
Friday, April 18, 2008

Power Rangers/Super Sentai Villain Comparison: Mystic Force / Magiranger

The Master / N.Ma
Both pictures are of both characters. Both of them started as an eye, then a Lovecraftian creature (right), and his final form (left). Both were treated basically the same, they both were the bosses of the villains and manipulated Wolzard/Koragg. Bragel/Bowen were good warriors that fought N.Ma/Master and were brainwashed and turned evil. more power helped the master strive. Bragel/Bowen turned good again thanks to the Rangers and fought the villain, sealing it within them. The Ten Terrors/Gods rescued their master and the master took over the body of Titan/Matoombo. Both were defeated by an overload of magic.

Necrolai / Vankyuria
Vankyuria had more than a split-personality because she could change into Nai~Mea, two human girls. Vankyuria was sneaky, wicked, and did act a bit curious like Nai Mea. Vancuria was not constrained by the seal that kept the rest of Infershia underground and thus served as an overseer of her masters' plans. She worked as a spy and betrayed Wolzard many times. Braken tried to kill her for her failure. After hearing Sphinx attempting to reason with Dagon and Sleipnir, Vancuria began to have second thoughts about N Ma. As a result, she went against N Ma's wishes by reviving Sphinx, Bragel and Sunjel. Both tried turning Pink into a vampire, since both were 'Queen of the Vampires.' Necrolai was a mother and got too involved in her evil work, that lost sight of what was important. In the end, she protected the Rangers and became a normal human woman.

Leelee / Nai~Mea
Nai~Mea was the child-like girls Vankyuria could become. They were both sneaky and playful. Mea often repeated what Nai said. Probably because of the gothic lolita outfits, they were ditched. In the end, Nai and Mea joined Sphinx in the "New Infershia." Lee Lee is Necrolai's daughter and her alliance changed a lot. All in all, she wanted to be a normal girl with friends. Her outfits changed alot, even when she was with her mother in the Underworld. In the end, she fell in love with Phineas, a Troblin. Her father was turned into a worm and never mentioned again.

Morticon / Buranken
Both were the first general and were basically just stern, mean and grumpy. They were both defeated by the Rangers.

Imperious / Memi
Both were traitors, they were once known as Calindor/Raijel and turned Daggeron/Sunjel into a frog and were turned to stone. To release him from a cave, a bad guy couldn't enter but someone good, Nai~Mea tricked the Rangers to break it, while Necrolai used her daughter. Anyway, both were enfeminate and were scheming. They were both defeated by Daggeron/Sunjel in a duel.

Koragg / Wolzard
Koragg and Wolzard were basically the same. They were both fathers of the Red Mage, who they tortured and fought. Wolzard killed his wife, while Koragg merely de-powered his wife. They were turned good again by their children, fought the master, sealed it within them and then came back, turned into a red good warrior. Wolzard worked at his own accord and his alliance was murky. Koragg believed in honor.

The Ten Terrors/Gods were bascially the same. Not much changes, other than mentions of death. Both worked for the master and took out the master from Wolzard/Koragg. Both had a hand in striking down Itassis/Sphinx. They were defeated by by Itassis/Sphinx.

1 comment:

  1. Nai & Mea have really grown on me. I like the way Mea repeats the last thing Nai says. But one question? Does Leelee count as an american monster?


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