
Monday, October 2, 2023

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury - Master Plan - Episode Review


Episode Summary:

On Earth in the base, Billy has been debriefed by Aiyon, Solon, and Zayto on what is happening with Zayto. Solon has been researching on how to reverse or slow it down. Aiyon says he can't lose Zayto again. Aiyon says his option is to no longer use magic. Zayto says he was sent to fight Zedd. Zayto promises to only do what is right for the team. An alarm comes off and it is a video call from Zedd. Everyone gathers. He has Slyther tied up and Mucus in a jar as slime. He shows Ollie is still evil even though the statue is dust. Billy says he thought it would work. He shows Brajilia is back, that she grew back from a tentacle. Ollie doesn't have his powers but the Tricera Blaster. He blasts the baddies and tells the Rangers Zedd wants to become a Morphin Master. Zedd blasts Ollie. The feed is cut. Amelia is happy Ollie is good. Billy thinks they are in grave danger. Izzy asks if the Morphin Grid can be destroyed. Zayto says it can not be destroyed but their link can be severed. He says that is why the Morphin Masters do all they can to keep the balance. 

Amelia wants to rescue Ollie now and get the Master Captivator back. Solon gets the base ready to fly to Eltar. Billy tells Amelia he has some thoughts and they walk and talk. Billy says Eltar is home to Zordon and Zedd would be proud to have conquered his enemy's home planet. He is sure he is setting up a plan because he won't give up Eltar easily. Amelia says they have him on their side. Billy says he came to tell her where they are at and he's not finished. He can not go with her. He says his forces are taking alien refugees to New Tech City (SPD) back on Earth. He suggests waiting for the other teams, she says she can't take that chance. He says she is an impressive leader and wishes her luck, saying "May the Power protect you," which Zordon used to say of course.

Billy teleports out and the Cosmic Fury Rangers head to Eltar. Inkworth grows huge. They call the Cosmic Dragon Megazord and Cosmic Fury Megazords with the extra zords. Inkworth makes it rain. Inkworth smacks them together. The systems overload. The zords split. Aiyon remote links the Gold, Silver, and Pink zords. They do Cosmic Blast and make the rain go away. The Zords combine to make the Cosmic Ultrazord. They destroy Inkworth. At the fortress, Ollie tries to free himself. Copyguard makes fun of him. Ollie is mad at himself for helping Zedd. He thinks of Amelia, what she might think of her. Slyther and Mucus make them feel better about it. Zentinels have an alert about the Rangers in the fortress. Zayto and Aiyon fight Copyguards and Zentinels in the hallway. Amelia screams out for Ollie. The Rangers run down the hall. Zayto destroys the Copyguard using the Tricera blaster. The Tricera Blaster is thrown into the throne room. Javi and Amelia double-team some Zentinels.

They release Ollie and Slyther. Amelia frees Mucus. The Rangers demorph and Amelia and Ollie embrace. Amelia says the real Ollie is back, she says they are back. They all hug. Aiyon applauds Slyther and Mucus. Ollie gets his weapon and says Zedd has the Master Captivator. They get locked in. Brajilia projects a hologram says the fortress is set to explode and teleportation is blocked. They see a countdown. Javi asks Ollie for a plan and Ollie has nothing. Zayto says there is only one solution. Aiyon says no but Zayto creates a forcefield around them. The fortress explodes and crumbles. The Rangers are safe but Zayto faints. The Morphin Grid appears above them. Zayto glows and his spirit goes out of his body. They say goodbye. Aiyon grabs hold of his spirit and his spirit goes with him. Aiyon is knocked unconscious. 

Amelia grabs Zayto's morpher and staff. She says they still have a mission. Back at the base, Aiyon is unconscious. They have an energy surge and think it is Zedd. Ollie says Zedd will be strong. Ollie sees the weapons and ask if they can combine them. Solon looks at the morpher glowing blue. Meanwhile, Zedd is in a throne and powering up with the Morphin Master energy. The Rangers arrive and Izzy makes a comment. Zedd is charged and makes fun of them for not having Zayto and Aiyon. He transforms and they make fun of the N. Now he is Master Zedd. Ollie shows he can morph now. The five morph. They combine their weapons. They blast at Zedd and he holds the blast. He shoots at them. They fall down. Javi calls the zords.

Zedd destroys the zords. He tries shooting the Rangers but they avoid the xaps. They zap Zedd but he laughs. They think of trapping him in the Master Captivator. The baddies point the captivator at Zedd and trap him. The Rangers are shocked. The Zentinels take their cannon and blast them. They de-morphed. The Zenitnels threaten the Rangers. Brajilia makes it on the news with an alien. She says it was her master plan, she played him. It was her and Scrozzle's idea. Her stock is on high. She plans to make an evil wave like Zordon's good wave. Mucus, Slyther and Solon watch. Brajilia says it is not the same. Slyther says to call allies and they teleport away. Solon calls the Power Rangers teams. They decide to countdown.

Franchise Shoutouts:

* New Tech City is the city where alien refugees are in SPD.

* "May the Power Protect you"

* Slyther says "A Countdown... to Destruction?" Reference to the Power Rangers in Space finale.

* Fern mentions Power Transfer

* Lord Zedd mentions Dark Specter, the main villain of In Space.

* Z-Wave is a major plot point

Episode Review: 

I didn't really like Brajilia being the mastermind, while a fine CEO, I didn't buy her as a master brain, especially with her dumb offspring Squilia. Squilia was not even mentioned after her demise. It would have been nice if they tried to get Brajilia or Squilia to move their lips. They are US-created and not from Sentai. The episode seemed rushed, it could've been better as two episodes. The scene with Zayto dying and Aiyon holding on was a great scene. The Zedd fortress scene could have been extended more. Simon Bennett says Hasbro was the ones to choose 10 episodes instead of 20, production would've been game for 20 episodes and also Netflic. 

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