Power Rangers Time Force (2001) / Mirai (Future) Sentai Time Ranger (2000)

Dinero means money in Spanish. Don Doinero is the mafioso godfather who is only in it for the money, though he also comes with a firm love for his crime family. He is the tough, gruff and deadly leader. In PR, he was demoted to a bumpling fat dumby. The PR writers, either Saban or Disney, they had a habit of turning the fat villains into dumb slobs. He once sent MadBlast to assassinate Yuuri's detective father. He is the one who had a friend make Giem into a robot. He cared about Giem's well-being since he was sort of responsible for his condition. In trying to stop Giem in his psychotic delights, but he unfortuantely died in a vain attempt to save Giem. During the final battle against the Rangers, Gluto chickened out, and cryogenically froze himself in the prison.

Really really different. She is a sexy mistress of disguise who loves stealing jewelry and clothes because she is a material girl. She is the one who actually selected the four Timeranger to traveled to the 21st century, in the guise of Team Captain Ryuuya. After Dornero's death, Lila went into hiding and has been missing since. Nadira also stole jewelry, clothes and money, but she was obnoxious, whiny, and eventually had a heart. After helping giving birth to a child, she started questioning everything her father Ransik and served as his moral compass. She felt sympathy for Frax and in the end, her father did come around and she worked community service/child-care for her bad deeds. Nadira went to all extremes, comedy and emotion.

Gien is a scientist, creator of the legions of the Zenitt. Dornero saved had a friend transfer the brain of the once young human Giem' into his robotic body. There were side-effects that made Gien increasingly insane. Having access to the Hell's Gate prisoners, he cared for nothing except for his own masochistic pleasure and went against Dornero's orders. He later constructed several massive robots (Except for the G-Zord). Gien later piloted the NeoCrisis robot, only to be fatally wounded when his robot was destroyed. The person Gien once was resurfaced before he died and dissolved to dust.
Frax was a mindless robot to Ransik, but he had his own agenda, and constantly devises his own schemes behind Ransik's back. He despises both humans and mutants, and plans on one day having robots rule the world. He was once the upstanding Dr. Fericks. He showed an ailing Ransik kindness, only to be betrayed. Ransik burned down his lab, and left him for dead, and transformed his body into a robotic one. Ransik eventually discovered who Frax was, and had him hunted down and turned into a mindless robot--much to Nadira's dismay, which piloted Doomtron to its own destruction.

Don Doinero was a down and dirty sneaky mob boss, but surprisingly, Ransik was colder. Don Doinero felt sorry for Gien and responsible, and was killed for his kindness. Ransik on the other hand, was mean and cruel to Frax and ended up wiping his mind. Ransik then went on to be captured and turned into a good human in Wild Force, so very interesting. Both would sometimes be clueless to things around them like betrayal but did punish when needed.
1 comment:
Out of all the Gruff turned Goofy Villains, I think that Gluto was the worst of them all! He should have fought a little more in US footage.
Gien and Frax are similar, but they couldn't be more different! Gien was basically someone who saw everything as a game to him for his own amusement! Just like Long of Gekiranger. But Frax had it far worse! An abusive stepfather that was cruel to him to the very end! The only time that Ransik showed him any respect at all was when he discovered Vexicon's container and told him "good job!"
Oh yes, And Frax seems to be a little more childlike in personality for the most part compared to Gien's ego and his: "Humans dying. What a wonderful concept! Now to go kill more!" Seriously. That's what he said.
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