Jii and Antonio announce that Antonio is fixing the Claw Zord (Lobster) that was battle damaged long ago and Jii hid it. Kevin doesn't fully accept Antonio as a 'true Samurai' and think he's just goofing around. The monster of the day steals kids' toys to make them cry and Octoroo trying to find another way to open the Sanzu River through a well. Bulk and Spike are sleeping and their toy panda is stolen and all is left is slime. Dayu visits Deker outside the Sanzu River but around it, he's still injured. Antonio follows Kevin's morning routine to learn what makes him tick. The two end up in the forest finding Octoroo but their morpher signals are blocked. Xandred asks Dayu what she is hiding because her music is off. Dayu remembers talking to Deker, to ask why he is obsessed with Red Ranger.

She asks if he remembers nothing of the past. He says no, all he cares about is his sword. She asks if there is anything else important, he says no and she sighs. Back at the house, Jayden has a 'bad feeling' since Kevin is not back from his morning jog. Antonio has an arm injury. Kevin leaves without Antonio. Antonio and Kevin fight the Moogers, Antonio says to not treat him like a coward. Antonio says there is more to being a Samurai and some Samurai mombo-jumbo. Antonio and Kevin help each other and fight together and face the monster. The others show up on time. Octoroo retreats and the new duo destroy the monster's first life and he grows. They make the OctoSpear Megazord and destroy the slime bucket. And the Rangers return the toys back.

Either footage of episode 15 and 16 was used as well for the scene where Dayu visits Deker, or it was copied. The whole video camera plot is new, but Genta did follow Ryonousuke in the original. The monster steals Bulk and Skull's Sammy the panda (Kungfu panda reference?). Remember on this blog when I said before on this blog that when there is a goofy plot, it is because the original plot was too brutal for America TV. In this episode, they stole kids' toys to make them cry but in the original, the bad guys stole virgins and planned to sacrificed them. For example, in PRMF--the monster made a a parasite that killed victims but it was turned into turning people into feathers. In the original, Genta created the lobster, but in this one, it was an old zord that Jii hid and then gave it to Antonio to fix it. And could 'Slime time' be a reference to Nickelodeon? Maybe. And another change in the megazord bit, in the original the Yellow Ranger made the Blue one imitate a move Gold did.