Suggested by Brian Dean, I compiled monsters that were in Super Sentai but not used for Power Rangers. I had compiled this list before back when in 2001 on my site when it was the Sentai Time Capsule but I had to remove it when we changed format. I do not know the real reason why any of these were used. Next I will be doing monsters that appeared on the show but only in background and got no closeup.
Dairanger / MMPR Season 2

The gravestone was used for the Halloween episode but the three of these guys were the 3 idiots from Dairanger. They fought the Dairenoh (thunder megazord) twice but never died.

He had a vulture inside him and captured people and had a peg leg until he got his golden leg back. I guess he wasn't used because of time.

I used another picture of them but originally they were red and green. They are actually the armors of two human warriors. Probably not used because there wasn't enough footage of them in armor or too much fighting Dairanger.

Appeared in the movie, his conglomerate form appeared in a picture book of MMPR, which always made me wondered why we never saw that monster. An insider told me Saban and Disney had to pay extra for the Movie footage so sometimes they didn't.
Kakuranger/MMPR season 3

Obvious why this one was not used, by her breasts.

The Bratboy's first form.

Field commander who rules Machine Beasts with whip and has a human disguise and appeared in 3 episodes, probably not used because her outfit sort of looks like an S&M whipper. parts of it did get used for another monster

His footage mostly dealt with the Ohranger out of uniform, probably why not used. Also most of the footage was him as a ball.

Parts of him were used for Electrotramp for Power Rangers in Space/Ninja Turtle team-up episode "Shell Shocked."
Carranger / Turbo

Final was not used, Extra (above) was from the teamup with Ohranger.

Got the name Rockin' Roach.

Appeared in the Carranger vs. Ohranger teamup.
Megaranger / in Space

Gingaman / Lost Galaxy

GoGoV/Lightspeed Rescue

Timeranger/Time Force

Gaoranger/Wild Force

Christmas Org

No actually, J.J. was used in the first episode of Turbo. If you look really closely behind Divatox, you can see him
Could you elaborate on all of the "parts of costume were used for another monster" comments with pictures if possible?
In my opinion: Kakuranger`s Kamaitachi should have been used on S3 MMPR as Ace Ferret, an old childhood friend of Finster`s
Oooh, the bird guy from GoGoV is *purdy.* And I love monsters that get to upgrade. I wish we could've gotten him.
The Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades Orgs were suppose to be in the PRWF team-up with Time Force but they were destroyed in a fire.
And also list some of the monsters that were reduced to background characters in PR?
Can someone please tell me who is the best of the Three Org Brothers? Because they are a bit boring.
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