
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Toy Week: 'My Size' 3 feet tall Power Rangers

3 feet tall? 3 foot tall? 3' tall. I am typing this because it is hard to find stuff through google search. So this will be easier for people to find it. I couldn't find other pictures.
These came out in 1994, I wish I could have got one but they were real expensive. There was only the boys: Red, Blue, Black, White and Green. I liked the back that they had the Thunderzords and the Green Ranger with Dragonzord. They didn't make toys like these of other seasons.


  1. my size mega zords and my size bikes first of which was advertised in fox kids magazine oh do a post on that please

    the my size bike were mostly relaeased and or made in the uk

  2. remember my parents bought me this exact ranger and surprised my with it one birthday afternoon at peter pipers when i was younger.. god if only i had this now.. collecting the original mmpr again. cant find it anywhere on the net. the things we take for granted when we were young:/

  3. i have one. what do you think it is worth? im looking for another but you guys are right. its impossible to find info or another one like it.

  4. There is a white power ranger on ebay right now

  5. I have this white one, the box is abit tatty, Does anyone know what I would get if I sell this. I bought it in 1994 as it came into the superstore I worked in. I have never seen one since apart from this pic.

  6. I have one. I found it last month in the attic. Good memories!

  7. I have one of those. I found it last month.
    Here is my vlog that showed it:

  8. Hi, My mother recently passed away and she left me her entire doll collection. I just happen to have all 4 of the "My Size" Power Rangers. Is anyone interested in buying them or do you know where I should look to sell them? It looks as though they are pretty rare. Thank you

  9. I just came across this blog looking for a life size power ranger. My brother and I came up on the power rangers abd now my son loves them. My brother actual has the white and red ranger but as you can imagine they are quite worn. I would love to surprise my son with power rangers if I could so if you still are planning on selling them ( or haven't already) I would love to purchase one.

  10. I own the black one have searched EVERYWHERE for a collectors price since they are so rare. No box but still like new condition I'd accept offers


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