
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Abare Pink Key?! Gokaiger Ep 29 and 30 Preview

 Ahim episode, she does costume changes and fights the monster, who takes love into his staff she smashes the staff. The monster can shrink and messed up the insides of GokaiOh and Gyoruujin. They meet up with Emri and Yukito. Emri gives Ahim a AbarePink key but everyone is shocked to find out it is only her fan outfit (power of the pig). Even the monster laughs at her. Ahim is ashamed of the outfit. She chooses to opt out of the battle and the others fight as the five Abaranger. The monster goes big and the Gokaiger combine mecha to be GojyuGokaiOh.

 Delusions of grandeur, Emri?
Like I suspected, Emri put construction paper and tape over an existing pink key. It is not clay as Wikipedia states.


 Episode 30:
 Joe episode, Liveman tribute. Will Barizorg be Sid ever again?

 Pink and Blue also become Denjiman.


  1. can anyone explain the pig. the series was dino themed why did she have a dino.

  2. The pig is because once Emri had a wish and she wished to be 'AbarePink' but 'Pig' was heard so she became a Pig. So she encorporated the pig into her outfit, nothing to do with dinos on purpose. it just because Pig and Pink sound alike when Japanese people say it with their accents.

  3. poor Ahim. that must've been embarassing for her. and that key had a very bad paint job. worse than some fan made keys i've seen.

  4. It's not even a paint job, doug. I think they put construction paper and tape over it.

  5. For some reason I do believe that the costume changes, although a staple kind of reminds me of Mei's transformations back in Zyuranger and Mei was also a Princess of her tribe

  6. I just realized in that one picture, AbareKiller looks like he's humping Black.


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