
Friday, July 19, 2019

Hasbro news from SDCC 2019

First of all, we all know that the Beast Morphers cast was/is not at San Diego Comic Con 2019 while all Neo Saban casts were previously. I don't really care. But Hasbro sent a video message form the cast. The major highlight was the Lightning Collection.

We were told we would get Pink Ranger, Goldar, Magna Defender, Red Beast Morpher and gold will be coming soon and they will be. Goldar box art not pictured.

Green Ranger and Putty Patroller set revealed, Green Ranger is 'evil' so he has the Sword of Darkness but for some reason, fans don't like he has the silver stripe on his helmet. 

Boom Comics shown off an Omega Red Ranger.

And the teamup of Beast Morphers we have been waiting for..
Jason (Austin St. John) is returning. No plot synopsis yet. In May it was rumored that Davi Santos (Ivan/Dino Charge Gold), Yoshi Sudarso (Koda/Dino Charge Blue) and Brennan Mejia (Tyler/Dino Charge Red) were on set. It was later reported Austin St. Jon (Jason Geiger) would also return. Also, James Davies (Chase/Dino Charge black) has also been reported. Brennan Mejia denied it in one video but we all knew he might be avoiding it. The trio were at a convention in New Zealand. 

Footage was seen of this teamup with Dino Thunder Blue, Dino Charge Black, MM Blue, Dino Charge Blue, MM Pink and Dino Charge Gold (Gold in his tan US suit). Obviously, this teamup will be based on the Kyoryuger vs Go-Busters special with a Dino teamup (Abaranger, Kyoryuger, and Zyuranger). It is possible they will use the actual footage. A few months ago people freaked out there was not going to be Dino Thunder cast. It might look like they won't be there but they could also have voice overs. Even though the other Mighty Morphin Rangers are present, the actors might not be there but only the suits. So there is more I have to rant but I will do it later.