
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Power Rangers/Super Sentai Villain Comparison: Wild Force/Gaoranger

Master Org
Both series had their own master org, both were figureheads. The Gaoranger's master org was just a stone statue and nothing more. The PR one was a man who pretended to be an org for more power. 20 years ago he killed the Red Ranger's parents. His costume was inspired by the boss in Dairanger, expect for the eye and horn. PR's Master Org was discovered and kicked out, but got more power and became a new formed monster that was defeated by the Rangers by the end. He was wicked and selfish.

Toxica / Tsuetsue
Toxica was the last American actress to have the same costume as the original source but also be Asian. All other actresses, of course because the show is now filmed in New Zealand, are either Australian or a Kiwi. Both were basically the same kind of witch, other than acting style and cultural references. Master Org brainwashed Toxica and Jindrax to be 'super', but in Gaoranger they simply upgraded, no brainwash. Both became different forms as Necronomica/Onihime temporarily. Both were tricked by Rasetsu/Mandilok to cut off their horns to loose their Org-ness. She later returned in Hurricanger vs. Gaoranger and Boukenger vs. Super Sentai.

Jindrax / Yabaiba
Both were kinda goofy knife-wielders. Both also were partners with Toxica/Tsuetsue (who they loved and rescued from hell). While Jindrax pretended and wanted to have a rivalry with Yellow, Yabaiba actually had one with GaoYellow. Yabaiba and Tsuetsue were buried under a cave-in and later returned to fight the Gaoranger in Hurricanger vs. Gaoranger. Jindrax and Toxica became good on their own and roamed the planet.

Retinaxe/ Shuten
Shuten was the first of the Highness Duke Org. Shuten was harsh to his underlings and was cruel and serious. When he lost to the Gaorangers, Ura drained and absorbed all his power. Shuten was later resurrected in the series finale to be fused with the others to become Senki. On the other hand, Retinaxe was loyal bodyguard to Master Org. After Master Org was defeated, he roamed the Earth in shame. Upon hearing of the Master's return, he set out to destroy the Rangers to prove himself, but he was defeated. Master Org later destroyed Retinaxe to prevent him from revealing his true identity.

Urawas effeminate and obsessed with collecting beautiful things, he was the one who woke Loki. He was beaten by the newly transformed GaoSilver, who also takes out Ura. Ura's crown is then used by Tsustsue to become the Highness Duchess Onihime. But Ura regenerated himself from his crown and captured GaoSilver to have him reabsorb the power of 1,000 years' rage (Loki's energy). Nayzor was released by Master Org to find and free Zen-Aku. Nayzor succeeded, but failed to gain any control over Zen-Aku. Nayzor served as Master Org's general (through an implant) and was upgraded to a super form and then killed. Nayzor was just 'classy', not effeminate.

Rasetsu had both female and male voices, personality of both genders and surprisingly was passed through to Power Rangers. Both were
ravenous with an appetite for anything in its reach, and used a knife and fork as his weapons. Both betrayed Toxica/Tsuetsue into cutting their horns and demoting their org-ness. They were destroyed by the Rangers in both versions.

Zen-Aku / Loki
Zen-Aku basically means good and bad. Both were basically the same. Both were tormented warriors who once were good, they put on a wolf mask that took them over and were bad to the Rangers. They stole their Power Animals and had their own. They then had some redemption and redeemed when the curse was broken. Unlike Loki who was destroyed forever, Zen-Aku lived and then roamed the Earth alongside the Lunar Wolf Ranger.

1 comment:

  1. Correction: Mandilok was killed by Master Org while Rasetsu was killed by the Gao Kentaurus.


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