I decided to do posts for the end of the year in review if it isn't already evident by the last posts. Here are the winners and losers in Power Rangers and Super Sentai. I grouped them together because you will see why, they work together.
WINNERS and LOSERS of 2012
5. DVD Buyers
We have gotten a flurry of DVDs this year: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers three seasons box set, Zeo-Lost Galaxy box set, Beetleborgs dvds, VR Troopers dvds, and Ninja Turtles: Next Mutations dvds. Also Power Rangers Samurai and Power Rangers Super Samurai dvds and complete season of Super Samurai.
Saban Brands gave out Blu-Rays to Power Force members without asking if they had Blu-Ray. One disadvantage. Also, fans don't like that Zeo-Lost Galaxy DVD box set is not available on sale yet other than Time-Life but we are sure they will be out soon. No Power Rangers Samurai season one complete season yet though.
4. Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai
#1 Kids action show and high toy sales, Saban successfully made Power Rangers a hit with kids once again.
Well the real loser is Power Rangers Samurai, not Nick. Nick is just fine. Well the real real loser is kid fans who love the show and are treated by too many repeats and too many months of waiting for new episodes. For info on what I think should have done, check my Year in the Review on Scheduling of Power Rangers.
3. The Color Pink
This past year, the Pink Samurai Ranger got shafted when it came to Mega Bloks, with no turtle zord nor her own hero pack. Plus her regular figure was cancelled. In Sentai, there was no Pink Ranger this year with Go-Busters. They did get a 'Pink Buster' but it was just a crappy costume ala AbarePink.

This past year, Pink Ranger did get a costume and a Mega Mode mask in the Samurai line. Also, the MMPR Pink Ranger seems to be getting love in 20th anniversary collectibles and Halloween costumes for women. In the coming year with the new sentai Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger, the lone female ranger is Pink and her mecha, unlike other Pink Ranger's mecha is COMPLETELY Pink.
2. The Color Yellow
In the past year, Yellow Ranger got stuff in MegaBloks that the Pink Ranger did not in Power Rangers Samurai like Ape Zord, Super Mode Hero Pack and multiple figures. Also, she is often grouped with the male figures unlike the Pink Ranger. She also got a Morphsuit.
For Samurai Halloween Costumes, Yellow Ranger did not get a costume. This is common on teams with a Pink Ranger. Also there was no adult Yellow Ranger costume, sans the Morphsuit. Samurai Yellow's Shogun Mode was not seen in action on the show. This upcoming year, there will be NO yellow Ranger for Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger (2013), making Yellow also the loser for 2016 when it is adapted for Power Rangers.
1. The Fans
It has been confirmed that we will be getting the Legend War for Power Rangers Megaforce but not clear at which point. Also we have Power Force, 20 influential fans selected to represent fans and give feedback to Saban Brands. Also the 20th anniversary will be giving new merchandise and also a new Power Morpher! Also the Power Morphicon had Saban as a presence and it was just plain awesome.
Lol just kidding... uh.. not really. Well, you guys know what. We are always unhappy about something. Look at Nick, where we don't even get promos anymore. Or look at PRS itself, where adult fans are not happy. But that is just part of being a fan. Not everyone is going to happy because there is always different opinions on how to run things.