Episode 25 starts out with Gai covering which Legend powers they have already (they got 22 and need 12 more). I also must note that all the pictures Gai has of previous teams are the same that are the TV Asahi site (under Legends). Marvelous, Joe and Luka sneak out Sandaaru Jr. and Satarakura Jr.
(spelling wrong) arrive on the Zanyack ship.

Joe, Luka and Marvelous fight Satorkura jr.

As Liveman and Abaranger respectively.

Luka has a nut (which was a person) that Gai inspects as BoukenSilver...

Gai fights Sandaru Jr. big and gets help from Furai Maru who comes out of nowhere and then disappears.

The three Hurricanger arrive.

Gai, Don and Ahim are fighting Magerappa (grunts of Jakanja) when Hurricanger arrive.

They ask for the Ranger Keys, which Gai is not so happy about. Don, Luka and Marvelous are kidnapped. To Be Continued...
Episode 26
Pics from Toei.co.jp/tv/....
My own criticism of Bandai is that they advertised Hurricane GokaiOh after the last act break that it looked like the Gokaiger didn't want to give the Hurricanger their Ranger Keys and it looked like they would be a cliffhanger on the decision but the advertising of the toy and the promo gave that away for kids who may or may not be in doubt, since the majority of the audience probably wasn't around for Hurricanger.