
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

17 Years of Power Rangers Memories Part 2

May 1996
I was on a three-day weekend field trip to Disneyworld when MMPR ended and Zeo started, so when I came back my cousin explained to me what had occurred, before I got to see the video I recorded. I was surprised to hear about a new Ranger--Tanya. He had commented how hot she was... and then revealed it was a joke. I was still interested in Power Rangers even though I was almost 14, Zeo was interesting but ultimately I hid my interest in High School. On the internet, there was a PR newsgroup (on where I remember someone thinking Zeo will suck without Rita and Zedd) and on AOL, a keyword to a toy section with a Zeo picture, that's it.

The Turbo movie comes out and I don't see it (mostly because I'm in High school by this point and embarrassed if anyone would find out) and am completely lost when it comes to the first episode of the show other than Justin. By this time, I find Ranger Central (PRC), which I come to own years later. I find out about Zyuranger but that's as far as my Sentai search goes into. Fox Kids is pulled from my local channel because it becomes a WB affiliate and I don't see Power Rangers for a while. I check PRC saying that 4 new rangers replacing the old ones. I can't see the show so for a while I think Cassie was Lt. Stone's niece who appeared in one episode. A new local channel WAMI 69 broadcasts Fox Kids and I am able to catch up the last half of Turbo and Space.

The Rest of 1998
I got obsessed with the Silver Ranger and shoplifted a small figure from a store and get found out by my mother. One of my stupid friends carved on its chest, making me angry. My mom ends up buying me the Silver Ranger but with his bike and I wanted the 8' figure. I still have it. Later on, I shoplift the 8' figure and I gave away to charity for Toys for Tots. Years later on eBay, I buy another one and it is more scratched than the one I gave away. By this time, I find out about Gingaman and start researching about Sentai. My shoplifting quirk ends in 2000 in a supermarket when caught lifting a magazine by a cop but not arrested.

I start my website Super Sentai Time Capsule, which at the time was called Super Sentai/Power Rangers fansite or something like that, in the summer of 1999. I start the website because I notice things about Sentai that wasn't in Power Rangers so I wanted to organize it. I also wanted to put together all the info of dying sites (that now no longer exist) together. McDonalds comes out with Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue toys and I collect them all but I didn't get the Red Ranger but I do get the Titanium Ranger. Fun times!

I am finally able to see Sentai when the Anime store near my university carries some and I make a friend out of one of the workers there. WAMI folds so no Wild Force for me until ABC and ABC Family picks the show up. By this time, I got the entire Hurricanger series every month in 4 episodes via tape thanks to a friend in Japan. Remember, at this time there was no YouTube at this time. My online friend Mike Bastian joins me in my endeavor of my site, which is now devoted completely to Super Sentai. Also met a friend in Miami that loves Sentai, especially the monsters and we are still friends.

By this time my parents realize my obsession will not go away. They mutually agree that it is my 'hobby.' By 2005, my cousin who once enjoyed the Power Rangers as much as I do had a son and daughter, who now love the Power Rangers. They know when they go to my house, they can play with Power Rangers and watch the Power Rangers. At age 2, my niece would see Dekaranger and think it was SPD and say, "Emergency!" Even though my cousin doesn't like the Disney incarnations, he liked SPD.

With YouTube and other like websites, making episode guides for both Power Rangers and Super Sentai has been easier. But I still have to spend money on books to scan. I have family in San Francisco and went to Japantown and also the Japantown in Los Angeles, it was great to get toys and books of Sentai and other Tokusatsu--which I can't do in Miami. So now, my friends have fully accepted I like Super Sentai and were concerned to find out the Power Ranger era is said to be over. My Website ( will be 10 years old in August.

But it's not the end yet...
A new season is starting on Nickelodeon in 2011 and I have a new baby nephew who loves Spongebob and I am sure he will love Power Rangers when he's old enough.

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