
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Power Rangers Super Samurai - Something Fishy - Episode Review

 "Something Fishy"
Antonio is afraid of fish and can't hold his Barracuda Blade and quits being a Ranger because when he was turned into a fish, he was traumatized. The Rangers use aversion therapy to get over their fears: Jayden vs. a spider, Mia vs. a frog, Mike vs. an enclosed space (a closet!), and Kevin vs. Mia' cooking. Apparently Emily isn't afraid of anything.

 It doesn't work and Serrator has joined Xandred's crew and attacks and makes the Ranger loose. Antonio is entrusted to program the Light Zord which Jii says past Rangers couldn't make it work. In Shinkenger, Gold made the zord but here it was an old thing. Anyway, Jii sticks a sushi in Antonio's mouth to 'stop the foolishness' and get over it.

Antonio programs the Light Zord in time to save Jayden who is getting his butt kicked in the Megazord against one of Serrator's monsters. Antonio saves the day and is able to cook and eat fish again.

Entertaining, but it would had been cool if Antonio could had enter in a  new cockpit. In Shinkenger, Light Zord speaks, here he doesn't but it seems to have a mind of his own.

Pictures thanks to because I am having trouble with my DVD+R's and my computer.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Finally! Power Rangers Merchandise Bonanza

It has been a while since PRS premiered, more than a year and finally we are seeing merch. I went to Toys R US today in Miami where I live (Dadeland Mall to be more specific) and found a poster, coloring books (I bought a mondo one), that card book everyone is talking about, more MegaBloks product and Umbrella. Alex Heartman had a 2-hour 'chat' on Facebook and in the office he was in had new merch we haven't seen yet like a Mega mode bank, skateboard, pajamas and more.

Nothing new of Megabloks in some places but first time I see the Racers and Mega sets in Miami.

 The coloring book I got has coloring pages of SPD, Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive (Only the boys and mostly drawings of the toys that were not on the show), Jungle Fury (calls Wolf Ranger 'Violet'), RPM and Samurai. They got villains from Samurai and Operation overdrive, the only mistake I see is Sentinel Knight is called a "Chiller." Comes with one sheet of Samurai Stickers.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Go-Busters and Akibaranger Suit actors

I haven't updated the stunt section in because there are some code stuff Mike (my co-webmaster DekaMaster) has to do and it is under construction (hence no link), also the reason Gokaiger section hasn't been updated yet. There is stuff he has to fix before I can update it.

 Red Buster: Yoshifumi Oshikawa 
For the first time, he plays a Red Ranger. It surprises me. Maybe Hirofumi Fukuzawa needed a break from Gokaiger. is 182 cm & Kyousuke Hamao is 176 cm tall. Yoshifumi has played the last two Blue, Go-On Blue, Shinken Blue, Gosei Black and Gokai Blue. He originally played Kamen Riders, starting with Kamen Rider Gills. He was rumored to play G3 and Ixa in Kamen Rider Decade.
Blue Buster: Yasuhiro Takeuchi 
Yasuhiro Takeuchi has played a lot of different characters, his first major stunt role was DraftKeace in Exceedraft, then a little bit of the Dragonranger, Grey Swat and then 6 Blue Rangers, 5 Green Rangers (Gokai Green), 2 Yellow Rangers, 1 Red Ranger (Gosei Red) and Smoky from Magiranger. 

 Yellow Buster: Yuichi Hachisuka 
Yuuichi Hachisuka has played female characters since Changeman (1985). He has played five Pink Rangers (including Pink Turbo and Gosei Pink). Has played three male rangers, Ginga Yellow, Go Yellow and Time Green. He played DekaBright, MagiMother, Mele, and Gokai Yellow.

 Cheeda Nick: Kosuke Asai
 No picture, he played Basco's true form.
Gorisaki Banana: Jiro Okamoto
He played MagiShine, Shinken Gold, Gosei Knight, Barizorg, various big villains and various Kamen Riders (Ohja, Ryuga, Odin, Leangle, Den-O Ax Form, Black, Black RX, Shin, ZO and J.

Akibaranger (unknown which colors):
Sanshiro Wada - Sazer X (monsters), Ultraman Möbius, Wecker Sigma (Orion), Garo Makaisenki (Zero)

Haruka Oshima - her blog, she was borin 1991.

Fusaya Fujita - according to this page she was in Power Rangers Jungle Fury, her blog also says she was in Garo but doesn't specify a role

Tomohiko Akiyama - Power Rangers Time Force (Pink Ranger), Power Rangers Wild Force (Yellow Eagle), Power Rangers Ninja Storm (Navy Thunder), Ryukendo (Ryukendo), Kamen Rider THE NEXT (Rider-2, Shocker Rider)

Hiroshi Maeda - He was TyrannoRanger and every Red Power Ranger from MMPR Season 2 to Ninja Storm. He was also in Kamen Rider Dragon Knight.