
Friday, April 18, 2008

Power Rangers/Super Sentai Villain Comparison: SPD/Dekaranger

Here we got something different. Dekaranger didn't have your average group of villains with a hangout. They just had Agent Aburera who supplied most of the villains of the day with grunts. In SPD, they supplied the show with a group and main villain called Emperor Grumm. Another major difference was that in Dekaranger, the villains were judged and then destroyed, while in PR, they were simply captured in cards.

Broodwing/Agent Aburera
Both were the same, they sold weapons/monsters and provided grunts and only cared about the money. Broodwing began to plot revenge on Gruumm, when he starts ordering him to offer his services while refusing to pay. Both stoled the ranger's base robo, both were 'contained.'

Mora / Rije
Mora got more inspiration from Rije from Abaranger. Rije was the voice of Dezumozorlya and was taken over by it. She was a normal sweet girl, just cruel and evil. She also had a crush with Mikoto. Mora was the second child-villain in PR, next to Prince Sprocket. Grumm needed Mora to create monsters. Instead of being established criminals, like in Dekaranger, they were creatures she drew to life. Mora was manipulative, selfish, but smart and wicked. Mora was in actuality an adult woman known as Morgana who wanted Grumm to turn her into a child. She became Mora again a second time and was brainwashed by Omni and captured. Rije became a good girl by the name of Kasumi and than an infant.

Morgana / Succubus / Rijewel
Rijewel was Rije but forced to grow into a sexy woman, who was to enthrall Mikoto to the dark side. She was turned into an ultimate form monster and then changed into the good infant Kasumi. Morgana basically was a merging of the Rije/Rijewel concept and had the costume of Succubus from Dekaranger. Morgana was a standard villainess, just much more whiny and child-like than Mora. Succubus was an alien woman who loved eating people and targeted Jasmine (Yellow). She was taken down, while Morgana was rewarded into becoming Mora again and then encased. Morgana had a grown-up outfit similar to Mora's and had the Succubus battle outfit.

Villain comparison:
Lord Zedd / Emperor Grumm
Both created exclusively for Power Rangers and both considered fan-favorites, fans believe them to be at the same level, but come on, they both sat on their duffs! Lord Zedd was considered scary by parents and they begged for him to be toned down. Lord Zedd was Rita's boss and was upset at her failure and came in to take over. He had a wicked sense of humor and was no nonsense in defeating the Rangers. He took a liking at torturing Tommy. Emperor Grumm was relentless in his plan of taking over the Earth, but he dealt with betrayer Broodwing and the child habits of Mora. Emperor Grumm took a human form in one episode, played by the actor who did his voice. Lord Zedd had to deal with the dummies who followed Rita and her annoying family. He was given a potion to marry Rita to soften him up. Emperor Grumm had a past with Doggie Cruger, held his wife hostage and was captured by Cruger. Zedd was ultimately turned into a human man, never seen again, except for his son Thrax.


  1. Gruum's bike was nice. But I wish that it had a pop-out chainsaw on the front of it! That would be even more awesome!

  2. Can you add one more comparison between A squard rangers and Neo DekaRed, Neo DekaYellow? There are both Evil Rangers and plot related

  3. Zedd also took a human form in the last episode of Power Rangers In Space.

  4. The Fear Cats and The Psycho Rangers should have a comparison! They are very similar.


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