UPDATED 6/10/11
None of this ended up being the true, the only one that did was Ranger Key Set 2. This happens with rumors.
So it seems that we will be getting Ranger Keys for the other colors. But their collection have EX on them, as in Extra, so maybe we will only get one set for the colors that are not Red.
None of this ended up being the true, the only one that did was Ranger Key Set 2. This happens with rumors.
So it seems that we will be getting Ranger Keys for the other colors. But their collection have EX on them, as in Extra, so maybe we will only get one set for the colors that are not Red.

Tyrannoranger, Denji Red, Hurricane Red, Bouken Red, Aba Red
Aba Red and Bouken Red were seen at the toy showcase for Gokaiger but were of the Gashapon series.

Magi Blue, Hurricane Blue, Geki Blue, Vul Shark, Triceraranger
It is interesting that two of the keys are female. Interesting that Denji Blue or Aba Blue are not included. Magi Red and Geki Red were including in set 1 of Red.

Bouken Yellow, Gao Yellow, Deka Yellow, Denji Yellow, Vul Panther
Gao Yellow, Denji Yellow and Vul Panther are male. Interesting that Gao Red, Deka Red and Bouken Red were in the first set, so Yellow gets from their teams. Tiger Ranger seems to be the only one from Zyuranger not to have a key in the first round.

Mammothranger, Black Condor, Deka Green, Shinken Green, Go-On Green
Interesting Black Condor is the first Ranger Key of Jetman to be used. Red Hawk won't be used yet until collection 3.

Denji Pink, Pteraranger, Magi Pink, Gao White, Shinken Pink
Magi Red, Gao Red and Shinken Red were including in set 1 of Red.

Ryuuranger was seen in the showcase of the Gokaiger toys but was of the Gashapon series.

Mobirates comes with Go-On Red, Shinken Red and Gokai Red.
UPDATED 7/10/11

These are from Dice-O website, not toys.
Official Toy Sites (Japanese):
Captain Yo! Hey!! Blog
The keys shown at the premiere are not the ones from the DX sets. It's a set of 16 Gashapon keys.
Whats the difference between the 16 Gasphapon keys and DX? Size?
Among other things. Gashapon Versions are also of lower Quality.
As far as Ex goes, they actually shouldn't get into normal retail, but one has to order them.
Any idea where I can buy the power rangers set keys from? (Singapore)
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