1. The Legacy 6.5" figures (Mighty Morphin, Ninja Storm and In Space) will be available at other retailers including Amazon so they aren't Toys R Us exclusive. They have already been spotted at stores. The Sixth Rangers will not come with Megazord pieces but will come with more arsenal.
2. The Ninja Storm Blue, Yellow, and Red will be available in this wave and will make the Storm Megazord. Crimson, Navy and Green might be available in a future wave.
3. After this wave, the 6.5" new movie "Legacy" figures will be released but will be Toys R Us exclusives.
4. The Legacy zords and weapons are continuing but it is up to sales and fans to what will be released.
5. Ninja Steel toys might be shown at PMC or NYCC. Ninja Steel toys will be released in November as always like past years.
6. Movie toys are still TBA when they will be released.
7. The Ranger Keys continued because of fans demanded it. We might see more if fans ask for them. Megazords are doubtful as Bandai rep said the molds would be different and tricky but it can also be possible. Nothing is impossible anymore. It depends on sales.