Seven's a Crowd?
Episode Summary:
Recap of Gold and Silver wanting to blow stuff up, them knowing Dillon's sister and the two keys.

Dillon tries the sister's key in the locket and doesn't work, Flynn comes to offer help and Dillon refuses his help and he tells him what he his Aunt Auggie used to tell him---if you dwell in the past, you get stuck in maure. Flynn and Scott shop at the grocery store and end up with two robbers---and Ziggy meets an old 'friend' Nelson and puts whip cream on his face. Ziggy gives him a hard time and Scott beats up Nelson's friend. They beat up the two and Gold and Silver bust in the shop, saying they wanted in on the action. The robbers run out and Ziggy and Scott run after them. Ziggy morphs and teleports and gets caught on some stairs. Scott fights the thugs.

The two are incapacitated. Meanwhile, Tenaya gets a new arm upgrade instead of working on the new Attackbot. She accidentally destroys some Grinders and sends Crunch to make a bot. Back with the Rangers, the seven try forming SkyRev Megazord as a test. The twins fly the Mach Megazord upward to see a 'boom' and the other two robos crash into each other. Gold and Silver are distracted. Dr. K says aborting further testing. Later, the five snack. Ziggy talks smack about Dr. K and she is behind him. She takes away his candy. Dillon says it is more fun to watch him snag. Crunch makes his ridiculous bot (Balloon Bot) grow and the two main megazords are formed. The bot takes the two down. Dr. K analyzes it and tells them to hold their fire.

She says there could be toxic in the baloons. And The Mach Megazord comes in and all they want is blow things up and without listening, they blow up the balloons and destroy the bot, saying waiting is no fun. Scott is mad. Later, Scott scolds the twins on shooting first, saying poison could have filled the dome--the twins said it didn't have poison so everything is fine. Gem apologizes, they don't know what they are doing. Scott suggests Dillon talking to them, Ziggy wants to do it, they say no.

The twins want to go to Venjix as they have some sort of plan and run off, promising to shoot first and not ask questions later. Meanwhile, Tenaya plays target practice and shows off a new bot--a pink Textile Bot (which she refers to as a 'him' while in Go-Onger it was female) to Shifter. The five Rangers are anxious to tell Dr. K the twins are reckless, but they do tell her delicately and she is surprised to tell the least.

She says she didn't give them a device and she figures they are in trouble, as they are heading to the disturbance.. a trash island? After the commercial break, Gem and Gema find the disturbance---Tenaya blasts at them. The Texitle Bot tosses Gema off and Grinders keep Gem occupied. Gema fights the bot. The twins transform. Tenaya, Shifter and Texitle get together and Tenaya blasts at the two. They say they should have thought it through and form Mach Megazord.

Dr. K tells the two to hurry up. The two robos are swimming to the island. Mach is down and webs spin around it as Crunch has made Texitle grow up. Just when the bot is to destroy them, the other two megazords arrive. Venjix enters the room and asks where Shifter and Tenaya are and Crunch squeals on them, he says he didn't authorize the attack and sees the video. Texitle blasts at the three robos, Mach Megazord flys out of there. Tenaya says they are winning and it is all thanks to her new powertful... Mach Megazord blasts at them and destroy the cannon. Shifter laughs at Tenaya. Gem says to combine the three, Gema says it didn't work last time, Gem says they weren't in sync last time. Mach Megazord saves the other two.

Scott leads them, they countdown and then combine the nine zords into SkyRevMegazord. Dr. K sighs. The five have their Handle Blasters and the other two have the morpher/weapon combo. Venjix has arrived in his jet. The seven blast Venjix and then destroy the monster. Venjix falls down out of his destroyed jet and his body has failed him for the last time he says. Ziggy tries to talk to Dr. K, she eats popcorn and relaxes.

After the break, at the store the twins fix the door they busted down as the others watch. Flynn pitches in with his drill. Ziggy comes out with more candy and snacks, saying why waste the trip. The twins apologize, saying they were reckless and from now on, it will be different. Dr. K reports a disturbance, they wanna run off, but the five ask them to ride with them. They oblige.

Not much a change in tone since Eddie is gone and Judd Lynn is now in charge, this is because most likely this episode was already in production under his supervision. Not much change in the Dillon story but they finally handle the Twins/blow up situation and we see a more human side to the twins. Good fun ep.