
Sunday, October 1, 2023

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury - Rock Out - Episode Review


On planet Erridus, they watch BuzzBlast with Jane and J-Borg, how Zedd has prisons all over the world and all the Rangers are in prison too. The Zentinels also chase Jane and J-Borg. They get interrupted by Javi's drum playing, he wrote a song about how he hates Zedd. He says it calms him down but it doesn't really calm the others. Fern likes the music. Aiyon doesn't like he ruined his pancake pan. They see a news story Mick sent about Najira in a planet where they are mining a Dragon zord. She wants to use it against the Rangers. Billy says he recognizes a dragon from the 11 zord altar from Zordnia. Javi mentions the obvious which I call him Obvi. Amelia thinks it is a trick from Ollie. Zayto thinks he can make the dragon activated with his staff. They don't an Evil Ollie in a zord. Javi continues playing and they come up with an idea to distract the baddies with a rock band. 

Javi wants to go in disguise. Aiyon says Ollie can count how many Rangers are missing. Fern shows she can play drums. She wants to help but Izzy is against it. Fern says "This is the Way." Izzy is not stoked. On Planet Akraal, the Rangers arrive in disguises. Izzy tells Fern not to speak. The monsters ask what is the band name. They call themselves Meat Chrome (Lord Zedd reference). They are allowed in. They start performing and the miners like it. The song is actually good. Zayto hides in a cloak in plain sight. Scrozzle finds a laser-blasting system close to the dragon. Ollie is upset at Brazilla bragging about her find. He is sure the Rangers will arrive. He says he will give them a nasty surprise. A monster that sounds like Ed from Good Burger and looks like a Lupinranger vs Patranger monster asks for a break. He mentions nice which Ollie says doens't sound like him. Ollie counts the members of the band and figures out it is the Rangers. He takes off Izzy's masks and have the Zeninels go after him. He morphs and has a new weapon. Izzy makes fun of him. 

The four morph. Fern hides. The Rangers fight the Zentinels and monsters. Fern watches Izzy fight. Ollie blasts at Fern and misses. Ollie sees Fern and thinks it is Zayto. Izzy and Ollie fight. Ollie finds Fern. Ollie is mad and wants to find Zyato. Fern falls down. Zayto is working on charging the zord. He teleports and enters the zord. Brazilla arrives and Ollie berates her. He puts a tracker on the dragon as it rises. She sends the Copyguards to the moon. The dragon roars and fights the Copyguards on the moon. Zayto calls the others. AIyon does an attack and the monsters run away. Izzy goes to Fern. Fern teases Izzy, that she will need stitches for her clothes. Amelia reminds them to help Aiyon. Fern is excited to enter the zords. The Eagle Zord arrives, with no explanation to what happened to Mick, who last had it. 

A Squid Drill Battle Mode arrived after the Copy Guards were destroyed. Brazilla wants the zord back. Fern wants to help but Izzy tells her not to touch anything. Izzy and Fern are in Chameleon, Amelia is in Lion, Javi is in Eagle, and Aiyon is in Scorpion. Fern accidentally summons the Wolf Zord which attacks the drill. Brajilla leaves and the Zords destroy the Squid Drill. Aiyon liked the original song, they all sing the song as they head back to the base. In the base, they tell Billy and Solon what happened. Izzy was worried about a blast almost getting Fern. Billy says the Cosmic Cruiser is finally ready for its first engine test. Solon has a message from Earth. Tarrick, Amelia's dad tells them that Amelia is about to become a big sister, that the Rafkonians are forming a resistance against Zedd. Izzy and Javi's parents are prisoners. Tarrick says he has a spy on the inside, they have a weakness to the Squid Drills and anti-Zord forcefield, if one goes down, all of them do. He says he needs them. Zolon asks who wants to be pilots. On Eltar, Zedd is mad at Scrozzle, Brazilla and Squilla. Squilla has a crush and wanted to take selfies with the zord her mom found. Squilla shows pictures of Heckyl with goggles. Brajillia is stoked. Zedd doesn't care. Ollie arrives with a new monster and says he tracked down the Rangers. Squillia and Scrozzle leave. Brajilla and the monster want to go to Erridus. They leave. Zedd cackles. 

Franchise Shout Outs:

* Heckyl makes a cameo in photos.
* Another monster from Zyuohger
* two monsters from Lupinranger vs. Patranger


A great episode! The song is catchy and many fans seem to reference this episode the most. Some fans mention how Zayto should have been purple to match with the Cosmic Dragon Zord or at least Tarrick should have been a Ranger. Also, a reference to Mick returning the Eagle Zord would have been nice too. 

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