Suggested by Chynna of Straight from Chynna's Head
Wow, there are so many more...

Writer/Producer of Power Rangers, Masked Rider and VR Troopers, he voiced Tommy's talking sabre Saba (below), Wizard of Deception (below), Goatan goat head, Rockster, and Fang in MMPR. Also voiced Dice in VR Troopers, Frightwing in PRiS, Klawlox in PRTF and Signal Org in PRWF.

Rebecca Forstadt
Played Fighting Flea (below, obviously) in MMPR, Ocusect in Masked Rider, a computer in "Future Unknown" episode of Time Force and a newcaster in Wild Force. She has provided voices for Lupin the 3rd, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Love Hina and other anime.

Kirk Thornton
Voice Dramole (below) and Professor Longnose in MMPR, Skull in Masked Rider, Mechanoid in VR Troopers, Nuklifier, Altor and Silo in Zeo, one or all of the Creeps in Turbo, Powerdriller, Voltagehog, and Craterites (below) in PRIS, Samuron, Brunt in PRLG, Spellbinder in PRLR, Angelcon in PRTF, and Motorcycle Org in PRWF. He has done voices for Trigun, Love Hina, Cyborg 009, Stitch!, and many more.
Brad Orchard
Played Bazookabot, Dice, Slice, and Spiderbot in VR Troopers, Hydro Hog (above), Ravenator, Centiback, Pipebrain, Tube Monster (Pipe Brain re-paint, above), Liquisect and Boulder Beetle in Masked Rider, Furocious and Torch Mouth in Beetleborgs, Owl Monster and Horror Bull in PriS, and was writer/producer in MMPR.
Mike Reynolds
Voiced Mondo the Magician (below), Spitflower, Lantera in MMPR, General Ivar (above) in VR Troopers, Skull Reaper #1, Masked Rider Warrior Commander/Masked Rider Strongman, Lobstatron, Tentaclon in Masked Rider, Hammerhands in Beetleborgs, Destructipede in Space, Captain Mutiny (above) in PRLG, Mr. Mechanau in PRTF, and finally, Ship Org (below) in Wild Force. He also voiced and wrote for Digimon.

Brian Tahash
Voiced Malavex in Beetleborgs, Space Monkey in Masked Rider, See Monster (below), Brick Bully, and Lantera (for one ep) in MMPR and played Constable Narwek in the Host's home dimension in "Angel."

Mark K. Miller
Played Garbage Mouth (below) and Parrot Top in MMPR, Combax in VR Troopers, and Bananatex in Masked Rider. He has gone under the names Kermit Beachwood, and Kermit Miller.

Ezra Weisz (Ethan Murray)
He provided the male voice of Mandilok (below) in Wild Force (female voice was Barbara Goodson). Voiced Duplitronic and Silkoid on VR Troopers, Green Cannon Machine, Cyber Serpent, Lottamuggs in Beetleborgs, Reptosect and Brain Mite in Masked Rider, and Mantix in Beetleborgs Metallix.
Peter Greenword
Mace Warrior and Sword Warrior in Beetleborgs, Wolfgang Amadeus Griller in Turbo (above), and Aquafiend (above) in Lightspeed. He is from Australia and has had bit parts in shows like King of Queens.
Tom Fahn
Voiced Skelereena (above) in MMPR, Firecat in Beetleborgs, Count Nocturn, Wicked Wisher, Demon Racer (above) in Turbo, Chameliac and Green Shark in Lost Galaxy.
Jimmy Theodore
Played Destructasphere in Masked Rider, Plague Patrol and Slotsky (above) in MMPR, and Unctuous (above) in Beetleborgs. He voiced Ken in "Street Fighter II: V" and did a voice for Trigun.
Glen McDouglas
Voiced Mothitron in Masked Rider, Strickland in VR Troopers, Crosspatch (above) in Turbo, and Rocketron (above) in Lost Galaxy.
John C. Hyke
Treevil and Whirlin in Lightspeed; Pharaoh in Turbo, Termasect in Masked Rider, Transformatron in VR Troopers; and Saliguana and Cannontop in MMPR.
David Walsh
Voiced Skullhead in Beetleborgs, Visceron and Blue Senturion in Turbo, Automon in Wild Force and another voice in Time Force.
Frank Adelia
Voice Wolfgang in Beetleborgs and Quadra Org in Wild Force, he played a guard in Lost Galaxy.
Monica Louwerens
Best known as Ms. Fairweather in Lightspeed, she voiced computers in Time Force and the Flute Org and the Karaoke Org in Wild Force.
Stephen Apostolina
Kubak in Lost Galaxy, Swamp Creature in Beetleborgs, Arachnabot and Spikebot in VR Troopers, Elestomp in Lightspeed and Tombstone Org in Wild Force.