In a few weeks in September Power Rangers Samurai is finally coming to McDonalds. I expected this to happen. There is eight toys: Samurai Megazord, Gold Ranger, Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, Spin Disc, Fire Smasher Cannon Blast mode, Hydro Bow and a spinner thing. I have covered what toys there has been before in McDonalds (it sure has been a lot) and what I liked and didn't. The girl toy is iCarly. My niece and nephew (Jaiden) frequent McDonalds a lot. I even had a poll about it. STARTS SEPTEMBER 16, 2011
UPDATED 9/19/11
I recently checked it out, and the Happy Meal box only has Red, Gold and Blue and has their names but lacks Mike (:(), who seems to be the fan favorite (with kids too). I got the Red Ranger spinner toy and it is quite detailed even though it lacks paint.
The following is my own creation:

Instead of iCarly, they should had made a girl version for PR. I would had the spinner be Yellow's weapon and have a cheaper version of the toy. And I couldn't think of a replacement for the Megazord. For the turtle on the spin disc sword, I use the turtle they have in the actual background of the picture. I also used the girl weapons from the Bandai America Mega Mode toys. The photoshop is badly done on purpose, for people not to think its real.
Official Press Release:
(September 20, 2011) – Saban Brands announced today that the #1 kids action
series Power Rangers Samurai is teaming up with McDonald’s to offer Power
Rangers toys in Happy Meals at participating McDonald’s restaurants throughout
North America. The relationship between these two iconic brands began in 1994
with a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Happy Meal. Over fifteen years
later, today’s collaboration focuses on positive lifestyle choices, including
fun fitness and balanced eating for America’s youth, and coincides with the
roll-out of McDonald’s new Happy Meal, that now includes apple slices in every
Happy Meal purchased.
“We are so
proud of the long relationship between the Power Rangers and McDonald’s,” said
Saban Brands president Elie Dekel. “It is a testament to the legacy of the
Power Rangers that McDonald’s and this iconic franchise have sustained their
collaboration long enough to introduce a new Power Rangers Happy Meal to a
second generation.”
Rangers fans visiting participating North American McDonald’s restaurants between
Friday, September 16 and Thursday, October 13 will receive one of eight limited
edition toys inspired by the hit series Power Rangers Samurai, now
airing on Nickelodeon, with the purchase of a Happy Meal or Mighty Kids Meal.
This new promotion brings a mix of action figures and role-play items where kids
can recreate high-action moves in the
palms of their hands and inspire fun, active play.
McDonald’s new Happy Meal, which will begin to roll
out in select McDonald’s locations across the U.S. this month, will include a
smaller, 1.1-ounce portion of fries along with produce (apple slices, a quarter
cup or half serving) with the choice of a hamburger, cheeseburger or Chicken
McNuggets, and choice of beverage, including new fat-free chocolate milk and 1%
low fat white milk.
In addition, this promotion coincides with the newest
cycle of Power Rangers emPOWER, an initiative that inspires kids and families
to put the Power Rangers values of teamwork, confidence, health and
physical activity into action through programs at schools, online and at
events in local communities. Another way is to encourage exercise and active
play in and after school by using The Power Rangers emPOWER Activities. The emPOWER
Activity Kit Sweepstakes is offering schools and youth organizations the chance
to win a $10,000 donation and a visit from the Power Rangers and is available
through November 11, 2011 on PowerRangers.com.
McDonalds Toys and Stuff |