Today in "Samurai Surprise," they used footage of Gokaiger episodes 11 and 12.
In Episode 12, Gokai Red became Ryuuranger, Hurricane Red, Bouken Red and Shinken Red.
Troy became Ryuuranger (Red Dairanger), Red Wind Ranger, Red Operation Overdrive and Samurai Red.
Jake became Midoranger from Goranger, OhGreen and Green Sai of Liveman and Shinken Green.
Jake only became Green Zeo Ranger IV and Green Samurai Ranger.
Gokai Yellow became Mask Yellow, Mega Yellow, Abare Yellow and Shinken Yellow.
Gia became Mask Yellow, Yellow Space, Yellow Dino Thunder and Samurai Yellow.
Gokai Pink became Denzi Pink, Pink Flash, Time Pink and Shinken Pink.
Emma became Pink Flash, Pink Time Force and Pink Samurai Ranger.
The Rangers gathered as Time Pink, Green Sai, Hurricane Red, and AbareYellow. In Super Megaforce, they replaced it with Green Zeo and Blue Megaforce.
First time I saw this I got mad, but it could it be possible Jason Smith (Casey, who wrote the episode) did this as an inside thing? He knows Sentai so maybe he thought he could pass this by the Saban Brands team. I mean, they could had easily edited these two out. And it made no sense to omit Green Sai if they were including MaskYellow and Pink Flash. People are saying why should I care. I am not mad because it is including Sentai. I am just upset they do it willy nilly with such randomness and no context. I mean, they omitted Turboranger and Jetman last week but this week seem to do whatever they want.
I mean they reshot some of it, why not add other teams? Why couldn't Gia become like Turbo, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed, Wild Force, SPD, Mystic Force, Jungle Fury, or RPM instead of Maskman? And why couldn't Emma become Turbo, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed, SPD or Mystic Force? Oh well. Another theory is the reason they reshot the last scene was because they didn't have any of the pre-Zyu suits. So they can sometimes add Pre-Zyu suit footage but not make new ones. At least it gives us stuff to debate over until the cows come home. It is never a dull moment now, Saban.