New Opening Sequence!

Episode Summary:
We get a 'last time on Power Rangers' about 'Brother's Keeper' and 'Embodied' about the virus in Dillon's body and Venjix in a new body attacking the Rangers and the two new Rangers. The Go-Onger bus enters the damaged abandoned city of Kenmore. It had been three days. Ziggy is the navigator. Scott found video of the two zords. Flynn says they are ghosts. He points out it is a giant flying chicken. Ziggy says they can't be in judgement of weirdness because he rides in a green fish and Summer rides in a giant yellow teddy bear. Back in Dr. K's lab, she does a read-out on a Venjix symbol coin and Kenmore. She figures out it is a trap. In Kenmore, Dillon wants to turn back around, saying nothing looks familiar and he feels something bad. They get out of the bus. Dr. K sends the Rangers a message but they don't see it since they are already walking outside.

Back with Corporal Hicks and Truman, Truman says he can't do much, even for his own son. Dillon finds the Kenmore sign but there is nothing around. Scott suggests splitting up. Dr. K tells Truman about her growing up in Alphabet Soup, saying there is real meaning behind it because she doesn't talk about it. When she was 11, she was asked to make a liquid to cause real bad diarrhea, threatening him in her own way. He then orders Hicks to do something that will help the Rangers. Ziggy and Flynn run in and talk to Dr. K. They don't get what she says, and I don't either at 5:30 in the morning. Something about false memories for Dillon. The gold and silver zords excerpt from Ziggy alerts Dr. K. Ziggy and Flynn run off before Dr. K can confirm what she heard.

The five re-group, alerting of the trap and a new Attackbot Dyna-bot comes in with Grinders. After the commercial break, the Rangers fight the threat. The Rangers morph and fight the monster (the blue bomb one from Go-Onger). He sends a bomb towards them and the new Rangers arrive and throw it back at them. We then see the five Ranger's eyes under the helmets. Gold and Silver fight the Grinders in the abandoned city of Kenmore or Venjix City. They beat up the monster and then fly up in their zords. The five want to talk to them but they leave. The five de-morph and enter the bus. Dillon is bummed. Summer tells him they will find the answer. Dyna-Bot reports to Venjix, he left a bomb on their van.

Ziggy opens a bag of chips and the bomb goes off and the bus is no controllable. The five morph and get out of the van and it goes off a cliff and boom---no more Go-onger reference van. Then Venjix, Shifter and the monster arrive. The five form the RPM Enforcer and Venjix attacks them before they can use it. After the commercial break, Venjix ties up the Rangers but the two new heroes come in and fight the Grinders. Gold does a fire attack. Silver fights for a while and then does an ice attack. Venjix attacks them and they deflect the attack and double-attack him. He deflects it. The Dyna-bot goes towards them. Shifter tells Venjix to pull back and they do so. The duo fight Dyna-Bot.

The duo fly in the air and attack/destroy Dyna-Bot. The five are then freed, they go up to the duo. The duo still finish off their own sentences. They take the five to Corinth in their zords. Hicks detects two signals, Truman is against lowering the shields because they don't detect bio waves or whatever. Dr. K tells him to lower the shields because he built the two devices, that they have hidden bio signals. The two zords land.

The five enter with the two Rangers in their suits. Ziggy warns the two that Dr. K is a bit cold but that's just how she is. The doors of Dr. K's lab opens and she enters the garage. Gem and Gema take off their helmets. Dr. K gives them a big hug. Ziggy says that she is trying a different management style with them. Dr. K is actually crying out of happiness!
Video coming soon today.

Episode Review:
Great ending. I like how Dr. K was in Truman's office for once and the mention of Diarrhea! Not so creative on the trap and Dillon part and the whole 'ghosts' thing felt tacked on as there was no real substance behind it. I am glad they didn't go with slapstick and a fake ghost. They could have called the episode "False Starts." I am also saddened they blew up the Go-Onger van. But I guess they needed a reason for the duo to fly in the five into the dome city. I guess a lot of fans are disappointed about the twins being the same, cheery and finishing their sentences. But I have three words for them... GET OVER IT!!!