Yes it did - 108 of 129
I already knew - 21 of 129

The classic wins 69 of 99 to 30 votes for the DT version. Connor wanted to see how his zord measured up so Tommy and Hayley rigged it so they could bring the old zord back.

The Green Ranger's dragon won at 75 of 95. Tommy and Jason butt heads with zords. Remember that in Season 2, while the others used their Thunderzords, Tommy could still use his Dragonzord.

The White Ranger and Green Ranger clone fought and it was a close fight but White Tiger won 50 out of 98.

The first Megazord won 58 out of 98. Zordon brought the old megazord to fight against the second one.

The original won out 64 of 91. Connor also had Tommy bring the two Megazords battle.

Cam used a time scroll and had the two Thunder Megazords battle it out, the original won 61 out of 93.

A wormhole opened up and OmegaMax (SPD) won 52 out of 88.

Every Day - 100 of 135
Twice a week - 17
Depends on Info - 13
Once a Week - 4
A couple months - 1
Once a month - 0
Would you want me to update the animals in Sentai every year? (When there is animal mech of course)
Yes - 90 of 100
No - 10 of 100
Would you want me to update Kamen Rider different shades every year?
Yes - even to add just two Riders - 44 of 86
Yes - when there are more than two - 24
No, not necessary - 18
Would you want me to update different shades of colors in Super Sentai?
Yes if you want - 55 of 98
Yes every year - 28 of 98
Not all the time - 15
Yes - even to add just two Riders - 44 of 86
Yes - when there are more than two - 24
No, not necessary - 18
Would you want me to update different shades of colors in Super Sentai?
Yes if you want - 55 of 98
Yes every year - 28 of 98
Not all the time - 15