Xaviax faced him after he faced Eubulon years ago. Lord Zedd visited Earth, disappointed to find out Rita Repulsa was still in her space dumpster. Xaviax wanted to prove himself to the legend. Lord Zedd wanted to get the black alien out of his face.
Zedd won 156 of 209 votes.

Grimlord traveled through his virtual reality and found himself on Karsh, where he fought Xaviax. Grimlord wanted to be the baddest scum that fought a orphaned boy.
Xaviax won 115 of 166 votes, Grimlord never stood a chance.

Emperor Grumm traveled through a wormhole and fought Lord Zedd before he married Rita. Grumm wanted to also prove himself to the legend. Zedd ripped off Grumm's other horn where the Sun don't shine.
Zedd won 126 of 161 votes.
Before Dregon and Vile both went to Earth, Vile fought Dregon on Edenoi. Vile had time to kill but Dregon was very busy trying to take over his home planet and shame his own family.
Vile won 92 of 119 votes.
Vile won 92 of 119 votes.