
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2010 - Green With Evil Part 5 (IN 3-D!!!) Review

This will be the final MMPR reversion I will be reviewing because I wanted to finish the Green With Evil and I figure what's the point since it has been canceled. Most likely the show will end in September when ABC gets new programming.

In this episode, the Rangers are shocked about Tommy being the dude that's been trying to kill them. So what do they do? Go out and seek him! Kimberly is brave enough to face him and plead to him that they could save him. Rita releases the Dragonzord from the sea and all the Rangers can do without the zords is look around. Alpha manages to bring Zordon back and bring the Zords back. The zords fight Dragonzord and put it in submission. Jason fights Tommy and manages to destroy the Sword of Darkness, or how Zack puts it... "Power Sword."

The reversion decided to put red and blue lines around some still shots, looking like it is meant to be in 3-D but it goes so quickly that what is the point of putting on 3-D glasses? So most likely it's just a similar looking effect but no really 3-D. As for the original episode, there is a lot of mistakes. Zack calls the Sword of Darkness the Power Sword. When the news shows Goldar attacking on TV, they show Rita in her palace, how they got a camera over there? Also, the infamous "No way!" from someone who is meant to be Tommy but sounds nothing like him. How I used to take this was that it was a voiceover device Tommy put on the Dragonzord. The revisionists didn't even fix it. They could have replace the sound with Dragonzord roars.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Voting Results: My Fan Film Project

It is time to come clean. Before I found out Saban was adapting Shinkenger, I decided (with my degree in TV Production) to do my own fan film using Shinkenger footage but not call it 'Power Rangers' because of copyright infringement. But I had already bought a lot of props and equipment already and decided not to go through with a Shinkenger adaptation because of new developments (i.e. Saban adapting the series). I am not connected in anyway to Disney or Saban, I am just a fan like everyone else. I did some polls on this blog but did not reveal the results or their real intention.

Also recently I got a comment from this fan: Sebastien Pitches
said, "You are forgetting the poll for the Shinkenger as Power Rangers. .... [Also] maybe even think about YOUR idea for a Shinkenger and Goseiger adaptation. These are just some examples I'm not demanding you, just you may want to consider it one day." I have edited this comment and cropped it for the main idea pertaining to this topic but did not alter the original meaning of the commenter.

Best Name for Shinkenger as Power Rangers?
This was before we found out Saban would be back and he would be doing Shinkenger. I actually asked this question for my own fanfilm.
Samurai Strike - 187 of 215
Eternal Samurai - 42 votes
Team Samurai - 30 votes
Forever Samurai - 28 votes

I want to make a Power Ranger Fan Film, should it be based on...
Shinkenger 124 of 196
Goseiger 72 votes

So since I decided not to use the Shinkenger footage because of the new developments. I decided to do Dairanger and for a number of reasons. I could have done Jetman or an older Sentai, but since I already had team jackets for red, green, blue, pink and yellow and I didn't want to buy a light blue one, white one and black one, as I have such a low low lowest budget imaginable. Also, since we are using the Dairanger footage, I decided to first use one episode that wasn't used by MMPR and not refer to the beasts as Thunderzords. I don't want to discuss what I would have done with the Shinkenger footage until the new PR season started, or maybe even after it ended.

The D of the Dairanger suits should stand for what if it was for PR?
Destiny - 70 of 124
Devine - 42
Danger - 5
Daring - 7

If Dairanger was made into Power Rangers, what name would be appropriate?
Mythical Squad 57 of 127
Mythical Rage 26 (21%)
Daring Destiny 14 (10%)
Defining Destiny 17 (14%)

Daring Legends 11 (7%)
Danger Squad 2 (1%)

I don't like the title 'Mythical Squad' (which was the post voted in the above poll) so I will have it in a new poll compared with 'Mythical Destiny' because I really want the word 'Destiny' in the title to tie in with the 'D's on the uniforms. I am calling them Destiny Rangers. So this is a fanfilm/webisode, and won't be sold for money or any monetary gain, this fan webisode will be posted on this blog for free. I managed to get my friends to be the Rangers, they are not professional actors. So we will start shooting in June, hopefully will be done by August. It will just be one webisode, if it gets a good reception, and I can get everyone back together, then we might do a small web series. Depending on how fans receive it, I might even do some of the Dairanger story arcs.

So what is the plot?
Five descendants of warriors that fought for generation after generation to save the world from manifestation of anger, pain and depression. They were trained in an academy but it has now been destroyed and it is up to them to form a team.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How elements of Beetleborgs are more accepted than when used in Power Rangers

I noticed how there are newly introduced elements in Power Rangers that fans did not enjoy, but these elements were present in Beetleborgs and fans were fine with it.

Children as Heroes
This show premiered September 1996 and Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie premiered March 1997. The majority of Power Ranger fans are also Beetleborg fans, of course there is Beetleborg fans that aren't PR fans. But when fans first saw Justin, they didn't like him because he was a obvious gimmick or ploy to attract more viewers. It didn't matter how smart the character was, I think what happen was that it went against the original premise of the show, that it was 'Teenagers with attitude'. And fans were okay with Beetleborgs being children was because it was the premise and they were okay with it.

Comic Book Effects
The comic book effects (Pow! Bam!) mostly was used for the opening sequence but it was pretty clear the theme of the show. The comic book effects were accepted with fans because it was the theme, about heroes from comic books. For Disney's reversion of MMPR, comic book effects were added. And fans were clearly not happy with these. Because of course, it was adding things 17 years later and had nothing to do with the original crew or the original concept. While the effects on BBBB, it was during when it was produced.

Civilian Powers
From the get-go, the Beetleborgs had powers when they weren't in armor. It is obvious and made sense that the kids, who weren't known as martial arts experts, to have extra powers to help them out fight. In Power Rangers, rangers to have powers outside of their hero forms, Andros, Zhane and Trip had powers (telekensis and psychic). But during te Disney Era, after Ninja Storm, Rangers have powers outside of their Ranger forms. It was touched upon in a past post.


Many fans, not exclusively me, but namely fellow blogger Sean Akizuki believes the Mega Blue Beetleborg/Super Blue Beet was the inspiration for the Battlizers. I think maybe but it looks mostly because of coincidence. But it could be since Beetleborgs ran from 1996-1998 while the Battlizer was first introduced in 1998, so it was feasible. Plex/Bandai America designs the Battlizers and Plex for sure designed B-Fighter. Some fans aren't that fond of the Battlizers because it has the Red Ranger working solo and not as a team, defeating the theme of teamwork Power Rangers stands for. It sort of looks that way too for Beetleborgs but all three got special non-Japanese footage armor for the second season Beetleborgs Metallix.

Monday, May 31, 2010

American Tokusatsu during MMPR Hey-Day

In 1994, because of the success of Power Rangers, the next fall season of 1994 had many imitators, some from Saban, some that weren't. I'll start with those that were not from Saban. I am not covering Kamen Rider Dragon Knight because I am only covering the 90's.


Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad
Not made by Saban, it was produced by DiC, best known for animated fare like Inspector Gadget, Rainbow Brite and dubbing Sailor Moon. It starred Joey Lawrence's younger brother Matthew Lawrence. It aired from September 1994 to Summer 1995 syndicated (meaning it aired off network on local channels). A couple episodes did air in the summer of 1995 on ABC. There were 52 episodes and it was based on the Japanese series Gridman, which had a similar plot. This show has its followers, it may have had a second season if Gridman had a second season, one was planned but never happened. Gridman was not from Toei--which most of the tokusatsu was bought by Saban and the SSSS toys were made by Playmates toys (best known for Ninja Turtles).
Plot: Sam and his rock band tap into cyberspace to fight evil viruses. Kilokahn (voiced by Tim Curry) wanted to take over the world and used the young British outsider Malcolm to do this evil deeds. I covered the differences with Gridman on this post.

Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills
It aired on the USA Network from October 1994 to later in 1995 with 40 episodes, produced partly by DiC and the USA Network. Rumor was that they were supposed to get footage from a Japanese show, but they were forced to go low-budget and make their own footage. At the time, I thought the show was cheap and rude, but in reality the show was much like a parody. The four didn't quite like each other, they weren't friends before and were rude to each other. The bird cohort of Gorganus seemed to be re-used from the Flintstones movie (The Dictabird). This show wasn't popular at all in ratings, it had no toys and almost zero promotion.
Plot: Four spoiled teenagers (not friends) from Beverly Hills transformed into muscle-building Sentinels and fought the same monsters day in and day out from the evil Emperor Gorganus.
My post about the show.

VR Troopers
Saban wanted to build on the success of Power Rangers, but not share with FOX Kids, so he made another deal with Toei to use the footage from Metalder, which was part of the Metal Hero series. He got Jason David Frank, after filming "Green Candle" and shot the pilot called Cybertron with a catchy theme song by Ron W. But because of the success of the Green Ranger, they decided to bring Tommy back. Brad Hawkins was hired to be the White Ranger but switched and offered this show that was named VR Troopers, with footage of Speilban and two other actors. It aired from 1994 to 1996, two seasons, it was popular but it is unknown why it was canceled. The toys were made by Kenner (best known for Star Wars), not Bandai America.
Plot: Ryan Steele sought his father, who was taken prisoner by Grimlord, a evil being bent on taking over our world, from his virtual reality. Ryan and his friends, using technology from his father, save the world.

Saban's Masked Rider
Premiered in 1995, spin-off from Power Rangers in Season 3. The show itself severed any connections with Power Rangers. This was based on Kamen Rider Black RX, which as produced by Toei and it upset the creator, so much that they no longer wanted Kamen Rider to be tied to Saban. Toei would try again with Kamen RIder Dragon Knight with Adness in 2009. It aired for one year 1995 to 1996 on FOX Kids and then in syndication under Saban's syndication block years later, but in repeats of course. From 1995-1996, it was the only time Saban productions had 3 series like this filming and airing at the same time. Toys were made by Bandai America like Power Rangers.
Plot: Prince Dex came from the planet Edenoi to stop his evil Uncle Dregon from conquering the Earth and lived with a mixed-race family.

Big Bad Beetleborgs
This aired after Masked Rider and VR Troopers ended. It aired from 1996 to 1998 on FOX Kids, it aired for two seasons, it had 53 episodes. Based on another Toei series B-Fighter and B-Fighter Kabuto. It was popular and would have had a third season, but they had no more footage, they had plans to do a third season without the footage but didn't happen. By this point, only Power Rangers and Beetleborgs were in production. Toys were made by Bandai America like Power Rangers and Masked Rider.
Plot: Three kids happen by a haunted mansion and are granted a wish by a genie to become their favorite comic book superheroes.

Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog
This aired after Beetleborgs ended. This was Saban's first attempt at an action series with no Toei footage or any Japanese footage as it was. It aired from 1998 to 1999, 50 episodes. A second season (Mystic Knights: Battle Thunder) was planned but it never happened. It was shot in Ireland but had little to do with real Irish mythology. It was a bit popular. FOX Kids blamed this show for the Young Hercules series not succeeding. This was Saban's last attempt at a sibling series for Power Rangers. When Mystic Knights ended, its budget went to PR, giving Lost Galaxy a bigger budget. Toys were made by Bandai America like Power Rangers, Masked Rider and Beetleborgs.
Plot: Four warriors fight Queen Maeve of Temra from ruling the kingdom of Kells with the help of fairies and dragons.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Poll Results: Would you like Blake Foster to return as Justin?

Would you like Blake Foster to return as Justin?
As a New Ranger - 127 of 221
Not Return At All - 70 of 221
As the Blue Turbo Ranger for 1 or 2 episodes - 24 votes

I am surprised people want him back, since people considered Justin annoying. Well, they don't want them as Blue Turbo Ranger but as a new Ranger all together.

Facebook: Bring Blake Foster Back to the Power Rangers

Goseiger Epic Episode 2-14 Poll Results

I lost the one for Epic 3. 106 of 156 that Episode 2 was 'excellent,' 96 of 142 found Episode 4 'cool.' 103 of 127 found Epic 5 'great,' and 97 of 127 found Epic 6 'Great.'

Epic 7 (which I mistakenly called 'Act') got a 'fantastic' from 101 of 122; Epic 8 got 63 out of 112; 75 of 113 found Epic 9 'cute,' and 67 of 90 found Epic 10 'Epic!'

Epic 11 got 75 of 101; Epic 12 got 96 of 114; 104 of 126 voted 'awesome' for Epic 13 and Epic 14 got 97 of 119.