
Sunday, March 13, 2022

Power Rangers Dino Fury - Tiny Trouble - Episode Review

 Episode Summary:

Occulo searches the forest for Sporix and finds one. The Ranger strain in Dino Henge while Aiyon snacks. Ollie wins but his balloon pops. Aiyon keeps on talking about Earth desserts. Amelia spots the Pacha Smash Zord. Aiyon says it is much smaller than it was before. Aiyon uses the Grow Dino Key. Zayto says he has been watching the infomercial channel. Aiyon says Pacha trust her. Pacha jumps away. He blasts a whip cream can by mistake. Zayto tries catching Pacha but it blasts Zayto full of whip cream. The others try catching it. It throws donuts on the others and a bunch of donuts becomes huge. Ollie catches Pacha but is full of donut. They go into the base. They can't find the key. Pacha jumps around the base. Aiyon stops it before it gets in the Key rack. Aiyon says to trust him. Ollie gives him a  leash. 

Occulo gives Void Knight the last Sporix but it is not enough for the machine. Occulo tells him about the zord. Wreckmate is sent to help him capture Pacha. The Rangers find out the key is inside Pacha. Auton is looking for Pacha. The Rangers and Solon aren't so sure. Aiyon has indeed lost Pacha. He spots Wreckmate and Occulo with Pacha. He calls for backup. He gets his weapon. The others teleport next to him. They listen to the foes. Ollie berates Aiyon. They sneak around the foes. The Rangers morph and fight. Pacha jumps away. Wreckrate chases after Pacha. Zayto fights Shipwreck while Ollie and Aiyon looks for Paca. Solon tells them Pacha is a new zord, not Pacha herself. She is a baby Pacha. Apparently the first Zord child. Aiyon realizes he was wrong. Ollie uses a dino key to listen for Pacha. 

They spot baby Pacha. Ollie uses Vision Enhance key and spots the real Pacha Smash Zord, which is stuck in the mountain. Ollie thinks of throwing a boulder and tries liftuing one. Aiyon gives him a pebble. Ollie throws it and Aiyon makes it big and it smashes the mountain open to reveal the mother zord. Pacha roars, Baby Pacha goes inside. Baby Pacha gives them the Smash Dino Key. Aiyon's stomach gruggles. He burps. They teleport away. Shipwreck imprisons the Rangers until Ollie and AIyon save them. Occulo becomes big. Aiyon calls the Mosa Razor Zord. Blue fights Shipwreck. Aiyon fights Occulo. Ollie dons the Smash Battle Armor. He fights Shipwreck. Shipwreck teelports away.

Ollie frees the Rangers. Ollie calls the Pacha Smash Zord and it beats up Occulo. Solon sends the rest of the Zords. Ollie uses the key to combine the zords into Dino Fury Megazord Smash Formation. They fight Occulo. They punch him endlessly. They do Smashing Barrage attack. He flies down. They call the Megafury Saber. They do the Pacha Mega Punch and destroy Occulo. Void Knight got the Sporix. Aiyon says he will train more. Ollie sats 6 or 8 hours. He freaks Aiyon out. Void Knight puts the Sporix in the machine. The purple energy goes in the machine. Santaura wakes up. 

Episode Review: 

Great episode. Aiyon is still a bit annoying. Ollie was solid in this episode though. If Aiyon has so much experience, how come it didn't don on him that Zords could have babies? Technically in Sentai, Pacha isn't the first spawn, the Turbo Falcon Zord was Mechalcon--son of Bearv and Speedor.

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