Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger (2001) take became Wild Force, Hyakujuu means a hundred beasts, and in the final episode, there is actually 100 animals. Here is the official list from Toei, the Sentai robot design concept book showed early sketches and designs. The order they are in is not the order they appeared on the show.
- GaoLion
- GaoEagle
- GaoShark
- GaoBison
- GaoTiger
- GaoElephant
- GaoGorilla
- GaoBear
- GaoPolar
- GaoWolf
- GaoHammerhead
- GaoLigator (Aligator)
- GaoFalcon
- GaoGiraffe
- GaoDeer
- GaoRhino
- GaoMadillo (Armadillo)
- GaoKong
Didn't appear in Wild Force, appeared in Gaoranger movie.
- GaoPanda
As I have mentioned before, Panda was an exclusive with a CD and toy, didn't appear in show.
- GaoPeacock
Peacock appeared in the last episode, I love these designs. According to CollectionDX, it was to be called Gao King Swordsmaster (left). Gao King Varlituder (w/ Gao Polar, Gao Bear, Gao Peacock, Gao Rhino & Gao Cobra) in center. Gao Guardian in lower right corner.
- GaoCrow -- color my own invention
- GaoStingray
Manta Ray appeared in the last episode but not like this. I like this design.
Gao King Aquadiver (w/ Gao Manta & MiniManta) - GaoHorse
Horse appeared in the last episode. A horse would not be tired again until Magiranger/Mystic Force.
- GaoCamel-- color my own invention
- GaoMouse
It was called Rat Zord for some reason in Wild Force.
- GaoWallaby -- all following colors are my own invention.
- GaoTortoise
- GaoToppy (Walrus)
- GaoManta
- GaoBoar
Gao Muscle Striker Longhorn
- (w/ Gao Boar, Gao Rhino, and Gao Armadillo)
Boar seemed to carry a vehicle with two cannons that would go in back of the robo. - GaoBat
(More below) There was like 3 Bat designs, including one to go with Gao Hunter. A Bat would not be tried again until Gekiranger/Jungle Fury. Above is Gao Devil (Gao Bat, Gao Crocodile, Gao Hammerhead, Gao Jaws), that was going to be evil.
- GaoCobra
Gao King Varlituder (w/ Gao Polar, Gao Bear, Gao Peacock, Gao Rhino & Gao Cobra)
- GaoMammoth
GaoMammoth (early sketch)
Another design for Mammoth, looked a bit like Torozord.
- GaoHawk -- reference to Jetman
- GaoVulture
- GaoOwl -- reference to Jetman
- GaoSwallow -- reference to Jetman
Here is a robo combo (Gao Marquis) of a dolphin, mole and Swallow.
- GaoSwan -- reference to Jetman
- GaoTurtle -- later done in Shinkenger
- GaoKoala
- GaoFox
- GaoHedgehog
- GaoMingo (flamingo)
- GaoCougar
- GaoMole
Here is a robo combo (Gao Marquis) of a dolphin, mole and Swallow.
- GaoWombat
- GaoGlider (sugar glider)
- GaoKangaroo
- GaoPangolin
- GaoSloth
- GaoRabbit
- GaoUtan (orangutan)
- GaoPrairie (prairie dog)
- GaoApe
- GaoHowl (Japanese wolf)
- GaoCrescent (Asiatic black bear)
- GaoToad
- GaoKark (crane)
- GaoBeaver
- GaoHamster
- GaoLynx
- GaoWhale
- GaoDolphin
Combo of a dolphin, mole and swallow.
- GaoGrampus (orca)
- GaoPelican
- GaoLesser (red panda)
- GaoRaccoon
- GaoMink
- GaoSkunk
- GaoMongoose
- GaoPanther
- GaoCheetah -- later done in Gekiranger
- GaoPenguin -- later done in Gekiranger
- GaoDugong
- GaoGoat
- GaoSheep
- GaoSeal
- GaoDonkey
- GaoHound
- GaoPotamus (hippopotamus)
- GaoRednose (reindeer)
- GaoDile (crocodile) -- later done in Goseiger
- GaoLizard
- GaoChameleon -- later done in Gekiranger
- GaoCoyote
- GaoZebra
- GaoJaws (great white shark)
Seems Gao Jaws was going to be a repaint of Gao Shark.
- GaoGaur (Bovine)
- GaoEel
- GaoSerpent
- GaoJackal
- GaoRyx (oryx--an antelope)
- GaoCarp
- GaoSalamander
- GaoSnake -- later done in Goseiger
- GaoLeon (black lion)
- GaoCondor
- GaoSawshark
- GaoBuffalo
- GaoJaguar

Bat, Wolf and Alligator.
Gao Triple (Bottom)
In this sketch, the Boar is the left arm and the cannons and the Stingray is the legs and the Bat is the right arm.
These scrapped designs show 13 other Power Animals, we had 25 in the series, we would have near 40 of them. It would had made sense to make a sequel series to Gaoranger to place all these Power Animals, but Gaoranger wasn't that great of a series nor as popular, so it is understandable it had no spin-off. The designs look awesome though.
Super Sentai Mecha Concept Art Book Scans
GaoVulture is still a reference to Jetman, since the condor was already picked for GaoGod, so they went with the closest thing.
are their pics for all of them
Apparently GaoApe was released as a repainted GaoKong in grey/black.
There's also supposed to be a release of most/all in black, a white gaolion and a chrome silver series, but it's difficult to find a full list of options.
Conversion of a pair of Bear mechs to GaoPanda is fairly easy with blades to scratch off the paint on the ears and front white feet (difficult to paint over, and the front feet are rivetted in).
The Lions (both red and black) are apparently designed to split, but the function has been disabled in the molding process and a lot of units were glued shut, but it is possible to disassemble and re-add the splitting function. Doing so allows the lion to open to about 70 degrees, and/or it seems likely that a clip could be used to attach the Peacock or Manta over the thinnest part of the lion's torso.
I'd also guess that GaoMammoth turned out to be too expensive to manufacture, so the Large Gaolion was hastily written-in as an alternative.
Gao Ape, Gao Howl, Gao Crescent, Gao Toad and Gao Kark are a reference to Kakuranger. It seems that Kong and Ape's names and placement were switched since Kong was meant to be a reference to King Kong and Gao Ape is gray while Gao Ape is a reference to Kaku Red's mechas and Gao Kong is the red one.
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