
Monday, August 9, 2010

Bulges: Cup or not to Cup

When I was a kid, I couldn't help but notice the unmistakable glimpse of a crotch in the male Rangers in promotional pictures where the actors were in the suits without helmets on. In these pictures, the ones in Red are unmistakable. But what is interesting is that Daniel Ewing (Dillon of RPM) mentioned in an interview that he had to wear an athlete cup and I am amusing Disney had all their male Ranger actors wear cups.
But at further inspection, the Rangers under Saban's reign seemed not be wearing cups, by the shape of the erm.. crotch or nether-regions.

Here are examples of the Disney Rangers. Dan Ewing said he had to wear a cup. On Mac, you can clearly see he is wearing a cup. What do you guys think or what have you heard? Of course, straight guys are not going to be looking there, and might make jokes or complaints, so I am asking all my fellow man-lovers for help.

Commenter David brought up a good point, an athlete cup would make sense in the fictional world, they are fighting, they have the suits for 'protection' so they do need 'protection' there more than anywhere else. And in Sentai, the Rangers always hit the footsoldiers in the groin but we don't see that in PR, well the only time was when Aisha had the Ninja Megazord kick Ivan Ooze in his groin in the movie, but that was non-canon.


  1. Sorry to be offtopic but what is the deal with the pink color on the links to other sites?

  2. I would say I prefer cups. Within the context of Power Rangers, I would prefer that this delicate region not be unprotected and on full display, waiting to be taken advantage of by their enemies. That's pretty much what I think about when I see bulges in publicity photos.

  3. 'Shinken Red', It is because I was bored and also I wanted the poll thingy to be pink stripe and orange-yellow numbers.

  4. Cups are good. They turn me on. And I watch toku to be turned on.

  5. Wait so that is really their ____ lol I always thought it was my imagination. As for the in fiction universe there shouldn't be a reason for them to be wearing cups right? Since the suit should give equal protection. And it kind of implies that the suit replaces the clothing that the rangers are wearing so hmmmm :P

  6. its clear in america the use of cups but what do they use in japan i mean the suits are all stream line their is it like a fushido and a cup mix

  7. Have you noticed that in Gaoranger, Silver's bulge sticks out like a sore thumb throughout the whole series?
    I mean literally, you can see the whole damn thing and balls. Disturbing for kids.

  8. Well, of course, under Disney's reign they're going to enforce cups, Disney's a tyrant. But I'd much rather Saban's control and would have liked to see RPM with Saban instead to see Dan Ewing without a cup. Ahem... >.>

  9. Have any one noticed That Conner in Dino Thunder never has a bulge, even while wearing wet half pants, how peculiar???!!!

  10. Have any one noticed That Conner in Dino Thunder never has a bulge, even while wearing wet half pants, how peculiar???!!!


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