
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mashin Sentai Kiramager

2020 Sentai is Kiramager, a gemstone-theme sentai with animal-vehicle mecha. It looks like Red, Yellow and Green are one team with a 3-mecha robo with Blue and Pink separate. Green and Pink are females. Their transformation trinket seems to be a Samsung Watch-like device.

 I like the belt buckles look like seat belt buckles. I like the street sashes and the glittery arms.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Lavender Ranger's thoughts on Hasbro movie announcement

UPDATED 6/22/20
[Art by Freelance illustrator/concept artist Carlos Dattoli]

It has recently been announced that Jonathan Entwistle has been hired to direct the new Hasbro/Paramount Pictures Power Rangers. Jonathan Entwistle is best known for UK show The End of the F***ing World. Patrick Burleigh (Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway) is the writer. They promise that the movie will go back to the 90's roots. It is said that the Power Rangers will return back to the 90's. Time travel is a major component of the script. I am not sure about returning back to the 90's. I am okay with the time travel element though. Now, the movie is still in early stages so it is possible this can be changed. I have not seen Peter Rabbit 2 but I have seen The End of the F***king World. It seems strange that they want a more kid-friendly movie but with a director of a young adult show with edge. I would've gotten the director of a Superhero movie (DC, Marvel, etc.) or someone more familiar with family fare but has done edgy movies like the director of The House With the Clock on Its Walls (Eli Roth) or even the director of Galaxy Quest (Dani Parisot).

I have written my ideas for a soft reboot here. But I think Mighty Morphin should be left alone, since they already did a movie in 2017 and now rebooting so quickly into 2021. Reboots are nothing new to Hollywood and recently the trend is to have new reboots really close to each other like Batman. Also I am curious if the teens will become Rangers before the time travel or after the time travel. I hope the characters have more characterization and they have a different take on Rita.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Scrozzle's Revenge - Episode Review

 Episode Summary:
The Rangers and Beast Bots set up the Christmas tree in the headquarters. The Beast Bots want to spend Christmas with them but unfortunately, Nate is busy, Zoey will spend it with her mom and grandmother, Devon with his dad and Ravi with his family. The Rangers get a call and leave. Jax remembers when Zoey's mom helped with the Morph-X Bikes and then when Zoey's mom had a chance to reveal the Rangers' identities and chose not to. Chase remembered about Devon's dad. when Devon got a job at a carwash and how Devon's dad went to save Devon. Smash remembered how Ravi's mom reprimanded Ravi about going after Roxy and losing the Megatransporters. 

Scrozzle comes out of the woodwork and the Rangers morph. Scrozzle zaps Nate into a tree ornament. The Rangers fight. Steel tries to get help. Devon and Zoey can transform into tree ornaments too. Steel and Ravi manage to get Scrozzle to leave and take the tree back to the base. In the base, Steel accidentally turns Ravi into an ornament too. The Beast Bots feel bad. The Rangers remind them on how they helped before Nate reminds Steel about how he helped when the Steel imposter broke Nate's computer. Zoey reminds Jax on how he stood up to a Robotron. Devon reminds Chase on how he saved him from danger. Ravi reminds Smash on how he saved him from Turbotron. The Beast Bots go to use the Zords against a new Gigadrone.

Nate helps Steel fix the tree zapper. The Beasts Bots fight and destroy the Gigadrone (and in turn destroy Scrozzle) with their zords. Steel releases the Rangers. The Rangers surprise the Beast Bots with a trip to the North Pole with Santa. 

Cute episode but the blandness of colors from the Grid Battleforce base set makes me a bit dizzy. And the sitcom-like framing also makes me a little sick. The Dino Charge set at least like a cinematic-type environment. As clip shows go, this one had a story. I wish Scrozzle had a one to one battle instead of a Gigadrone death like Blaze.  I like how the Beast Bots got focus in this episode. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Evox: Upgarded - Episode Review

Cyber Gate is almost created. Mayor confronts the commander about Devon being a Ranger. He meets Ravi and realizes he is a Ranger. Zoey explains about Evox's plan. She tells him Devon was trying to stop him. Mayor asks how he can help. Commander says no. Ben and Betty begin the test and open the dimension portal and something wrong happens. Betty is sucked in and becomes flexible. She returns to normal, now she has stretchy powers now. Ravi wants to go in with a beacon inside. Commander says no. Mayor Daniels grabs the beacon inside and enters the portal. Everyone is shocked. Steel wants to shock them. Zoey says they need a bigger zord. Nate says he has the Ultrazord ready. Scrozzle sees Morph-X enters Evox's new body. Blaze wants him to hurry. Devon is left alone and a brick is dropped next to a Tronic. The tronic turns and is hit in the head by Mayor Daniels. He tells Devon is quiet and he takes him away. Tronics realize Devon is gone. 

Ultrazord is ready to be made and the Rangers dissemble the zords. The other zords are combined and Ultrazord is formed. The Ultrazord is teleported away. Scrozzle detects the,. Blaze asks for an army of Gigadrones. Gigadrones are assembled. The Gigadrones blast at the Ultrazord. Devon and Mayor hide in brick walls. They catch up. Devon tells him that it is against the rules to tell him. He apologizes for giving him a hard time and he couldn't be more wrong, that he is a hero.The Ultrazord does the Ultra strike and destroy a,ll the Gigadrones. Evox is formed. He teleports in front of the Ultrazord. 

Evox blasts at them and the zords come apart. Devon and Mayor reunite with the Rangers and Beast Bots. The zord are damaged. Evox confronts them. Mayor hides for safety. Devon morphs. Evox blasts them and they de-morph. Evox glows and grows. Evox heads off. Steel says he might want to merge with the Morphin Grid. They make a plan. Devon and Cruise use the Racer Zord while the others stop Scrozzle. Devon morphs again. Evox enters the transporter. Blaze hurry up Scrozzle. Scrozzle sends Tronics. Red and Cruise enter the Racer Zord and get to the Morph-X Tower. They find a new Gigadrone inside the tower. Blaze is piloting it. The Megazord fights the Gigadrone. The Rangers fight Tronics. Nate, Smash, Mayor and Jax goes after Scrozzle. 

Nate blasts at Scrozzle. Scrozzle teleports away with some gear. Nate tries stopping the teleportation. Red does Hyper STrike and takes down the Gigadrone and Blaze at once. Nate tries to reversing the teleportation. The tower becomes unstable/ The Rangers reunite and they go back to the cybergate portal entry. The Megazord becomes Racer mode and an explosion occurs that wipes out Evox. The cyber gate opens and the Rangers run in. Mayor looks longingly at the portal for Devon. Morph-X comes towards the mayor and the portal is full of green fog. Devon and Cruise come out of the mist. The portal closes. Betty is still flexible. Mayor says he is proud of Devon. Blaze awakens and a technician finds him. 

A week later, the Rangers get a medal of valor. Mayor was re-elected. Ben and Betty also get something. Betty is in a bubble suit. They get medals and their dad cries. Betty goes flying everywhere. She is then fine. Steel wants a selfie. Mayor's hand glows purple. 

 Devon gets the acknowledgement that many kids want from their parents. I am not sure if the Megazord footage was all new but some of it was pretty good. It is a good episode. I wish this was the season two ending because it is hard to top, that is what happened with the Ninja Steel finale. The Ninja Steel finale was better than the Super Ninja Steel finale. The Dino Charge finale at least let the door open for Dino Supercharge. This doesn't seem like a mid-season finale even though the next season won't have 'super' in it. Also, there is no indication what place Roxy and Blaze will have now that they have been saved. 

Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Target: Tower - Episode Review

The Rangers see the footage of them giving the transporters to the avatars. Roxy's pod was overloaded by the USB that Roxy stuck in there. The life support will go out, Ravi is upset. Zoey says if they destroy her avatar, she'll wake up. Commander tells Ravi not to cloud his judgment. Devon is in the re-election rally. Ravi gets a call during Mayor Daniels' speech. Betty and Ben track the transporters with special glasses but crash into a van. They find the transporters but get chased out by Tronics. Devon runs off and the mayor thinks he is a coward. The mayor helps an elderly man. The Rangers appear and saved Ben and Betty. 

The Rangers get to the van as they fight Tronics. Mega Transporters have to be set up around the tower, the Rangers are nearby and Blaze and Roxy are told by Scrozzle. Blaze forces Scrozzle to send a Gigadrone. The Rangers get the transporters. Commander deploys the zords. Blue drives the van. Roxy leaves the dimension and intercepts Ravi. She runs off and Ravi has to choose if to stop for Roxy or transport the transporters. He chooses to go after Roxy. Roxy morphs. They fight. Megazords are formed and they fight Gigadrone. Ravi turns on his ape power and throws a rock at him. He overheats and Commander detects this. She tries calling him but he doesn't answer. Roxy's morpher is taken and crushed. 

The Gigadrone is destroyed. Ravi fights Roxy and he shoots off her weapon and destroys the avatar. Water from the sprinklers de-heat him. He hears the van and Blaze has taken the transporters. Evox is upset that Roxy is gone but Blaze says he will get his tower. Ravi returns to Roxy but she doesn't wake. Commander is upset at Ravi. He apologizes and she apologizes. They get called by Ben and Betty and they found a Mega Transporter pointed at the Morph-X Tower. Nate figures the two are around it. The Mayor finds Devon and is upset at him. An attack happens and the mayor sends Devon home. Devon leaves and the attack is from Blaze. The un-morphed Rangers without Devon fight the Tronics. The Mayor helps Ben and Betty against the Tronics and one Transporter on a shopping cart.

The Rangers morph and fight. Blaze leaves and aims a Transporter at the tower and activates it. He then teleports and activates another one. Commander sees the transporters have been activated. Ben puts the third transporters in a black van but Blaze takes it. Blaze teleports back to the location where the others battle. Red runs to him and stops him before he activates it. Red calls his claws nad fights Blaze, who calls his sword. Red blocks Blaze. Blaze wraps tentacles around Red. Mayor watches this. Red is demorph and Mayor discovers he is a ranger. Blaze activates the transporter and the tower is teleported away, along with Devon as a hostage. Mayor runs towards Devon but it's too late.

Nate wants to rebuild the gate to charge into Evok's base. Ravi is for getting Devon. Roxy's pod beeps and she wakes up. She looks a mess. She tells him about Evok's plans as she was connected to the evil avatar. They plan to make a new body for Evox. Devon is tied up and is helpless but to watch. 

Love this episode. Some great stuff with Ravi and his mom and also Devon and his dad. All the pieces came together in this episode. Great stuff with Roxy as well. 

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Toys that Made Us: Power Rangers: Editing and Information Errors

Netflix has a toy documentary that has covered Star Wars, Barbie, He-Man, Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony and other toys. A lot of Power Ranger fans appear in this documentary such as Scott from Power Morphicon, Mike of Rangerstop, Black Nerd Andre, my buddy John, and two Ranger actors David Yost and Walter Jones. It tells the story of Haim Saban got the idea from Sentai to make Power Rangers. It starts out by explaining Tokusatsu. It shows a bit of history with Spider-Man and Kamen Rider. The accuracy then leaves. They use clips from subbed shows and mentions the wrong one while showing another. They show the Cyclone from Kamen Rider and say Sentai. I did my best to edit out the opinion from what CCLemon99 wrote. Thanks to him again.  The reason I did this was to just have the errors highlighted. 

Here is a couple of things CCLemon99 noticed:
  • Popy is not mentioned. Popy was around before Bandai, they had the toy license in 1975.
  • Kamen Rider is called the first Henshin Hero when that is inaccurate. I’m not even sure but Ultraman is one of them as well.
  • Mattel imported some toys over from Japan in the 70s. Godaikin was Bandai's first attempt, but not the only attempt.

  • They mention Bioman but show a clip of Kyodai Ken Bycrosser. Bycrosser is not Sentai, but was produced by Toei.
  • No mention of the 1987 comedy Dynaman dub here in the US but it is forgivable as it is just an hour.
  • "Please remember, in 1991 Zyuranger aired in Japan." The show aired in 1992 but the toys were manufactured in 1991, hence why some toys said 1991.
  • The 8 Inch Rangers were not sold for Zyuranger. If they were created for Zyuranger, it is not mentioned. The only time they were released was for Mighty Morphin.
  • The original broadcast time of Day of The Dumpster. It's stated here as being 7:30am on August 28, 1993. In reality, it was 11:30am.

  • "Nonaka, speaking of America toy safety standards, shows a gold Zyusouken that he represents as "the American version" with an incredibly dull blade tip. The American Dragon Dagger is nowhere near as dull and, despite other big differences between the Dragon Dagger and Zyusouken, is the exact same blade. A better example of toy safety differences really lies with the swords that come with things like DX Won Tiger/White Tigerzord." -CCLemon99
  • Stock footage of British parents swarming upon a Toys R Us while Trish is talking about complaints Bandai America was getting. The footage shown is of Bandai Europe.
  • Auto-Morphin figures (1994) are said to be an American creation. Kakuranger (1994) had a line of figures with a very similar transformation action that released earlier in 1994. 
  • A Ninja Steel commercial is shown during the Disney era.
  • When discussing Legacy toys and then showing clips from 1994 toy commercials and Nonaka's gold-plated Kyuukyoku Daizyujin instead of highlighting the Legacy toys themselves.
  • Also, at the end they mention Hasbro taking over and that TOEI was no longer part of it. FALSE. Toei is still partnered with Power Rangers because how else do they get the Super Sentai footage?

I wish it let my friends and other Ranger fans talk about their love of the toys and show off their collections like the Star Wars episode. These errors clearly show how much people really don't take Power Rangers seriously and had no passion for this episode. It could have been really great. I don't know if they messed up the clips on purpose as a homage to the early days of Power Rangers, or even Megaforce. Anyway, it is what it is and there you go. 

Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Rewriting History - Episode Review

Steel wants to own a pet. Nate says if he can take care of a potted plant for a week, then he will get a pet. Meanwhile, the villains are about to execute the plan. Vargoyle presses the button and the memory pulsator will change everyone's memories in the city.  They won't remember Evox. He will replace their memories, making them forget the evil avatars. The new memory is that Blaze and Roxy became Red and Yellow Rangers. Zoey thinks she works in the laundry and surprised she is in the lab. Steel is with his plant and calls the plant Spot. Devon is frozen and Steel is not affected. Devon doesn't remember Steel. 

Steel convinces Devon to go with him to Grid Battleforce for the simulator. They spot Blaze and Roxy going inside. They hide behind a van. They see the other Rangers. Devon doesn't believe Steel's story. Steel realizes that must be the plan. He says bad guys always forget he is a half-human and half robot. Ben and Betty don't recognize him and think they stole the communicators. Devon gives his. They tackle Steel and he lets go his hand and the hand spanks them and plays with them. Devon and Steel run away. The hand returns. They don't have their wristcoms. Vargoyle arrives. 

Vargoyle mentions the broadcast tower, Devon and Steel figure out where the Memory Pulsator is. Steel fights Vargoyle and fails. Devon tries helping and returns the Spot Plant. Devon fights Vargoyle. Steel puts Spot down. Vargoyle beats them up. Vargoyle notices the plant and cuts it. Devon runs fast and saves it, realizing he is the Red Ranger. Steel tells him to get the wrist coms back. Vargoyle burns the plant and Steel mourns it. Vargoyle throws Steel in the trash. Devon gets the wrist coms. Steel gets out of the trash. Devon tells him to not give up. They get the Wrist Coms and go after the pulsator.

Blaze and Roxy want the Rangers to help load the Mega Transporters. Roxy goes to her real body and puts a data chip inside the box. Ben and Betty crack a transporter and end up teleporting to a bunch of random places. Devon and Steel arrive to the pulsator. Steel tries blasting it but it is immune. Devon gets shocked trying to climb it. Steel climbs up the tower even though it shocks him. Devon is to turn off the power and runs off. Muriel's boss stops him but Devon explains and Vargoyle is after him. Devon morphs.

Vargoyle's Morph-X is low and Blaze and Roxy stop Scrozzle from transporting some. Devon fights Vargoyle. Steel gets to the pulsator and turns it off. It explodes and he falls down. The pulse stops and everyone's memories return. Devon calls Steel but he does not respond. Steel shuts down. The Rangers put the transporters in a van. They remember and battle pose. Blaze and Roxy teleport and steel the transporters. Devon continues fighting Vargoyle. He blasts him and destroys Vargoyle. Back at Grid Battleforce, the gang worries about Steel. A Gigadrone arrives and the Rangers leave in zords. Gigadrone arrives and the Beast-X Megazord is formed.

They fight. They destroy it. Steel is back to normal and is called a hero. He feels bad for his plant. Nate says because he saved the city, he can have his pet. They get him a puppy which freezes Devon since dogs make him freeze up. A girl loves the puppy and the mom says they couldn't find a puppy at the shelter. Steel offers the dog to the girl. The Rangers congrats him on his generosity. Steel says he doesn't have the time. Ben and Betty arrive from their trip, which Betty wants to do it again. Ben does not. Everyone laughs. Back with Evox, Blaze and Roxy show off the Mega Transporters and they sabotaged the stasis pod. 

Nice to see Muriel's boss back to continue the continuity. This episode shows the heart of Steel and that he can have emotions not just one-liners and being a flat character. It was great to see Blaze in the Red Ranger suit though.

Grade: A-

Power Rangers Beast Morphers -Ranger Reveal - Episode Review

Everyone is gathered to meet Niki Rev, a celebrity and Zoey's mom is going to interview her. Ben and Betty use a selfie extender and get it caught on something. They get stuck ina truck. Nikki Rev cancels. Vargoyle arrives. Everyone runs away and a cameraman leaves the camera running. The Rangers morph and the camera catches it. Vargoyle uses the Beast powers. The trio is shocked. The five of them fight Vargoyle. The camera is damaged. Vargoyle is running out of morph X. The Rangers call their weapons but Vargoyle teleports away. The Rangers leave. The cameraman says the memory card is damaged and Zoey's mom thinks they have their identity. She says it is her scoop. Zoey arrives and her mom tells her about the Rangers. Zoey tries to convince her not to reveal their identities but she is thinking about her career.

Zoey's mom Muriel tells her boss. Vargoyle has a memory pulsator. Roxy and blaze have a plan for a memory pulsator and shocked Vargoyle stole their idea. They blame Scrozzle. Evox tells them if he is smart enough to steal the plan. he is smart enough to do the plan. Back at the hangout, Ben tries fixing the extender and knocks out the wig from a woman. The woman turns out to be Niki Rev. The Rangers discuss fame, Steel is for it. Steel wants a cooking show and wants a mouth. Ravi says the commander would not approve. Zoey says to leave it to her. Everyone gets crazy for Nikki Rev and she tries to escape the fans. The Rangers protect her.

Shockatron is sent after the Rangers and Scrozzle is to send a Gigadrone. A Grid Battleforce van takes Nikki away. Steel says he'll think twice about fame. The Rangers are told about the danger. The trio go for Shockatron and morph while the others call their zords for the Gigadrone. Shockatron sends their energy back at them. The Rangers deflect and keep fighting. The Gigadrone arrives and the boys fight him with their Megazord. Vargoyle arrives at the channel satellite to set up the device. Devon arrives in his zord to help Gold. Blue and Yellow takedown Shockatron. Red and Gold beat up the Gigadrone. Red destroys the Gigadrone. 

Muriel comes to check on the memory card. Ravi and Zoey arrive and Zoey wants to talk. Nikki Rev arrives and Muriel doesn't want to interview her. Zoey convinces the manager to interview Nikki as a fan. He says yes. Zoey tells the others she has an idea. Nikki says she owes Zoey a favor so she'll do it. Zoey asks Nikki about the downside of fame. Muriel has the footage and she is to air it after the Nikki interview. 

It is Muriel's turn, she talks about the Rangers morphing and has the footage on a memory card. She mentions the Nikki Rev interview and she thought if the Rangers are hounded like a celebrity and they wouldn't be able to do her job. She destroys the chip and says their identities have to be protected. Muriel and Zoey talk. Muriel apologizes. Zoey says she made the right decision. The boss likes it, a reporter with integrity. Vargoyle hounds Scrozzle and laughs about his plan.

I love this episode. This is a great episode. It is rare for a kids' show to talk about integrity and doing the right thing. Fame and fortune and also the Ranger's identities have been covered before but not like this. The Memory device will be used in the next episode.

Grade: A++

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Gorilla Art - Episode Review

Late at night at the base, Nate leaves and Ravi asks if he can work on his saber. In reality, he is working on his artwork. He paints Roxy as she sleeps in the chamber. Smash comes in and Ravi erases his memory. Smash gets the urge to paint and paints the base and then public property. Ben and Betty find him when they are on their bike. Betty tells the commander. They try using water from a hose but fail. The Rangers arrive and a new Robotron arrives. The five morph. Turbotron goes after Smash while Roxy and Blaze fight the five. Devon beats Turbotron back. Ravi leaves with Smash. Devon fights Tronics and Turbotron leaves. 

Ravi puts Smash in a warehouse when Turbotron arrives. Turbotron blows them with a turbine. Ravi tries hitting him but is blown away. Ravi fights the air and uses his gorilla strength. Smash comes and protects Ravi. Scrozzle puts together the beast power discs. Vargoyle arrives and asks for the fury cells and Scrozzle blames Roxy and Blaze. He beats them. Evox arrives. Scrozzle made Vargoyle but he turned against him. Evox offers him to work for him for the beast powers and Blaze and Roxy are mad. Evox said he would reward his strongest servant. Nate checks on Smash, Commander says working on art is a waste of time. Smash is corrupted and they can't use the zords. Ravi admits it was him and have them promise not to tell his mom. 

The Rangers go fight Vargoyle (in a cloak) who is collecting Morph-X, who play-acts for the drama. The five morph. Vargoyle calls Scrozzle, whos says he is playing games with his enemies. The Gigadrone attacks a tower. Devon and his zord come but can't climb the tower. Zoey comes in on her zord to help Devon. Zoey flies away. Nate wants Smash to paint and Smash leaves and goes to help Ravi. Meanwhile, Ravi and Steel corner Vargoyle. Ravi leaves and Steel is on his own. Vargoyle takes off the cloak and beats up Silver. Wheeler zord comes in and turns upside down. Racer Zord bounces off and slashes at he Gigadrone, destroying it. Silver continues fighting Vargoyle. He de-morphs and Vargoyle is about to blast him when Gold Ranger arrives. Vargoyle teleports away.

He shows the Morph-X to Evox and Scfozzle gives the upgrade to Vargoyle. Roxy and Blaze watch this. Evox promises Vargoyle power if he succeeds. Blaze says to work together to get Vargoyle, Roxy agrees. Later, Ravi apologizes to Smash and Smash reveals he knew about the art for months. He kept it to himself. Ravi says he was wrong for not trusting him and hugs Smash. Smash says he never did it before but Ravi says not to get used to it. Smash says his mom will accustom to it one day. Betty and Ben get buckets of soap water on their heads. 

Episode Review:
It is interesting as Ravi keeps hiding stuff from his mom, especially artist talent. It is nice Smash protects Ravi and keeps secrets for him but would have liked his character would be different. I know he is 'cute' for kids and does stereotypical gorilla. Maybe if he was a bit more fleshed out of a character and less stereotypical and hammy. Other than that, a good episode and an interesting storyline about Vargoyle being a creation of Scrozzle that turned against him. Vargoyle is an interesting character but has the same generic villain voices they've been doing lately. 

Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Seeing Red - Episode Review

Episode Summary:
Devon is jogging when a bank robber goes by. Devon decides to show off and chase after him using his Fury Mode. The Red Ranger catches the robber, but the police tell him to stick to fighting Robotrons, while they do their job in catching criminals. Roxy attacks the city with Burnertron, and the Rangers show up. Devon’s Fury Cell that powers his Fury Mode is running low. Devon manages to steal another one from Roxy. His armor loses color and he puts in the new fury cell. He calls the cheetah claws. The five gathers but Devon fights without them. Roxy and the Robotron leave. Devon de-morphs and the others complain. Devon shows the cell to Nate. Nate has lab work to do and takes a hair from Devon The others go to Ripe Tide. Blaze makes fun of Roxy. Scrozzle tells Evox that Devon could become evil. He puts a disc in the Robotron in order to collect the Cheetah power. 

Devon is acting different and the others notice. Devon then shows off martial arts skills in Rip Tide. Ben gets a new cake for his dad. Betty sits on it. Devon beats up the guys. They get called. Devon uses up some of the fury cell. At the base, they figure out the Fury Cell is making him evil. The commander says it is affecting his mind. Nate says to take it off and he says no. Devon says he doesn't need the team and leaves. Nate says there is not enough of the fury cell. The Rangers go out to fight Tronics. The Rangers fight. Roxy shows off another cell. Burnertron is about to be powered up when Devon arrives and spins around Roxy. Ravi takes the fury cell and fights with Devon.

Ravi uses gorilla mode but he overheats. He de-morphs and Devon is about to get the fury cell. Roxy eggs him on. Devon gets the cell and the armor dissolves as the old cell-powered down. Devon is about to put a new cell and realizes what he is doing. He says he was wrong, he was hurting his friends. He breaks the fury cell. Roxy screams and he throws them at her. She teleports away. Devon and Ravi hug. Scrozzle sends a Gigadrone. Commander and Smash take Ravi to med bay. Devon calls the Megazord. Gold, Silver, and Yellow continue fighting Burnertron. Gold and Silver take out the flame out of Burnertron. Yellow and the dup take down the Robotron. Yellow leaves because her energy is low. The disc is left in the dust. Silver and Gold get their zords and form their Megazord. Striker Megazord destroys the Gigadrone. They put out the fire on the Morph-X Tower.

Roxy gives the data chip to Scrozzle. Scrozzle says they have the three beast powers. Roxy says they are hers. Blaze says she has failed. Scrozzle tells them to leave. Ben and Betty are surprised by Devon with a new cake for their dad. Devon apologizes for his obsession. The General comes in and congrats the Rangers. Ben and Betty make a mess with icing bags. He says the icing tastes good. He splashes some on them and they have an icing fight.

This episode reminds me of the moral-telling "Afterschool Special" stories of Ninja Steel. The addiction to the fury cells is obviously alluding to drugs or any addiction, especially the part about Devon "changing" and "acting differently." Power Rangers is not one for subtly but a two-parter where Devon slowly changes would've been cool. Especially since when the fury cells were introduced in the last episode, they had nothing about being addicted to them or turning evil. 


Monday, October 28, 2019

Super Sentai: Enlarging Techniques 2019

UPDATED 10/28/19 3PM EST
Chronicling the differences through the years how they made monsters grow.

Battle Fever (1979) was the first to have giant robot battles, many from episode 5 onward have 'little brother' giant robot doubles.

In Denjiman (1980), Vader Monsters control their body's Cellular structure and are thus able to make themselves grow larger or smaller.

In Sun Vulcan (1981), the monsters have an Expansion Program built into them that not only repairs them, but enlarges them as well.

In Goggle V (1982), this thing made them big.

In Dynaman (1983), the Evolution Beasts undergo Big Bang Process to enlarge when defeated.

In Bioman (1984), the Bioman fought the same five Beastnoids and everything else were big robots.

In Changeman (1985), Gyodaai was One-eyed monster enlarging creature.

In Flashman (1986), Kragen is a jellyfish they call that came from a dimension and makes the monsters grow.

In Maskman (1987), a bug/mollusk hybrid Okelampa that emerges when the Tube Empire monsters are defeated and are enlarged with its ray as Okelampa utters "yare-yare" ("Good heavens!") before taking its leave.

In Liveman (1988), Giga Phantom enlargement bazooka makes monsters grow.

In Turboranger (1989), Jarmin would open her mouth and a large fiery snake would come out and go into the sky and shoot down the same tornado as Zimba and Lehda. Zulten would just blow on his dried out blowfish and a blue tornado would come out and drain energy and lifeforce from the Turborangers to enlarge the beast.

In Fiveman (1991), Gorlins are giant white-skinned robot alien which absorbs and mimics the defeated Galactic Warriors. Each have a number, some combined wit the monster and there were special black Gorlin as well.

Dimensional Bug/Bio Dimension Bugs inside the Dimensional Beasts and Bio Dimensional Beasts would stay alive while the beast died and then it would grow in Jetman (1991).

In Zyuranger, Bandora would throw her wand to Earth and it would make the Earth crack and a mist that would come from it would make the monster grow.

In Dairanger (1993), the Gorma would use Enlarging Bombs. The Gorma foe would have one and take off the top and an explosion would make them grow.

In Kakuranger (1994), lightning would make the Youkai grow.

In both Ohranger (1995), Kocha would make the machine foes grow with a laser from its mouth.

In Carranger (1996), the Gorotsuki would grow thanks to the Imo-Youkan. It is a yellow cube-shaped food made from jellied sweet potatoes. If it is not from this certain store, the Gorotsuki will shrink.

In Megaranger (1997), Bibidebi would bite the Nejire Beasts to make them big, effecting their DNA.

Top Left to Right: Iriesu Battobasu; Bottom Left to Right: Budou Sanbasshu
In Gingaman (1998), depending which General the monster came from, they would drink from a different canister to grow.

In GoGoV (1999), Pierre would throw the cards to the right side to make the demon grow or revive/grow. Bats would surround the demon.

In both Timeranger (2000), this seal would be pealed off the foe and it would make them grow. In was explained that because the criminal was shrunk, the seal keeps them from becoming giant, it was a side-effect from shrinking them.

In Gaoranger (2001), Tsuetsue would enlarge the Orgs with her wand and seeds, then what appeared to be green vines wrapped around to form the giant.

In Hurricanger (2002), there were four ways. For Sargain's robot corp, Wendinu would send through her PDA down a rocket that became the Copy Giant that would copy the look of the robot monster. For Chuzubo's aliens, Wendinu would send down the scroll with a bazooka and the scroll would magically pick up the pieces to make the monster big. For Satorkura's, Wendinu would fling downwards a big mask that was like a boomerang to enlarge the foe. And fourth, Saandaru would use his fan to enlarge his beasts.

In Abaranger (2003), the Life Berry of the Torinoids (it acts a heart) and when destroyed the berry lifts up into the air and they are resurrected as a giant. The Giganoids are already giant to begin with.

In both Dekaranger (2004), the aliens used robots, some did grow but no specific way.

In both Magiranger (2005), the monsters were grown by Infreshia or Wolzard's magic symbol.

In Boukenger (2006), Gekkou made the Tsukumogami into a giant version called a Oogami using his Sutra. Other monsters would just magically grow. As seen in Task 16, Ryuuwon can make a Wicked Dragon grow by firing a special dart from his gun. The Ashu would use robots.

In Gekiranger (2007), the bad guys would grow with their own animal energy Ki.

In Go-Onger (2008), the Gairac used the Bikkurium energy inside the Bankijyu to become big.

In Shinkenger (2009), the Ayakashi just have two lives so when they die once, they automatically become big.

Buredoran in Goseiger (2010) makes monsters grow with his bats.

In Gokaiger (2011), they use a beam from their ship.

In Go-Busters (2012), they use robots and megazords. Rhino Doubler was grown by Enter using a MetaVirus.

In Kyoryuger (2013), Luckyuro waters the remains of the defeated Debo Monster and/or Cambrima with a pumpkin watering can containing Restoration Water, which restores a Debo Monster and makes them grow. It should be noted that Restoration Water only works on members of the Deboth Army, as Restoration Water is derived from the cells of Deboth himself.

In Toqger (2014),  When a Shadow Monster is destroyed, its power goes out of control, making it grow giant.

In Ninninger (2015), When a Yokai is destroyed in battle, Kyuemon Izayoi uses the stolen hammer and a Kibaoni Nin Shuriken to revive the fallen Youkai and make it grow.

In Zyuohger (2016), After a Deathgalien Player is defeated, Nalia is teleported down to insert one of these tokens into a slot on their body. These Medals are infused with power from Ginis' cells, thus allowing the said Deathgalien to be revived and supersized.

Enlarge Inrō
In Kyuranger (2017), the method of growth is dependent on the medium surviving the user's destruction. The majority of them use Enlarge Inro.

In Lupinranger vs Patoranger (2018), using the Get big/Gros caliber syringe Lupin Collection Goche Ru Medou can perform reconstructive surgery on fallen Gangler Monsters, enlarging and reviving them.

In Ryuusoulger (2019), Minosaurs grow naturally with strength.