%)
Go Galatic
59 (17%)
Lightspeed Rescue
61 (18%)
Time for Time Force
67 (20%)
Wild Access
53 (15%)
NS Ranger Form
52 (15%)
DT Power up!
63 (18%)
SPD Emergency
40 (12%)
Magical Source, MF
76 (22%)
Kick into Overdrive
103 (31%)
Jungle Beast Spirit Un.
85 (25%)
RPM Get in Gear
63 (18%)
Go Go Samurai
161 (48%)

Favorite Common Sidearms (1)?
JuuOh Swords/Crystal Dagger
64 (26%)
Hayate sumaru/Ninja Sword
72 (29%)
Abalaser/Thundermax Saber
48 (19%)
SPD Siderarm (PR only)
59 (24%)
Magistick/Magi Staff
73 (30%)
Survibuster/Drive Defender
54 (22%)
Super GekiClaws/Claw Boosters
70 (28%)
Mantangun/Nitro Blasters
49 (20%)
Shinkenmaru/Spin Sword
136 (56%)
Gosei Blaster
51 (21%)
Gokai Sabre and Gun
141 (58%)

Favorite Common Sidearms? (2)
40 (19%)
Bird Blasters
42 (20%)
Ranger Stick/Power Blaster
95 (46%)
Dai Buster
53 (25%)
Kakulaser/Laser Knives
46 (22%)
Battle Sticks/Zeo Blades
51 (24%)
Auto Blaster/Turbo Blaster
48 (23%)
Mega Sniper/Astro Blaster
81 (39%)
SeiJuuKen/Quasar Sabres
94 (45%)
Five Lasers/Rescue Blasters
45 (21%)
Time Vectors/Chrono Sabers
95 (46%)

Favorite Common Sidearms? (3)
Command Bat
43 (32%)
39 (29%)
Vulcan Sticks
42 (31%)
Goggle Sabres
37 (28%)
Dynarod gun
39 (29%)
50 (37%)
46 (34%)
Prism Shooters
53 (40%)
Laser Magnums
49 (37%)
54 (40%)
58 (43%)

Where is the Power Rangers Samurai merchandise???!

Ratings indicate that Power Rangers is the top rated show on Nickeoldeon and beat out Supah Ninjas, which is on prime time. And by now, there should be some merchandise now. Disney usually put merchandise out there before the Sixth Ranger came out. RPM had almost zero merchandise out there save for some birthday treats and t-shirts. Elie Dekel of Saban Brands had said they were talking to the merchandises people and with Disney, Power Rangers had inherited many vendors, but right now all I can find is birthday cakes. I know kids have been wanting stuff and I seen a more frequent use of the Super Legends bookbags (backpack) which seems to be the only bags out there. So, come on pick up the pace guys!

Also, where are the reruns of past episodes on Nicktoons? At Comic Con 2010, the DVD case said in October 2010 we would get new episodes or would we will be seeing that October of 2011? I can understand if there has been difficulties but it has already been over seven months and Comic-Con 2011 is coming soon. And the first episodes of Samurai? We already have the Sixth Ranger and there is a big broo-ha-ha but where's the first two episodes which we constantly see in promos?

At least we have the costumes. Most costumes pictures come out online during this time anyway.


“Power Rangers Samurai” Hits Series High Ratings, “Supah Ninjas” Hits Series Low

"On Saturday, April 30, the move of Power Rangers Samurai to a new day for new episodes caused the series to hit a record high in total viewers: 3.184 million viewers (you can see more ratings from the show here). In fact, Power Rangers Samurai’s noon airing on Saturday was watched by more people than each show airing in primetime that night on Nickelodeon and Disney Channel!

However, on the same day (and in primetime none-the-less), Supah Ninjas hit a series low, after only three weeks, in total viewers: 2.106 million viewers. The show premiered on April 16 to 3.1 million and dropped on April 23 to 2.872 million."

Monday, May 2, 2011

Wedding Stuff in Power Rangers

How could I forget Rita and Zedd's wedding?

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
Divatox's big evil plot was to marry Maligore.

Lost Galaxy
Kai had a crush on a girl that he thought she had a groom but she was just a bridesmaid.

Joel and Angela were married and said to be returning from their honeymoon in PRTF.

Time Force
Alex and Jen were engaged and Jen saw a wedding in one ep but they never did marry, she broke up the engagement.

Wild Force
Wedding Dress Org turned brides and women into mannequins in "Three's A Crowd."

Summer almost got married in "Ranger Yellow Part 2."

Jayden and Mia pretend to get married to stop a plot by Dayu. Emily also dressed as a bride.

Weddings or Marriage Discussion in Sentai

In order of the wedding of Kate and William, I was gonna do this post but I ended up busy. But here it is, wedding themed episodes or episodes featuring a wedding dress or some sort of wedding discussion. I might have forgotten some of these, please add them at the comments.

Red and White got married at the end of the series.

In a Gaoranger episode, wedding dress monster attacked brides and Gao Black dressed as a bride.

Nanami and Yosuke help a man get an engagement ring to his lady love in Episode 13.

In 15, Green thought that his sister wanted to get married, she had the dress and everything, but ultimately it was a modeling shoot with her 'boyfriend.'

Ultimately Urara and Hikaru married at the end of Magiranger. Kai's lady love was hypnotized to marry a monster named Glum in the movie.

In Epsiode 37, Ran's mom arrived to show Ran potential husbands but no actual marriage or wedding was done.

In Episode 6, Sosuke mistakenly thought Saki was thinking of marriage.

Even though Mako always thought of being a bride, Episode 8 was mainly about brides. Mako and Ryunousuke dressed as Brides.