
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Korean Animated Series based Zyuranger

In the biggest copyright infringement ever, there is a new CGI and 2D animated series from South Korea that is literally a rip-off of Super Sentai. The robots are copies of the Zyuranger (1992) God Beasts (Shoguzyus) a.k.a. the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' Dinozords. Yellow is a Chinese Dragon (in place of the Red Tyrannosaurus), White is a tiger (in place of the Yellow Sabertooth Tiger), Green is a dragon (In place of Blue Triceratops), Blue is a turtle (in place of the Black Mammoth) and Red is a phoenix (in place of the Pink Pterodactyl). The Dragon Caesar/Dragonzord becomes a Cockatrice-like creature. The sixth ranger is Black. The actual heroes have lame costumes, Yellow is the leader and Red is the only girl--updated 3/25/10, differences is that they use cards and they are kids. To continue the infringement, their main weapons are the Gaoranger (2001) Gao Daggers/Power Rangers Wild Force's Crystal Sabers. On top of that, the big robot is called the God Beast Megazord, a clear combination of the original Japanese name (Shoguzyu) and the American name (Megazord).

God Beast King = 신수금강


  1. I don't like Chinese animation. Usually Chinese entertainment is better in live-action.

  2. Hmm, the Mechas seem to be mainly based on the Chinese Holy Beasts, with Yellow being the leader due to his Mecha being Huanglong. Ofcourse the other Dragon and the Turle have their colors wrong, but atleast Quinglong is sometimes shown in green...

  3. Is it just me or does the theme song even sound like a bit of a rip off of Abaranger's theme song?

  4. Now you're sure this is illegal and not just a foreign attempt at sentai like Sportranger?

  5. My goodness! This should get an english dub!
    Disney should buuy the rights and make it a power ranger season ^___^

    Get some vet rangers to Voice act.
    Jason David Frank, Cathrine Sutherland, Steve Cardenas, Johny Bosch, Karen Ashely

    Oh yeah and you forgot King Mondo in the villain Poll X__X

  6. To the five commenter that said I forgot King Mondo, the poll is about "Best Main Villain special only to Power Rangers?"---meaning any villain that was not in Super Sentai and was made exclusively and specifically for Power Rangers. -- why you think I didn't count Rita, Queen Bansheera, The Master, or Dai Shi?

  7. At Mark: This robot's many significant similarities to Daizyujin and use of the term "Megazord" certainly leaves Bandai open to pursue a copyright infringement claim. I haven't seen how Bandai reacts to challenges to its intellectual properties. They might file a claim on sheer principle. They might only do so if this show outperforms Super Sentai by a significant amount.

    As the owners of the copyrights here infringed, what, if anything, should be done about this is Bandai's decision to make.

    Japan and China have a very strong and very old contempt for one another. Also, China has a general lack of respect for foreign copyrights. In such a climate, things like this program's creation occurring aren't much of a surprise.

  8. The robot does indeed look like Zyuranger's - but I don't think it qualifies as infringement. There's enough difference that you'd never confuse the two.

    Plus - aren't there also other Sentai Rip-Offs, even in Japan?

  9. Watched the first Episode, or better, parts of it. Turns out Red is a Girl.

  10. So what is this show called?

  11. something about beasts, animals or animal king.

  12. I think this show looks interesting but what is it called? I don't see anywhere in the article what the title of the show is.

  13. I don't know which is the kanji or the real name, look at the link, the name is there, but it's in Chinese.

  14. What's worse is that considering its just a slightly altered mold, it is compatible with daizyujin/megazord


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