Sunday, October 1, 2023

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury - Take Off - Episode Review


On planet Erridus, zords flies looking for something that is making seismic activity. Javi is in the Grizzly Zord, Aiyon is in the Scorpion, Zayto is in the Dragon, and the Shark is on remote. A giant tentacle comes out. They fight the Scuttle Worm. Meanwhile, the girls, Solon and Billy are ready to take off on the ship. Billy puts the ship in Inginito Mode. They figure out what they need to do to fix the ship. Fern wants to help but Izzy is against it. The boy combines the zords. The girls power up the ship. Aiyon throws venom on the worm. The Cosmic Dragon Megazord does the Cosmic Mega Blast on the Scuttleworm. They call Solon but she does not respond. The boys return to the ship and Billy tells them a Scuttleworm must have taken Solon. Amelia doesn't want to leave without Solon. Solon is in a Scuttleworm cave with a Scuttleworm and eggs. Brajilia, Ollie, and Jozotic find the Rangers with the tracker. Brajilia sends a Copyguard to the ice moon. The Rangers try to track down Solon. Zayto uses the red staff and closes his eyes. He finds her exact location and Billy says his magic is on the level of Morphin Masters. Zayto becomes weak. 

They are being attacked and Fern wants to help. Izzy is not sure and Amelia tells her to stay. Fern realizes she is an indoor cat again. Zayto and Izzy go find Solon while the others take the zords. They use Lion, Chameleon, Shark, Wolf, and Bull. Javi uses the Chameleon. Zayto and Izzy arrive at the cave. Izzy calls her daggers to cut through the cave but Ollie and arrives. Ollie explains how he arrives and Izzy brushes it off as exposition. The two morph and fight. The Zords combine and make the Cosmic Fury Megazord. They fight the copyguard. Aiyon uses the Shark Slash. Billy uses the Wolf Strike. Fern hears that they need help and grabs Ollie's morpher to save Solon. Billy says to use the traction of the Bull Zord and they hit the monster. 

Fern arrives and the eggs crack and Scuttleowrms attack. She blasts some and one bites her arm and she blasts it from within. She tries teleporting but her morpher is full of slime. Solon's cybernetics malfunction and the spark hits Fern and her morpher glows. She morphs into an Orange Ranger with a weapon. She wonders what dinosaur it is. Solon says her favorite color is orange. Fern fights the monsters. The Rangers destroy the Copyguard with their Megazord. Zayto and Izzy are beat up by Ollie and his forces. The other Rangers arrive. The Rangers fight the Zentinels. Zayto is still weak. Ollie and Amelia fight. The others help when a Scuttleworm jumps off of the cave. All the Rangers look as the Orange Ranger rolls out. She destroys the worm. Jozotic asks if Orange is new. Solon comes out and more worms come after them. All the Rangers teleport away. Ollie gets wrapped in a battle with the worms. In the base, the Rangers wonder about the Orange Ranger. Fern de-morphs and they are all surprised. The Rangers blast off the cruiser from the planet. The boys ask what to do as the ladies are pilots. Billy tells them to hold on. They finally leave the planet. Ollie watches as they go. He blasts through a Scuttleworm. 

Meanwhile on Earth in a drill, Squilla is with her Crush Heckyl. Omwhyzo arrives. Squilla accuses him on having a crush on her. Omwhyzo sputters. Lord Zedd says her mother failed her and tells her to be prepared or he will destroy her crush. Squilia tells Omwhyzo he is in charge as she is busy. He agrees and leaves. She continues flirting with Heckyl. Solon explains what happened with Fern. Izzy and Fern talk on their own. Izzy wanted to protect Fern, thinking it was her fault she ended up in space but admits she knows she is strong and would have done the same thing in her place. They are both not indoor cats. They hug. Javi makes a dad joke and Billy tells him not to quit music. Amelia says they have a plan so they will get through step by step. On Eltar, Ollie asks Zedd why he wasn't in charge of Earth and asks if he is angry. Zedd says only disappointed. Zedd tells him how survivors win and how Scrozzle gave him the idea to become the strongest, using the Morphin Master energy. Ollie says it will be an honor to help him. 

Franchise Shoutouts:

Not a lot, just the usual Eltar and Morphin Master mentions

They start mentioning Zayto's actions as 'magic.' This is new to Power Rangers as they usually don't say magic unless it is Mystic Force. If what Zayto says is magic, then Troy is also magic with his Sayan blast on Robo Knight in Super Megaforce. Anyway, I digress, I am not a fan of the mentor or ally in danger but it was cute to see Fern become the Orange Ranger. I also like the moments between Zedd and Ollie. I like how Zedd calls him 'boy' or 'child.' Heckyl is great, while I am not a fan of Squillia, I do like Heckyl on the scene. 

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