UPDATED 8/18/11 3:45 PM EST
In the USA for Halloween, they make Power Ranger costumes, but mostly only of the male Rangers and 1 female. I have covered this before. Also with the toys, masks are made as well. In Japan, they make masks of every Ranger for play. Some costumes are made, but not specifically for Halloween.
Yellow Owl, Black Condor,
Blue Swallow, Red Hawk and
White Swan.

I could only find the masks of
Dragon Ranger (green), Mammoth Ranger (Black), Triceratops Ranger (Blue), and Gouryuujin. I couldn't find pictures of the masks of Tyranno Ranger, Ptera Ranger and Tiger Ranger, I know there is pictures of the Red Ranger mask on ebay but it is cheap looking. Only the main five masks were produced for the Halloween costumes, except for

I managed to find pics of all the masks.
Ryuu Ranger (Red), Tenma Ranger (Blue), Kirin Ranger (Yellow), Shishi Ranger (Green), Houhou Ranger (Pink), Kiba Ranger (White), and
Ryuseioh. Only the Kiba Ranger mask was produced as the White Ranger costume for 1994, 1995 and 2010.

There is
Ninja Blue, Ninja Yellow, Ninja White, Ninja Black,
White Kark, Ninja Red, Yellow Kumard, Black Gammer. Interesting how blue is not light shade like it was in the show. The Aquitar Ranger masks were not produced at all in America.
I could only find
Oh Red, Oh Yellow, OhBlue, Oh Pink, and
Oh Green, and
Kingranger. Ohranger Robo mask existed too.
I could only find pics of
Yellow, Pink and Green; only
Red, Blue, and
Pink were made in America. In America, Phantom Ranger was made and sold for two years straight.

Mega Black, Red, Yellow, Blue, Pink and Silver was made. In America, only
Red and
Pink costumes were made.
I couldn't find a pic of Green, but it was produced. Here we have
Blue, Yellow, Red, Green and
Pink. Green and
Yellow were not made in America. Magna Defender (Bull Black) costume was produced in USA but not sure if the mask was made in Japan. I am not sure if the Bull Black mask was made in Japan.
Here we have
Go Blue, Victory Robo, Red, Green, Pink, and Yellow. Blue, Yellow and Green were not produced in America. Only
Red and
Pink costumes was made in America. In America, Titanium Ranger costume was made and Titanium didn't exist in Japan.
Here are all of them: Time Pink, Blue, Fire, Red, Yellow and Green. Yellow and Green were not produced in America and Time Fire's mask was modified for Quantum Ranger in a darker shade and two lines instead of one.
Could only find the
Blue, Red, Black,
White, Yellow and Silver masks. Only
Red, White, Blue and Silver were made in America. Interesting how instead of indigo in Silver's mask, it has purple.

Hurricane Blue, Red and
Yellow, Kabutoraijer, and
Shurikenger (both modes); the Yellow Ranger mask was not produced in this fashion for the costume in America. I could not find Kuwagata Raijer.
Did some digging and found
Abare Red, Blue, Yellow, Black,
Abare Killer, and Abare Max. In the USA, the White Ranger was not made and the Triassic Ranger was a darker shade.
I dug through and did more google searches and found these masks.
Deka Red Swat Mode,
Deka Yellow, Pink, Break, Master, Green, Deka Blue and Deka Red. In the USA, Yellow Ranger costume was not made, all others pictured above were made, including
Swat Blue and
Swat Pink.

Here you can see masks of
Magi Red, Wolzard, Magi Shine, Magi Pink Magi Blue, Magi Yellow, Magi Green, Legend Magi Red, Magi Phoenix and MagiKing. I am not sure if they made of White. Blue, Yellow and Wolzard (Koragg) costumes were not made in America, a special Blue one was made in Disney Store. The Magi Phoenix mask was sold in the US with a toy set.
Here you go
Bouken Red, Black,
Blue, Yellow, Pink and Silver. All the costumes were made except for Yellow in the USA.

Above is
Geki Red, Geki Blue, Geki Yellow,
Geki Violet, Geki Chopper and Super Geki Red.I couldn't find Super Blue or Super Yellow but I know they made them. In the USA, they made all of them, well, Violet was made in the UK.

Above is
Blue, Green, Yellow and
Red and then Silver,
Black and
Gold. Gold and Silver costumes were not produced in America. The
Ranger Gold mask was indeed packaged with a toy set in America.
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink and
Gold; let's see who will get a Halloween Costume next year. I bet you Yellow will be left out once again (Like with Ninja Storm, SPD, Mystic Force and Operation Overdrive).
Above we see all of them:
Gosei Red, Black,
Blue, Pink, Yellow and Gosei Knight.

With this Go-Onger monster, it had masks of Kegaleshia and Aka Red, I know I have seen them around somewhere else but I can't find a picture independent from this picture.
Gokaiger masks above Silver, Pink, Yellow, Green, Blue, Blue and Red. Update 8/18/11