
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Sound and Fury - Episode Review

Episode Summary:
A maintenance girl wants to do something more complicated and interviews with Zoey and Nate. Ben and Betty test out the Cheetah Claw for Devon. The dressing is thrown at Betty and it blows up. The girl Megan says they are a mess and she has experience. Nate doesn't like her. There is a long line of people applying for his assistant, Megan says she will be the next assistant to herself. Zoey and Nate meet at the movie. Scrozzle is telling a story to Roxy. Blaze brings a new Tubatron and shows Evok new keys--Fury Cells. Scrfozzle is mad he took them, Evox wants to use them. Megan sees Zoey and Nate and thinks it is a date and it is against the rules for Rangers to date and hse takes a picture. 

The Rangers face Tubatron. Blaze gives him a fury cell and he is powered up. The five morph. The trio fight Tubatron and Gold and Silver go after Blaze. Tubatron destroys Blue's saber. Gold blasts the box of fury cells. Silver takes a fury cell. Tubatron blasts Red away and his visor cracks. They de-morph and Devon fights the monster. Ravi and Zoey leave on Cruise. Gold and Silver defeat Blaze. Blaze groans and says they won't get his fury cells and he teleports away. At the base, the Rangers show the Commanders. Nate tells her about the Fury Cells. 

Commander says Nate needs his assistant. Nate trusts Zoey to pick the assistant. Zoey bumps into Megan and she says her the video of the two together. Megan shows her the handbook about dating. Zoey denies. Megan blackmails her to be the assistant. Zoey is shocked. Later, Megan indeed is the assistant and helps with the claw. Nate puts the fury cell to power the armor. Megan questions his calculations. He tells her to put half a bottle of Morph X and she puts a whole bottle. He turns it on and it overloads. The claw comes for them. It spins around Ben and Betty. Megan blames Nate. She goes to report the commander. Zoey hears this. Commander says it doesn't sound like Nate. Commander asks for Zoey to bring Nate. Megan says being a Ranger and charge of the lab is too much. Megan wants to be the chief scientist. Nate shows she used the whole bottle on purpose.

Zoey tells the truth that she was blackmailing. Megan tells her about them dating. Commander says her actions are terrible. She kicks her out and calls security. Nate and Zoey explain about the date. Commander says she believes them. The Rangers regroup. Nate says they haven't tested the new mode but the others want to use it. Rangers morph and fight Tubatron. Red glows. Blue and Silver unable to block an attack. The armor slowly appears on Devon. Fire blasts out when his new mode is finished. He gets the cheetah claws and fights the monster. Scrozzle sends a Gigatron. The Rangers regather. Cruise and Devon form the battle mode of Racer Zord. They fight the Gigatron. Back at the juice bar, Zoey and Nate talk about Megan. He doesn't understand why Zoey let her blackmail her. It was kinda a date for Zoey. Nate is surprised. Zoey says she sort of likes him. He says it is phenomenal because the feelings are mutual. He confesses about the flowers. Nate asks what will they do. Steel is surprised but the other boys deny it would happen that they are together.

Episode Review:
Megan is an interesting character as she is not Roxy and Blaze or affiliated with Evox but they still use the 'evil' music with her actions. Also interesting that this episode introduces Devon's powerup but is basically a Zoey episode. This is not the first time for this to happen though. I commend the writing staff for a great episode with a new character.


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