
Friday, March 4, 2022

Power Rangers Dino Fury - The Festival - Episode Review

Episode Summary:

A monster strolls in and it is actually Wreckmate. Void Knight and the others aren't happy to see him. He tells a big story.  Wreckmate fights with SLyther. Void Knight tells them to fight with the Rangers. Slyther has a potion. Wreckmate steals it and drinks it. Slyther swears he can defeat the Rangers. Slyther, Wreckmate, and Mucus teleport away. Aiyon and Zayto arrive at the command center and they talk about their birthdays. Rafkon Third Sun festival is today. Solon made Flargon Cake. They surprise Aiyon with a motorcycle. Ollie gives Zayto a box, with two weapons that Ollie made. They call them Dinochucks. Solon says not to use it in the base. Everyone leaves Auyon alone who takes the DInochucks and uses them in the base. They power up and flow. Aiyon loses control and busts up the base. The Dinochucks stop glowing and he stuffs them in a box. They get an alert about Wreckmate and Slyther. Zayto splits up the team. Slyther and Mucus encounter Javi, Izzy and AIyon, who morph. 

The other trio fight Wreckmate. They find out Wreckmate has been taking a potion. He beats Zayto up. The other two then get beaten. Zayto has an idea and says burb and teleports away. Amelia says it is "BRB." Wreckmate prepares a big attack on Amelia and Ollie. Zayto arrives with the Dinochucks and fights Wreckmate. He does Dinochuck strike but they malfunction and he is blasted back. Meanwhile, Mucus fights the other trio. Wreckmate saves her. Wreckmate faces the three. He does a big attack and they all are beaten. The three teleport away. The potion wears off Wreakmate. Slyther is mad at him. They argue. 

Back at the base, the Rangers are recovering. Zayto says the Dinochucks malfunction. Solon checks it out but is blasted back. Solon says maybe she can rebuild new ones but her spare parts are ruined. Aiyon tells the truth. Solon berates him. Zayto is not happy with Aiyon. Zayto says to look through the Legendary database, they look at old weapons like the Fire Smasher (Samurai). Solon says she can't build something like that. They then see a clip from Ninja Storm of the Sonic Fin. Zayto sees a video of Mighty Morphin and Wild Force with the bikes. They then see a video of the Mega Morph Cycle from Ninja Steel, which can blasts villains. Solon says they don't have spare parts. Aiyon looks at his own motorcycle and offers his motorcycle. Solon says it is selfless of him. Aiyon makes a bad pun. Aiyon morphs and fights Wreckmate. He dons the Electro Battle Armor. 


Aiyon is down. Wreckmate is out of potion. Wrekcmate swings his anchor and wraps it around Aiyon. He swings Aiyon onto canisters. Aiyon resists and calls Zayto. Zayto arrives on his new cycle. He does DIno Fury Cycle Plasma Blast on Wreckmate. Wreckmate goes down and teleports away. Zayto and Aiyon regroup. Aiyon likes the cycle. They say best festival ever. Back at the base, the others are feeling better. Solon brings the Flargon Cakes. They eat them without hands, with mouths. They join in.

Episode Review:

I frequently forget Slyther's name but not Wreckmate. I like that Zayto is out of it with local slang. Could have been like a clip show but luckily not so bad. I like the Power Rangers cyclereference. I am glad there is more American-made stuff, they seem to be doing what they did in Beast Morphers and inspire by legendary weapons. 

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