
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lady Gaga is a Sentai Villainess

While ItsMorphinTime of Rangerboard has covered this in September, I have more comparisons to how Lady Gaga's outfits look like they are inspired by Sentai & PR villains/and or characters.
Most of these outfits are from the Video Music Awards
Above left: Her white mousy outfit looks like Furabijou of Hurricanger/Marah of Ninja Storm; Above right: the white bloody outfit looks to be inspired by Lira of Timeranger/Nadira of Time Force and a bit of Shelinda's [of Gingaman]; Bottom Left: the seashell one looks a bit like Shibolina of Megaranger; Bottom right: the last one looks more inspired by European styles but has a touch of divatox of Power Rangers Turbo and Bandora of Zyuranger/Rita of PR.

ItsMorphinTime also mentioned this outfit above looks a bit like the red judge of the Tribunal of Magic in Mystic Force, who was not technically a villain--nor good or evil, it was neutral. The headdress is different and Ms. Gaga is showing panties.

I chose not to cover the bird nest outfit, but I agree with ItsMorphinTime that it looks like Lokar/daiSatan.


Now people are comparing her American Music Awards outfit to either Shrieker (Mystic Force), Lord Zedd or Skellerina (MMPR Season 2 monster).

(1993) ZZ Zeri/ Delisha Ennivel's glasses probably inspired Lady Gaga's Cigarette glasses.


  1. Who tells this woman it's okay to leave the house like this?!?!

  2. Oh my, because of this entry I can now see the similarities! I never actually have thought of it before. Hmmmm sounds quite plausible, considering that a number of these Sentais have been around before she was known. Wow, thanks! ^_^

  3. Oh my, because of this entry I can now see the similarities! I never actually have thought of it before. Hmmmm sounds quite plausible, considering that a number of these Sentais have been around before she was known. Wow, thanks! ^_^

  4. This is incredibly impossible........... or is it???


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