
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Power Force: Clarifications and the Future

I don't even know how to start this post. I wanted to clarify things but maybe it will still be misconstrued. Basically I will be clarifying any misconceptions about Power Force. 

For people who do not know, I am a member of Power Force which was created by Saban Brands to have 20 members who were going to be like spokespeople for the PR fans and provide feedback for merchandise and the show. Saban Brands has a representative that communicates with us, I will keep the person's name mum but this person has told me that SB keeps them in the dark probably because of the closeness to us. Man this is hard to write without pronouns. Fine, I will use the 'he' pronoun. He says that Saban Brands probably keeps him in the dark because he is close to us. He is at a 'need to know' basis and so are we.

Official Statement:
 Power Rangers' 'Power Force' is an exciting new super fan program designed to honor the fan community, engage Power Rangers super fans and reward them with exclusive access to content, news and more. Through their own relationships and influence within the Power Rangers fan community, 'Power Force' members will help to build and expand the Power Rangers brand and its far-reaching initiatives.

Some other fans have told me or I've seen them write that they thought we would get behind the scenes stuff on the show and our opinions heard. Some of us in PF did think that to but it hasn't quite been that. Here are some e-mails topics I have received:
 Free stuff we have gotten:
 And we got to submit trivia questions for the Power Rangers Trivial Pursuit coming out this summer, we are suppose to get credit for it and a free copy for ourselves.

Some people thought that I got my behind the scenes Super Megaforce stuff from Power Force but that is not true. We have not gotten any show info from Saban Brands. All those info and pics are from other fans that spot them on Instagram or other sources. Also Fury Diamond has a source on these things. And any questions we have go to our representation and he tries to get it to the higher ups or whoever but so far no solid answers. And some of my e-mails have gone unanswered. Some of the PF members told me they have experienced the same.

Some fans have expressed to some of us in Power Force that we should speak up to Saban Brands because of this whole budget and quality thing of Super Megaforce. Some feel we shouldn't rock the boat, some like getting free stuff and doesn't wanna risk it, some don't know it would make a difference and some haven't said a thing. I have sent some e-mails with these concerns but there has been no answer. I'm just going to wait and see. If anyone is discerned about this and feels bad about the outlook between fans and Saban Brands, I say don't. I mean, I'm really grateful for everything so far. And I think things will work out in the end. Not every fan will be happy with the results of anything anyway, I mean people are still upset about the Disney Era, "Forever Red", Samurai, or other things. So I say Just Relax!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Saban has no intention of doing anything thing with PF other than using it as a PR machine.


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