
Friday, June 26, 2020

Psycho Ranger Lightning Collection 5-Pack

This 5-pack comes with several accessories inspired by the characters, including the cult weapons of the Psycho Rangers Contains 5 figures, 8 accessories and additional hands. At this time it unknown if this will be sold exclusively at Gamestop, online or at a convention. Fans were wanting Silver instead of Red and blue, to have Silver. Because if someone already bought Red in the Lost Galaxy set and Blue as a Gameboy exclusive, now you will have twice. I personally own Bandai Pyscho Red and Blue. I am selling Gamestop Blue on ebay. I would get this full set anyway.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Lightning Collection Waves 2-5

I realized I covered Wave One but I didn't cover the other waves.

(Summer 2019)

We were told we would get Pink Ranger, Goldar, Magna Defender, Red Beast Morpher and gold.


(Winter 2019)

Dino Charge Gold, Beast Morphers Blue, Lord Drakkon, Red Ranger (Jason)

(Spring 2020)

Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger (Trini), SPD Red, Zeo Ranger Three Blue, and Blaze.

(Summer 2020)

Gold Ranger (Trey), Ranger Slayer, Time Force Red, and Mighty Morphin Blue

SDCC 2019 Red Ranger/Gold Ranger (Jason) Two-Pack.


Gamestop Exclusive - Goldar (summer 2019)

Walgreens Exclusive - Black Ranger with Dragon Shield (Zack) (Fall 2019)

Gamestop Exclusive - Pyscho Blue (Fall 2019)

Lost Galaxy Red Ranger/Psycho Red Two Pack (Fall 2019)
Fighting Collection Mighty Morphin Green Ranger and Putty (Summer 2019)

Walmart - MMPR Alpha and Zordon (Fall 2020)

Gamestop Exclusive - Rita and Zedd (Summer 2020)

Hasbro Pulse Exclusive Putty Patrollers Two Pack (Summer 2020)

Hasbro Pulse Exclusive - Psycho Green (Summer 2020)

Amazon Exclusive Omega Ranger and Uniforce Cycle (August 2020)

Amazon Exclusive - Psycho Rangers (August 2020)

Target Exclusive - Black Dino Charge Ranger (July 2020)

Walgreens Exclusive - White Dino Thunder Ranger (2020)

Monday, June 22, 2020

Lightning Collection Rumors

Whenever there are Amazon or EntertainmentEarth listings for new Lighting Collection figures, there is a code. Fans try to find out what the new figure will be. There are always rumors and I usually do not post rumors. But since the majority have been true (like Time Force Red, Ranger Slayer, MM Yellow, MM Blue, Blue Zeo, etc.). So here are the newest rumors:

This is said to be SPD Omega Ranger with his Uniforce Cycle. This would be the first figue to come with a vehicle.

UPDATED 6/26/20
Box art has been revealed for all five

I couldn't find any pics of listing but there is also a rumor of a Psycho Ranger team pack saying there will be four. Many fans have guessed what figures they will be. Red has already been released with Leo Red Galaxy Ranger. Blue Pyscho Ranger was released too. Green Psycho Ranger will be released by Hasbro Pulse. I would wish they would be Black, Yellow, Pink, and Silver. That would be the ideal. Thinking in the old Bandai way, they might re-package an old figure like Red, Green or Blue. I would really love if Pink would have the Savage Sword and many fans have felt the same too. 

UPDATED 7/10/20
It has been revealed that there indeed will be an Omega Ranger and his cycle.

Remember Dairanger Ranger Keys in Comic Con and Promos?

This post blew up on Twitter. This post is the update on the old one.

In the San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) 2013, there was a treasure box and in it, there was Ranger Keys and some standing on it. Among the keys were a green Dairanger key (Shishiranger). 

Houhouranger at Comic Con 2013 treasure box.  

At the Comic Con 2014, the Dairanger appeared once again but in the banners. Also in the background images behind the Ranger Keys on display.

The Houhouranger (Pink Dairanger) Ranger Key even appeared in the Super Mega Cannon promotional photo and appears in the cover art, back and front.@BigMike8109 took this photo of the back of the Super Mega Cannon box. 

The Dairanger were first called 'New Powers' and then later 'Squadron' so fans have called them "Squadron Rangers." We still don't know why Johnathan Tzcahor chose Dairanger, Changeman, Flashman, Fiveman and Maskman were chosen to be in Super Megaforce. I do know he is a fan of Sentai and probably wnated to honor the Sentai that came before Zyuranger. Fans call these the 'Pre-Zyu' teams. As for Bandai, I think they just made keys of Zyuranger to Gokaiger, forgetting to skip Dairanger.