
Friday, November 22, 2013

Super Megaforce toys have been hitting Toys R Us

That cool big box with toys in it in the aisle is called a Pallet. @Razzle1337 has been tracking them. He found that pallets hit this week mostly in California, Utah, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington, North Carolina, and etc. at Toys R Us. The pallets include 6.5" Morphin Power Rangers (no keys), Legendary Megazord, Legendary Morpher, and Super Mega Saber. Linear Ranger is the first to find them, at least to say it on Twitter. Razz has found out that there has been no pallets sent yet to Florida where I live but I am sure it will show up by next week or first week of December.

 Pictures thanks to @Linearranger, US Ranger Key to left and Japanese Ranger Key to right

 Japanese Mobirates on left and American Legendary Morpher on right.

 3 Ranger Keys, the key that comes with the Legendary Morpher is semi-translucent. They can be scanned by an app.

The following are from Raz

 These are the numbers

Linear Ranger on Twitter

Razzle1337 on Twitter