
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Six Degrees of... the Power Rangers #4 - Tom Cruise

This time my challenge to readers was to connect Power Rangers to Tom Cruise, in the style of the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game.

Tom Said...
Tom Cruise is in Jerry McGuire with Cuba Gooding Jr.
Cuba Gooding Jr. is with Zack Ward in the Devils Tomb

Zack Ward was in Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles and Dollhouse with Summer Glau (though they never met in either)

Summer Glau was with Eliza Dushku in Dollhouse and Nathan Fillion in Firefly and they were in...

Buffy with Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Walter Jones (Zack, MMPR Season 1 & 2) was in an episode of Buffy.

Simone Said...
Tom Cruise was in Top Gun with Anthony Edwards, who was in ER...

Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly MMPR seasons 1-3) appeared in one episode of ER in season 8.
[I Checked, Anthony Edwards was indeed in that said episode. Side Note: The actors who played Max, Danny, Cole, Master Org of PRWF, Kai of PRLG and Joel from PRLR had guest spots on ER in separate episodes.]

Now challenge me once again.

I'm too excited, here's your next challenge...


  1. Kevin Bacon was in The Air I Breathe with Sarah Michelle Gellar
    Sarah Michelle Gellar was in Buffy, which Walter Jones appeared in an episode.

  2. lolz, I love how we're all using buffy

  3. Yeah, once we started finding common relationships with a few of them it goes pretty quick. Maybe to add more challenge you could try having people connect to a specific season or even actor?

  4. Kevin Bacon was in Apollo 13 with Gary Sinise, who stars in CSI: NY in which Erin Cahill guest starred in during one episode.

  5. Kevin Bacon was in my Dog Skip, with Frankie Muniz, who was in Malcolm in the Middle with Bryan Cranston, who did some voice-over roles of some of the monsters on Power Rangers. BOOM!

  6. Zack Ward was in Greg Aronowitz' "The Suit" (retitled "Battle Planet" or something on Sci-Fi) with Monica May.

    So much quicker.

  7. I always though Tom Cruise would make the perfect ranger.

  8. Kevin Bacon was in Footloose with Lori Singer. Lori Singer was in the tv series Fame with Erica Gimpel. Erica Gimpel was in ER with Anthony Edwards. Anthony Edwards was in an episode of ER with Amy Jo Johnson

  9. kevin bacon was in mystic river which starred jonathan togo who is in csi:miami which erin cahill (Jen, PRTF) appeared in one episode in season 6.

  10. here is one that has fewer links but is a bit challenging (at least I hope it is). connect power rangers to Richard Machowicz

  11. Richard Machowicz is going to be on the newest season of Deadliest Warrior, which Jason Faunt (Alex/Wes PRTF) was in one episode in season 2 playing Alexander the Great


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