UPDATED 11/23/14 4:30 PM EST

SDCC 2014 revealed more key. Reps say that we will be getting Females and Sixth Rangers. If 3 keys come per pack, how would the keys fit in packs? Some teams only have 2 missing, some 4, and others as much as 7! Could be they do two more waves of 7 packs of 3 and stick the rest in Feature Megazord and Toys R Us Deluxe Legendary Morpher and Ranger Key set. They could also mix rangers in sets, not do per season but just random. Or they could sell them individually in baggies (like the one below).
Super Megaforce
This Super Megaforce Ranger Key Set C has been spotted at Time for Play Magazine event in early October and has the Silver Super Megaforce Ranger on the front, meaning we will be getting the Sixth Rangers on the box art. This set will have Pink, Blue and Silver all translucent.
Pack Possibility: 100%

SDCC 2014 revealed more key. Reps say that we will be getting Females and Sixth Rangers. If 3 keys come per pack, how would the keys fit in packs? Some teams only have 2 missing, some 4, and others as much as 7! Could be they do two more waves of 7 packs of 3 and stick the rest in Feature Megazord and Toys R Us Deluxe Legendary Morpher and Ranger Key set. They could also mix rangers in sets, not do per season but just random. Or they could sell them individually in baggies (like the one below).
Super Megaforce
This Super Megaforce Ranger Key Set C has been spotted at Time for Play Magazine event in early October and has the Silver Super Megaforce Ranger on the front, meaning we will be getting the Sixth Rangers on the box art. This set will have Pink, Blue and Silver all translucent.
Pack Possibility: 100%
Pink and Yellow are available in Metallic in SDCC exclusive set. But if they put them in a 3-pack, will they come with a Translucent Green or White? Depending if the Green or White Ranger will be on the box art.
News: C pack has YELLOW, translucent White & Red; D Pack has PINK, translucent Green & Blue.
[Picture above from https://twitter.com/SentaiRangers]
Since there are only 2 members left, maybe White And Yellow will come with Ninjor? SDCC 2014 Bandai booth has Ninjor on display and on a promo pic. White and Yellow Alien Rangers were also seen at SDCC 2014. If they do make a pack, most likely Ninjor will be on the box art.
News: B pack has Ninjor, White & Yellow Alien Rangers.

Easy to deduce what keys they will put in a pack: Green, Gold and Pink. Pink and Gold were seen at the SDCC 2014 Bandai Booth. Green was promised with the 2nd wave but was replaced by Yellow. Most likely we will be getting Gold Ranger on the cover as he appeared on a PMC postcard advertising new keys. Pink will appear in the Toys R Us Deluxe Legendary Morpher and Ranger Key Set.
This is a toughy. Missing Rangers are Pink and Yellow, but also TokuNation spotted Phantom Ranger and Blue Senturion at SDCC 2014. So how will they put these 4? Pink was spotted at SDCC 2013 and 2014. Pink will come in the Toys R Us Deluxe Legendary Morpher and Ranger Key Set. There most likely won't be a Yellow key.
News: B pack has Phantom, Blue Senturion and Pink.

[Phantom Ranger from SentaiRangers and Blue Senturion from RangerCrew Blog]

[Phantom Ranger from SentaiRangers and Blue Senturion from RangerCrew Blog]
This is easy to deduce: Silver, Pink and Yellow. All three were spotted at SDCC 2013. Only Yellow was spotted at SDCC 2014 of the unreleased keys. No Pink will be released. Yellow comes in pack. Silver in the 20 key set.
News: B pack has Yellow new, Silver in 20 Key Set
This is easy to deduce: Yellow, Pink and Magna Defender. Pink was spotted at SDCC 2013 & 2014, Yellow and Magna Defender at SDCC 2014. Even though Pink Lost Galaxy showed up on the cons, it won't come with the Lost Galaxy Set B pack, it only comes with Magna Defender on the cover with the keys of Magna Defender, Yellow and translucent Green.
News: B pack has Magna Defender, Yellow and Green Translucent.
[Yellow and Magna Defender Pictures from RangerCrew Blog]
[Yellow and Magna Defender Pictures from RangerCrew Blog]
Hopefully Pink, Yellow and Titanium, but Titanium will be part of the PMC exclusive. Titanium was not part of the keys on the wall nor banner. Only Red, Green and Blue were spotted on the wall.
[Quantum Ranger pic from Rangercrew blog, Pink and Green from TokuNation]
Best hunch: Pink, Yellow and Quantum Pink Time Force was spotted at SDCC 2014 and Quantum Ranger in a promo pic at SDCC 2014. Quantum will come in the Toys R Us Deluxe Legendary Morpher and Ranger Key Set. Set B comes with Pink, and translucent versions of Red and Green.
News: B pack comes with Pink, 20 key set with Quantum.
A no-brainer would be White, Yellow and Silver. White Wild Force was spotted at SDCC 2013, Lunar Wolf was spotted at both SDCC 2013 and 2014 and Yellow at SDCC 2014. White was seen on the banner. Looks like no White Ranger.
News: B pack comes with Yellow and Lunar Wolf and Translucent Black.
Yellow and Lunar Wolf pics from:
Yellow and Lunar Wolf pics from:
The best hunch would be: Crimson, Navy and Green. Crimson was spotted at SDCC 2013 and 2014. Green and Navy were both spotted at SDCC 2014.
News: B pack listing have been found but not what keys yet.
Green and Navy pics from:
Green and Navy pics from:
Yellow and White are the only missing, they were spotted at SDCC 2014 (white on the wall and yellow on banner). They could be included with a Metallic or Translucent Red (some fans want Triassic Ranger but I doubt it). Yellow will appear in the Toys R Us Deluxe Legendary Morpher and Ranger Key Set.
News: B pack comes with White and Translucent Black and Red.
[Yellow pic from RangerCrew Blog and others from TokuNation]

This is another hard one. Pink, Yellow, Omega, Shadow and Kat are missing. Shadow was spotted at SDCC 2013. Omega, Pink and Shadow were spotted at SDCC 2014. Yellow was seen on the banners. What they could do is 2 packs: Yellow, Pink and Omega; and Metallic Red, Shadow and Kat. Kat was included in Japan.
News: B pack listing have been found but not what keys yet.
[Omega, Pink and Yellow from Rangercrew Blog, Green and Shadow from TokuNation]
[Picture above from RangerCrew Blog]
Best hunch: Pink, Blue and Solaris Knight. Pink and Blue were spotted in SDCC 2014 promo banner/poster. Solaris Knight, White Mystic Force Ranger and Wolf Warrior were all spotted at SDCC 2014. They could do two packs: one with White Mystic and Wolf Warrior and a Metallic Red. Or maybe they can do what they did with the Super Megaforce Set C and have Solaris Knight, Wolf Warrior and White Mystic because Wolf Warrior is a boy.
Pack Possibility (Pink/Blue/Gold): 60%
Pack Possibility (White/WW/Red?): 80%
News: B pack listing have been found but not what keys yet.
[Blue, Pink, Wolf Warrior and White from Rangercrew blog]
Pack Possibility (White/WW/Red?): 80%
News: B pack listing have been found but not what keys yet.
[Blue, Pink, Wolf Warrior and White from Rangercrew blog]
Pink and Yellow are rumored to come with the Feature Megazord. Yellow and Mercury Ranger was spotted at SDCC 2013 and 2014. A no-brainer would be Pink, Yellow and Mercury. Sentinel Knight was not seen but was included in Japan but who knows. Pink OO Ranger was not seen on the wall nor poster at SDCC.
News: B pack comes with Yellow and Silver and Translucent Red.
Violet will be included in the PMC Exclusive. Violet and White were also spotted at SDCC 2014 wall. Missing are Violet, White, Dai Shi, Camile and Spirit Rangers. Who knows how they will handle this. Most likely we will get Violet and White in individual bags. It is a concern that only Violet is on the wall and not Titanium. Violet is also in the promo banner and Titanium is not. Most likely we won't get Spirit Rangers nor Dai Shi and Camile.
News: B pack has Violet, White and Translucent Yellow
[Pic of Rhino from Rangercrew Blog and Violet from TokuNation]
[Pic of Rhino from Rangercrew Blog and Violet from TokuNation]
Missing are Green, Black, Gold and Silver. Silver, Green and Black were spotted at SDCC 2013. Green, Gold and Silver were spotted at SDCC 2014. Black was not spotted at SDCC 2014. Who knows how they will handle this as we are missing four keys. They could do a Gold/Silver pack with the hybrid key, Gold and Silver or so one with Green, Black and Gold.
Pink and Gold was spotted at SDCC 2013 and 2014. Gold, Pink and Lauren were spotted in the SDCC 2014 promo. Yellow has not been spotted yet, save for a prototype pic Razzle1337 found from TRU. Lauren has been in promos but yet to be released. Could be they release Gold on the cover art and Gold, Pink and Lauren or Yellow key. Or maybe they will come in individual bags.
News: B pack comes with Pink and Gold.
Robo Knight comes with the Silver Spear. Robo Knight, Pink and Yellow were spotted in SDCC 2014 promo poster. Robo Knight will come in the TRU Deluxe Legendary Morpher and Ranger Key Set. We can still get another Megaforce pack with Robo Knight on the cover and come with Pink and Yellow or they screw us a give us a translucent blue instead of both girls.
Pack Possibility: Not Likely
According to FuryDiamond, these are the keys present (bold are unreleased):
- Red Armored MM Ranger
- Mighty Morphin Red Ranger
- Red Alien Ranger
- Red Zeo Ranger
- Red Turbo Ranger
- Red In Space Ranger
- Red Lightspeed Ranger
- Red Time Force Ranger
- Red Wild Force Ranger
- Red Ninja Storm Ranger
- Red Dino Thunder Ranger
- Red SPD Ranger
- Red Mystic Force Ranger
- Red Operation Overdrive Ranger
- Red Jungle Fury Ranger
- Red RPM Ranger
- Red Samurai Ranger
- Red Megaforce Ranger
- Red Super Megaforce Ranger
- Blue Mighty Morphin Ranger
- Blue Alien Ranger
- Blue Zeo Ranger
- Blue Turbo Ranger
- Blue In Space Ranger
- Blue Lost Galaxy Ranger
- Blue Lightspeed Rescue Ranger
- Blue Time Force Ranger
- Blue Wild Force Ranger
- Blue Ninja Storm Ranger
- Blue Dino Thunder Ranger
- Blue SPD Ranger
- Blue Operation Overdrive Ranger
- Blue Jungle Fury Ranger
- Blue RPM Ranger
- Blue Samurai Ranger
- Blue Megaforce Ranger
- Blue Super Megaforce Ranger
- Yellow Mighty Morphin Ranger
- Yellow Alien Ranger
- Yellow Zeo Ranger
- Yellow In Space Ranger
- Yellow Lost Galaxy Ranger
- Yellow Wild Force Ranger
- Yellow Ninja Storm Ranger
- Yellow Mystic Force Ranger
- Yellow Operation Overdrive Ranger
- Yellow Jungle Fury Ranger
- Yellow RPM Ranger
- Yellow Super Megaforce Ranger
- Green Mighty Morphin Ranger
- Green Zeo Ranger
- Green Turbo Ranger
- Green Lost Galaxy Ranger
- Green Lightspeed Rescue Ranger
- Green Time Force Ranger
- Green Samurai Ranger (Ninja Storm)
- Green SPD Ranger
- Green Mystic Force Ranger
- Green RPM Ranger
- Green Samurai Ranger
- Green Super Megaforce Ranger
- Black Mighty Morphin Ranger
- Black Alien Ranger
- Black Space Ranger
- Black Wild Force Ranger
- Black Dino Thunder Ranger
- Black Operation Overdrive Ranger
- Black Megaforce Ranger
- Mighty Morphin White Ranger
- White Alien Ranger
- White Mystic Force Ranger
- White Dino Ranger
- Omega Ranger
- Rhino Ranger
- Pink Mighty Morphin Ranger
- Pink Zeo Ranger
- Pink Turbo Ranger
- Pink Lost Galaxy Ranger (won't be released)
- Pink Time Force Ranger
- Pink SPD Ranger
- Pink Samurai Ranger
- Pink Super Megaforce Ranger
- Blue Senturion
- Ninjor
- Navy Ranger
- Shadow Ranger
- Magna Defender
- Phantom Ranger
- Wolf Warrior
- Crimson Ranger
- Solaris Knight
- Gold RPM Ranger
- Gold Zeo Ranger
- Gold Samurai Ranger
- Violet Wolf Ranger
- Silver RPM Ranger
- Lunar Wolf Ranger
- Mercury Ranger
New Rangers seen in promo posters but not on display:
- Lauren (Red Samurai Ranger)
- Quantum Ranger
- Pink Mystic Force Ranger
- Blue Mystic Force Ranger
- White Wild Force Ranger (won't be released)
- Yellow Dino Thunder Ranger
- Yellow SPD Ranger
- Yellow Megaforce Ranger
- Pink Dairanger (Houhouranger)
- Green Dairanger (Shishiranger)
Quantum Ranger above
Press 'Read More' for the full list of all the Ranger keys on the banners!