
Monday, November 8, 2010

Justin Nimmo / A Day in the Life / Where's He Now

I found this article in my old files, it is from BOP Magazine (January 1999). He was born September 5, 1974 in Lexington, Oklahoma. I must clarify that the article below I did not fabricate and I did not write it.
A Day in the Life of Nimmo
Have you always wondered what it would be like to be a Power Ranger? Twenty-four-year-old Justin Nimmo, the newest addition to the Fox Kids Network's Power Rangers in Space, is here to give you the behind-the-scenes scoop on being a Silver Savior of the universe! You can also catch the blond-haired babe on the big screen in Pleasantville.

"Usually our call time is 6 a.m. I take a shower the night before and wake up within two minutes of leaving the house because I have to get every minute of sleep I can! I go to [the studio] and they give me 10 or 15 minutes to eat breakfast-usually bacon and eggs, ham and cheese sandwiches or French toast. Then I get in the make-up chair. What they do to me is stick one of those caps that you frost your hair with on my head, pull my hair through and make little silver tips on a few strands of my hair.

Afterward, they do my makeup, and then I put on my costume of the day, whether it's my flight suit, Power Ranger outfit or civilian clothes. Then I hang out for about 20 minutes until they get the lights figured out. Usually at about 7:30 a.m., at least, everybody goes to the set and they say good morning to everyone. They get all the actors together to do a rehearsal of the scene that they are going to do. Usually they shoot like five scenes a day, and they do one at a time, so we just rehearse for one scene.

The director will tell us, "Well I would rather you do this or rather you do that." And then we shoot a bunch of stuff-it seems like they shoot a lot more then they should. We usually finish one or two scenes before lunch and then take like a 45-minute lunch break. I usually have meat-roast beef or roasted or broiled chicken-a vegetable-like carrots, broccoli or steamed veggies-salad and a pastry for desert.

I usually eat the Caesar salad instead of the house salad and half-lemonade-half-tea combination to drink. We go back to makeup after lunch to get touch-ups, and from there I go in and start shooting another scene until I'm all done. Once we're done, the cast and crew tells everybody, "Thank you very much." Everybody's really nice and happy that they get to go home.

I'm usually out of there by 6 or 6:30 p.m. But first I have to sign out of there with the assistant director. I take off my makeup, change out of my wardrobe, jump in the truck and come home to eat something else. I make sure to eat a certain amount of meat, vegetables and roughage-you have to have that-everyday. And you have to eat your salad last because it pushes your food down. I learned all that in fitness [class].

After that I like to go and watch a movie or something. Usually it's kind of late in the evening, but the sun is still up so it's like a good time to either go to the driving range and play some golf or go across the street to the park and Rollerblade. I have to keep it pretty simple because I have to work again the next morning. But I usually can't sleep, so I end up going to bed between 2 and 3 in the morning. Although, I wish I could be asleep by 10.

Justin's Motivating Mom
Ask this babely Brad Pitt look-alike who the most influencial person in his life is, and 24-year-old Justin Nimmo wont hesitate to tell you. "Obviously that would be my mom," the actor, who graces the small screen as Zhane, the Silver Ranger, on Fox Kids Network's Power Rangers in Space, immeediately offers about his leading lady. "She told me to be an actor."

Apparently, Justin's mom, Linda, wasn't the only one who saw major star potential that couldn't be passed up. "My mother worked with this lady who had an agency and she told me just to go talk to her--just for the fun of it," the Oklahoma native explains to BOP. "I did and they were like, 'We'll get you some work,' so I signed up with them."

After hooking him up with modeling work, Justin's agency sent him to the International Model and Talent Association convention in Los Angeles, California, where he met Hollywood agents who offered to represent him in acting. "I guess it was two months later," he recalls. "Me and two other people packed up our stuff and moved out there."

Lucky for Justin, ever since he moved to Los Angeles two years ago, he's found that Hollywood's doors have been open to him. Not only did he win a role as a Power Ranger, but he also landed a spot in last year's Pleasantville, starring Reese Witherspoon and Tobey Maguire, and several TV shows, including Saved By the Bell and Sweet Valley High!

It looks like Justin shouldn't be the only one who's stoked about his mom's motivation--we should be too. Because without her, he might not be here for us to enjoy! Thanks, mom!

He was the only one of the Space Rangers not to return in the Lost Galaxy teamup "To the Tenth Power."

He is now the co-owner of Just-In Time Rent To Own company with his wife Michelle in Purcell, Oklahoma since 2004. They have two children.


  1. Lost Galaxy/in Space team-up was called "To The Tenth Power", not "Power of the Tenth".

  2. I sold him a car when I worked for Purcell name is josh bunch


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