Which Fan Discussions/Debates did you dislike the most?
Pro/Anti Tommy | 84 (29%) |
RPM Being Canon | 91 (31%) |
Disney Era Being Canon | 97 (34%) |
Male Pink Ranger | 83 (29%) |
PRWF=Saban/Disney? | 85 (29%) |
Adapt Shinkenger | 76 (26%) |
MMPR Reversion | 84 (29%) |
Pro/Anti BOA | 42 (14%) |
Sentai VS. PR | 130 (45%) |
A Male Pink Ranger would be...
Cool | 131 (37%) |
Wrong | 70 (20%) |
Strange | 176 (50%) |
Unnatural | 75 (21%) |
Don't Mind It | 75 (21%) |
Gokai Red, Green and Blue becoming Pink Rangers make me feel that...
Pink is just for girls | 82 (30%) |
Just wierd | 193 (71%) |
Makes them look weak | 47 (17%) |
Makes them look gay | 64 (23%) |
I believe Pink is a girl color because..
Society | 136 (47%) |
That's How It Is | 80 (27%) |
Weak Color | 13 (4%) |
Feminine | 162 (56%) |
Do you like the color pink?
Yes, I'm a lady | 31 (10%) |
Yes, I'm a guy | 141 (49%) |
No, I'm a lady | 15 (5%) |
No, I'm a guy | 97 (34%) |
Which Shinkenger ep do you think upcoming Power Rangers Samurai "Unexpected Arrival" is based on?
Act 14 | 46 (21%) |
Act 17 | 133 (61%) |
Another | 39 (17%) |
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