Around 80 dollars. It is an officially licensed Disney product, according to the website, but this is the first time I hear of it and I was following the Halloween costumes. This would be the very FIRST Green Ranger Official Halloween costume.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Samurai Spoilers at

If you don't want to be spoiled, don't press the link. FuryDiamond at RangerCrew Blog has posted summaries about the episodes that have aired on Nickeldeon Latin America. Picture above also from RangerCrew Blog. The episodes have been encoded and are available at:
Encoding Videos:
They were encoded by Z-Rider of
But of course they are in Spanish. The only videos available now are A Crack In The World (Una grieta en el mundo), Stroke Of Fate (Golpe del destino), The Great Duel (El Gran Duelo), Evil Reborn (Maldad renacida), and The Sealing Symbol (El Simblio del Sello). Fight Fire with Fire is not available at this site. I do not know where else to get it. The last episode Samurai Forever has not aired yet.
My pal Jay at MorphinLegacy is not crazy about the new episodes airing first in Latin America but not in the United States. Some believe it has to do with Nick LA, that it was their decision. Kimberly Crossman, the actress that played Lauren, said on Twitter that her 'secret is out.' Also these pictures of a television with the final episode thanks to Raz from Rangerboard and Angel Eduardo Jr:
HENSHIN0's PMC Experience
Hey everyone. As you may know, this was Lavender's 1'st PMC, but it was also my 2nd. I will share some of my own. First, I'm sad to say that I didn't upload any photos yet, so I can't show any just yet; but I might add some later editing. Another thing is that this post is about my general experience altogether, while I'll cover panels on another post.
Much like with PMC2, one of the greatest annoyances was driving from Encino to Pasadena and back for 3 days in a row, and of course paying for parking. However, one of the greatest benifits of making friends in conventions and other toku events, is having someone giving you "backcutsies" in long lines. one particular example was on the first day before reds were permited to enter, a friend of mine gave me backcutsies as close as 12 people in front of me. and in this convention, i got a total of 12 backcutsies, beating my record from the last PMC by 5 lines. Aesthetics were different between the two conventions. PMC 3 was in a completely different room than PMC2, allowing for more room for toy sellers and guests. It was a great feeling meeting old friends whether fans or actors. Catching up with Jason Narvy (Skull), (whom I haven't seen since my birthday in 2011) was a blast, as well as Blake Foster (Justin), Paul Shrier (Bulk), and Masaki Seike (Mr. S from CS Toys). There were many new guests with whom I've also managed to come close with such as Ted, Tim, and Tom DiFillipo (three trey's of triforia), Ron Rogge (Capt. Mitchell), Mike Ginn (Gem), and a few others that I've only talked with on facebook, or met at PMC2, but didn't get to talk to as much as I did. There were some people that didn't come, but would have really wanted to meet, most notably Matt Austin (Bridge), Selwin Ward (TJ), and Sean Johnson (Carter), who are some of my most all-time favorite red rangers...I even made toast....yes, it's buttery -wiggles fingers-
Ron Rogge was particularly interesting to meet because with Carter Greyson being one of my all-time favorite rangers, how can I not indulge in meeting the actor that played the hero of my hero. Paradoxically, he, simultaniously, was both everything and absolutely nothing you'd expect from Captain Mitchell. He is smart, wise, and has somewhat of an aura that makes you (or me at least) awestruck to just so much as being in his presence. Just as soon as he said hello to me (from behind; I was facing away from him at the moment), I turned and said "hello" calmly, but in my head, I was thinking "OH MY GOD!!!!! IT'S CAPTAIN (bleep)ING MITCHELL!!!!!! MY HERO'S HERO!!!!!!". I'm suprised my head is still in tack, because it felt like it was exploding. As i got to know know him, I also found out that he is also way more easygoing than his tv role; a total fun and chill guy, and even a bit crazy and party-animalistic. I swear if I spent 24 hours with in a non-convention evironment, the end result would resemble the plot of a raunchy comedy (which I am now intending of writing).
The Triforians were interesting to talk to, but what was really fun was discussing and debating about PRZ, which ended with them having me give them a brief history lecture on the first 6 seasons of power rangers and their sentai counterparts (even showing footage of riki/kingranger from ohranger). We've became good friends (Tim even sent me a friend request on FB), but the best part is the three of them, using the golden staff of triforia, have knighted me as their personal unofficial toku advisor (which is kind of epic).
Mike Ginn....thank god nothing went boom...Just kidding. He is really deep. Ironically, he's a lot more like Hiroto than like Gem (no, he's not a jerk if that is what you think). As soon as we found out we both were named "Mike", we actually got into a discussion about the historical origin of the name, and its odessy to the present, ranging from Catholic Rome, to Soviet Jewdaism. One particular discussion we had actually started off with a question I asked in the SPD/RPM panel, where in our one on one discussion we were talking about the serious Hiroto in the goofy go-onger vs the goofy Gem in the darker-toned PR RPM, how there is a need to be a balance between lighter and darker tones in a show to be good, and how these tones are balanced in the two shows. What was really impressive is that though he never actually watched go-onger, he's really knowledgeble about hiroto and what he calls "talking googly-eyed cartoon cars".
One visitor that I was particularly mutually happy to be reunited with was Masaki Seike aka Mr. S from CS Toys. We got along famously in PMC2, and appearantly I stood out to him enough to be remembered for another 2 years. I got to cosplay as Akashi Satora (Boukenred) and be on camera, talk to the CS toy fans watching his stream, play with some of his new merchandice, and essentially relive gokaiger episode 21. But of course I was mostly discussing kamen rider with him and actually got my name kanji'd by the lady that made the "shippu" and "kirafuda" talismans from kamen rider w episode 29. Hilariously, while the lot of us were talking about my obsession with kamen rider kabuto, I pulled out a random core medal from his promotional gift box, and I end up pulling out the kabuto medal. (if they make an akiba rider, Seike himself confirmed I should play him XD). But seriously, I'll miss him, and untill next time, I'll continue to watch his youtube channel in support.
Eyeshine.....the weirdest thing about seeing Cathrine's and Nakia's (Cat and Tonya) tables is seeing Johnny Yong Bosch in the zeo/turbo days. Knowing Johnny as Johnny, the lead singer of eyeshine, and being fully accoustomed to that, it's hard to believe he played Adam in power rangers...I suppose I now know how Kira from dinothunder felt when she saw tommy from highschool.
Me-I'm so used to the Johnny from right now, it's hard to believe this was Johnny from back then.
Cat-Welll, I'm so used to the Johnny from back then, that it's hard to believe that is Johnny now.
It was also Surreal to see people I know online such as a friend from youtube, a few people on facebook, and
Much like with PMC2, one of the greatest annoyances was driving from Encino to Pasadena and back for 3 days in a row, and of course paying for parking. However, one of the greatest benifits of making friends in conventions and other toku events, is having someone giving you "backcutsies" in long lines. one particular example was on the first day before reds were permited to enter, a friend of mine gave me backcutsies as close as 12 people in front of me. and in this convention, i got a total of 12 backcutsies, beating my record from the last PMC by 5 lines. Aesthetics were different between the two conventions. PMC 3 was in a completely different room than PMC2, allowing for more room for toy sellers and guests. It was a great feeling meeting old friends whether fans or actors. Catching up with Jason Narvy (Skull), (whom I haven't seen since my birthday in 2011) was a blast, as well as Blake Foster (Justin), Paul Shrier (Bulk), and Masaki Seike (Mr. S from CS Toys). There were many new guests with whom I've also managed to come close with such as Ted, Tim, and Tom DiFillipo (three trey's of triforia), Ron Rogge (Capt. Mitchell), Mike Ginn (Gem), and a few others that I've only talked with on facebook, or met at PMC2, but didn't get to talk to as much as I did. There were some people that didn't come, but would have really wanted to meet, most notably Matt Austin (Bridge), Selwin Ward (TJ), and Sean Johnson (Carter), who are some of my most all-time favorite red rangers...I even made toast....yes, it's buttery -wiggles fingers-
Ron Rogge was particularly interesting to meet because with Carter Greyson being one of my all-time favorite rangers, how can I not indulge in meeting the actor that played the hero of my hero. Paradoxically, he, simultaniously, was both everything and absolutely nothing you'd expect from Captain Mitchell. He is smart, wise, and has somewhat of an aura that makes you (or me at least) awestruck to just so much as being in his presence. Just as soon as he said hello to me (from behind; I was facing away from him at the moment), I turned and said "hello" calmly, but in my head, I was thinking "OH MY GOD!!!!! IT'S CAPTAIN (bleep)ING MITCHELL!!!!!! MY HERO'S HERO!!!!!!". I'm suprised my head is still in tack, because it felt like it was exploding. As i got to know know him, I also found out that he is also way more easygoing than his tv role; a total fun and chill guy, and even a bit crazy and party-animalistic. I swear if I spent 24 hours with in a non-convention evironment, the end result would resemble the plot of a raunchy comedy (which I am now intending of writing).
The Triforians were interesting to talk to, but what was really fun was discussing and debating about PRZ, which ended with them having me give them a brief history lecture on the first 6 seasons of power rangers and their sentai counterparts (even showing footage of riki/kingranger from ohranger). We've became good friends (Tim even sent me a friend request on FB), but the best part is the three of them, using the golden staff of triforia, have knighted me as their personal unofficial toku advisor (which is kind of epic).
Mike Ginn....thank god nothing went boom...Just kidding. He is really deep. Ironically, he's a lot more like Hiroto than like Gem (no, he's not a jerk if that is what you think). As soon as we found out we both were named "Mike", we actually got into a discussion about the historical origin of the name, and its odessy to the present, ranging from Catholic Rome, to Soviet Jewdaism. One particular discussion we had actually started off with a question I asked in the SPD/RPM panel, where in our one on one discussion we were talking about the serious Hiroto in the goofy go-onger vs the goofy Gem in the darker-toned PR RPM, how there is a need to be a balance between lighter and darker tones in a show to be good, and how these tones are balanced in the two shows. What was really impressive is that though he never actually watched go-onger, he's really knowledgeble about hiroto and what he calls "talking googly-eyed cartoon cars".
One visitor that I was particularly mutually happy to be reunited with was Masaki Seike aka Mr. S from CS Toys. We got along famously in PMC2, and appearantly I stood out to him enough to be remembered for another 2 years. I got to cosplay as Akashi Satora (Boukenred) and be on camera, talk to the CS toy fans watching his stream, play with some of his new merchandice, and essentially relive gokaiger episode 21. But of course I was mostly discussing kamen rider with him and actually got my name kanji'd by the lady that made the "shippu" and "kirafuda" talismans from kamen rider w episode 29. Hilariously, while the lot of us were talking about my obsession with kamen rider kabuto, I pulled out a random core medal from his promotional gift box, and I end up pulling out the kabuto medal. (if they make an akiba rider, Seike himself confirmed I should play him XD). But seriously, I'll miss him, and untill next time, I'll continue to watch his youtube channel in support.
Eyeshine.....the weirdest thing about seeing Cathrine's and Nakia's (Cat and Tonya) tables is seeing Johnny Yong Bosch in the zeo/turbo days. Knowing Johnny as Johnny, the lead singer of eyeshine, and being fully accoustomed to that, it's hard to believe he played Adam in power rangers...I suppose I now know how Kira from dinothunder felt when she saw tommy from highschool.
Me-I'm so used to the Johnny from right now, it's hard to believe this was Johnny from back then.
Cat-Welll, I'm so used to the Johnny from back then, that it's hard to believe that is Johnny now.
It was also Surreal to see people I know online such as a friend from youtube, a few people on facebook, and
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Pictures of Power Rangers Casts Now
UPDATED 3/29/14
My pal Mr. Yellow (from Rangercrew) suggested someone do a compile picture of the former castmembers of Power Rangers like a fan did with the Super Sentai casts. So I took the helm. The aim is to see if anyone is available to do guest stuff.
Austin St. John, David Yost, Walter Jones and Jason David Frank have attended Power Morphicon. Thuy Trang passed away in 2001. Amy Jo Johnson has recently attended Lexicon. David Yost, Walter and JDF all were in the featurette for the MMPR Box Set. Jason David Frank will indeed be in "Legendary Battle" episode of Super Megaforce.
Steve Cardenas, Karan Ashley, Catherine Sutherland, and Johnny Bosch have all attended Power Morphicon. All of them (except Johnny) were in the featurette for the MMPR Box set.
Rajia Baroudi (Delphine) and Alan Palmer (Corcus) have attended Power Morphicon. David Bacon (Aurico) and Karim Prince (Cestro) haven't. I think Karim is still acting. I don't think David Bacon is acting. I couldn't find a pic for Jim Gray (Tideus). Rajia is still acting. Alan has his own theater show. I asked Alan about Jim and he said he doesn't know where he is, that the last time he saw him he was a tour guide at Universal Studios Hollywood. Rajia, Alan and David are Facebook friends.
All of them (including Nakia Burrise) have attended Power Morphicon.
Selwyn Ward, Blake Foster, Tracy Cruz and Roger Velasco have attended Power Morphicon. Patricia Ja Lee had arguments with Saban before and has only attended a few conventions. Patricia Ja Lee and Selwyn Ward both will return for "Legendary Battle" of Super Megaforce. Blake Foster was considered but I think there was passport problems.
Christopher Khayman Lee will be at PMC4 (2014). Justin Nimmo has a Rent to own business. Patricia Ja Lee and Selwyn Ward both will return for "Legendary Battle" of Super Megaforce.
Danny Salvin, Reggie Rolle, and Melody Perkins will return for "Legendary Battle" of Super Megaforce. Only Reggie Rolle, Cerina Vincent and Varlie Vernon have attended Power Morphicon. Danny Salvin and Melody Perkins will attend PMC for the first time in 2014. In 2014, Danny Salvin, Reggie Rolle, Melody Perkins and Varlie Vernon will attend Power Morphicon, Cerina Vincent had to cancel. Archie Kao is still acting. I don't know about Russell Lawrence.
Chad Chat. is busy with martial arts and stunt acting. Keith Robinson is still acting. Sasha Williams recently got married. Rhett Fisher has a band. Ron Rogge who was at the recent PMC said he's still in contact with most of them. Alison Mcinnis and Sean Cw Johnson will be in "Legendary Battle" of Super Megaforce. Rhett Fisher was asked, he accepted and then he was declined because of budget constraints. Sean CW Johnson, Alison Mcinnis and Rhett Fisher will be at PMC in 2014.
Jason Faunt and Daniel Southworth have been at Power Morphicon. Deborah was at the first PMC. Erin Cahil has been to PMC and will attend the 4th. Michael Copon, Erin Cahil and Jason Faunt (who goes to a lot of conventions) are still acting. Daniel Southworth has a web series called "Divergence." Kevin Kleinberg, I am not sure about. Jason Faunt will be the only one in "Legendary Battle" of Super Megaforce. 2014 PMC will have Erin Cahil, Jason Faunt, Daniel Southworth and Michael Copon.
Rick Medina is on Samurai, he said maybe kids would be confused if he reprises his role as Cole. Philip Jeanmarie, Jessica Rey and Jack Guzman were at the Power Morphicon 2012. At 2014 PMC, all the castmembers Rick Medina, Philip Jean Marie, Alyson Kiperman, Jessica Rey, Jack Guzman and Phillip Andrew (reuniting the whole team after 12 years) along with the actors who played Kite and Master Org will be there.
Adam T., Pua Magasiva, Sally Martin and Jorgito Vargas are still working. Jorgito Vargas was recently on Supernatural. Pua Magasiva (Shane) and Sally Martin (Tori) are both in Shortland Street, a New Zealand soap opera. Most of the Disney casts were not asked to return.
Jeffrey Parazzo (Trent) is in Canada and I think Kevin Duhaney (Ethan) is also in North America and they have done some conventions and will be at PMC 2014.
Monica May and Brandon (Jack) have been at Power Morphicon. Matt Austin and Aly Purrott have also been at PMC. Chris Violette and Matt Austin live in Canada. I don't know about John Tui but he lives in New Zealand I think. None of the SPD cast was asked back, prompting Matt Austin and Chris Violette to suggest a reunion film without Saban. At PMC 2014, Brandon Jay, Matt Austin, Aly Purrott, Monica May and Chris Violette will be there reuniting the five SPD Rangers after 9 years.
Mystic Force. Not sure about Firass, but I think most are still in Australia or New Zealand. John Tui (S.P.D. & Mystic Force) recently played Beast in "Battleship".
Operation Overdrive. Samuell Benta (Will) and Rhoda Montemayor (Rose) are doing work in the United Kingdom. Word is that Samuell Benta was asked to return but it didn't work out.
Jungle Fury. Most of them are still acting and I think most of them are still in New Zealand or Australia. Sources tell me that David Delautour (RJ) is in LA. Jason Smith (Casey) returned for the episode "Spirit of the Tiger" and he is a writer for Super Megaforce, writing a couple episodes. David Delautour and Jason Smith will be at PMC 2014.
Mike Ginn is in L.A., everyone else I think is still in Australia or New Zealand. People tell me that judging by Tumblr, Olivia (Dr. K), Milo (Ziggy) and Rose (Summer) are in L.A. as well. Mike Ginn was the only RPM Ranger at PMC 2012 and Ari Boyland will be the only one at PMC 2014.
Operation Overdrive. Samuell Benta (Will) and Rhoda Montemayor (Rose) are doing work in the United Kingdom. Word is that Samuell Benta was asked to return but it didn't work out.
Jungle Fury. Most of them are still acting and I think most of them are still in New Zealand or Australia. Sources tell me that David Delautour (RJ) is in LA. Jason Smith (Casey) returned for the episode "Spirit of the Tiger" and he is a writer for Super Megaforce, writing a couple episodes. David Delautour and Jason Smith will be at PMC 2014.
Mike Ginn is in L.A., everyone else I think is still in Australia or New Zealand. People tell me that judging by Tumblr, Olivia (Dr. K), Milo (Ziggy) and Rose (Summer) are in L.A. as well. Mike Ginn was the only RPM Ranger at PMC 2012 and Ari Boyland will be the only one at PMC 2014.
Alex Heartman (Jayden) has a role as a villain in a movie. Hector David Jr. (Mike) has new projects coming along. Steven Skyler (Antonio) has been doing acting and singing jobs. Alex and Rene (Jii) returned for "Samurai Surprise." Alex, Hector, Steven and Najee have continued doing conventions and martial arts training with kids in their Samurai uniforms. Hector David Jr and Brittany will return for "Legendary Battle" of Super Megaforce.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Power Rangers 20th Anniversary Site LIVE!
Check out the new part of the official website celebrating the 20th anniversary. More is to come, this is just the beginning. There are wallpaper downloads for iPad, iPhone, Android, and computer. Also Ranger Grams. Quoted from the official Saban Brands people:
Enjoy the dozens of downloads, available for a variety of screens, and even some Ranger Grams! Now that this "command center" has been created, they are looking forward to adding to it throughout the 20th anniversary year.
Power Force,
Power Rangers,
PR 20th,
Monday, August 27, 2012
Linear Ranger reviews the Power Morphicon Exclusive I bought him
At the Power Morphion, this special set with two figures (Shark Attack Red Ranger and Exclusive Mooger) and special booklet was $35 each. Only 3 could be purchased per person. I got one for Linear Ranger and he reviewed it. Check it out!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
MMPR: Connections to "Life's a Masquerade," "Gung Ho" and "Island of Illusion"
Re-watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers again, I knew about this but I decided to do back to back comparison to explain it. I just felt like doing it now since I have time. Basically "Life's A Masquerade," "Gung Ho," and "Island of Illusion" Part 1 and 2 episodes were not connected (well the Island of Illusion were connected) but in the original footage of Zyuranger, they were. They were four episodes as well, Episodes 28-31, Great Upgrade! Clay Monsters, A Mystery!? The Attacking Beast Cavalry God, Satan Comes!!, and Reborn! The Ultimate God.
In "Life's A Masquerade," the rangers fight the Frankenstein.
The Rangers form the MegaDragonzord (Dragonzord in Battle Mode) and put the drill in the monster briefly.
They do the final attack and the monster breaks up and blows up. But that doesn't happen in the Japanese series.
The explosion in MMPR
Tommy talks to the Rangers in the Dragonzord quickly.
In Zyuranger, the scene is longer with the drill and we see it be pulled out.
In "Gung Ho," the Rangers fight the Super Putties.
Left is MMPR, right is Zyuranger.
The Thunder Slingers for Zyuranger. Zyuranger name does appear in MMPR episode.
The Zyuranger with the Thunder Slinger.
The Rangers with the Thunder Slingers in the cockpit in Zyuranger but not in MMPR.
They still fit the Frankenstein monster (DaiFranke) and go out of the 'zords' and shoot with their Thunder Slingers.
In "Island of Illusion Part 1," we see Mutitis, a monster Rita makes.
But in Zyuranger, the Dora Franke becomes the 'Mutitis' monster which is ZombieFranke.
The clothes peeled off, this sequence is a bit gross so understandable why it is not in MMPR.
In Island of Illusions Part 1, Lokar blew smoke on Mutitis and made it into a few form.
In Zyuranger, the sequence is longer. ZombieFranke becomes SatanFranke in a much grotesque way. This sequence was shorten for MMPR.
Power Rangers,
Super Sentai,
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