Monday, June 15, 2009

Power Rangers Mega Battles

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue was interesting because instead of the Red Ranger getting a Battlizer, the Green and Blue Rangers got something similar. By Lost Galaxy, there were toys that were like Battlizers but Armored and this continues till today, there are always like 3 or 4 lines of Armored male Rangers. So the Mega Battles got attention in 2000 and 2001.

Green Lightspeed Ranger
The Green and Blue Rangers got Mega Battles which they probably only used two or three times. Most fans criticized the Green Ranger's weapon for looking as a pizza cutter.

Blue Lightspeed Ranger
The Green and Blue Rangers got Mega Battles which they probably only used two or three times. The episode centering around it was called "Mega Battle" and even though it was criticized for being a lame title, it has been touted as a good episode.

Quantum Ranger
Quantum Ranger was a Red Ranger and was confirmed as such in "Forever Red" and he got a battlizer. In the Time Force toyline, there was a Mega Battle for Red, Green, and Blue. After Time Force, there was no more Mega Battles. Quantum Ranger is the only Sixth Ranger that only got a Battlizer.

Note: All these pictures were scanned by my site partner Mike Bastian.
~Lavender Ranger

1 comment:

primrose said...

They need 1o red rangers for ''forever red'' so they added quantum ranger but he is quantum ranger not red.