I will note the age differences between the Power Rangers in each cast. Most actors are between the ages of 18 and 28, some have been in their thirties. And the original cast are entering their forties. Most cast members only have 2 to 5 years in difference within the cast.
When MMPR was shot in 1993, Amy Jo Johnson (Kim) was 22; Austin St. John (Jason) was 17; Thuy Trang (Trini) was 19; Walter Jones (Zack) was 25 or 26; and David Yost (Billy) was the eldest at 24. When Jason David Frank (Tommy) joined the cast, he was 20. David Yost had a 7 year difference from Austin St. John, the youngest. Paul Schrier was 23, he is a year younger than David. Jason Narvy was 19, 2 years older than Austin. According to NoPinkSpandex, Walter Jones lied about his age and is older than David.

In season 2 when
Johnny Yong Bosch (Adam) joined the cast, he was 18;
Steve Cardenas (Rocky) was 20; and
Karan Ashley (Aisha) was 19. David (25) and Johnny had a six year age difference.
Amy Jo was 24;
David was 25 and Jason was 21. By Season 3,
Jason was 22;
David was 26;
Steve was 21;
Johnny was 19 and
Karan was 20 and
Catherine Sutherland (Kat) was 21 when she joined the cast. Steve is 5 months older than Catherine.
Aquitar (Alien) Rangers:
Karim Prince (Cestro) was born in 1974 and was 21 in 1995.
Alan Palmer (Corcus) looks to be in his 40's now, so I suppose he was in his late 20's during this time. Same goes for
David Bacon (Aurico). I am not sure about
Rajia Baroudi (Delphine) or Tideus' actor
Jim Gray.

By Zeo, Jason was 22, David was 27, Steve was 22, Johnny was 20, Catherine was 21 and Nakia Burrise (Tanya) was 21. David Yost has a six year difference with Nakia. When Austin St. John (Jason) was added, he was 21. Catherine is 11 months older than Austin. I don't know how old the triplets that played Trey are.
Blake Foster (Justin) was 11, he was born in 1985 and he is now 26. Jason was 22 and later 23, Jason is about 12 years older than Blake. Johnny is 9 years older and Catherine and Nakia are about 11 years older. Hilary Shepard Turner (Divatox) was born in 1961, at the time she was 35, she was 12 years older than Jason David Frank and 24 years older than Blake. Carol Hoyt (Dimitria/Divatox) was 34 at the time. As for the new cast, Patricia Ja Lee (Cassie) was 22; Selwyn Ward (TJ) was 20; Roger Velasco (Carlos) was 20; and Tracy Lynn Cruz (Ashley) was 21. The eldest was Patricia and she is around 10 years older than Blake.

For Space, Christopher Lee (Andros) was 20, Patricia was 23, Selwyn was 21, Roger was 21 and Tracy was 22, Justin Nimmo (Justin) was 24 and Melody Perkins (Astronema) was 24. Justin Nimmo is 4 years older than Christopher. Melody is 8 months older than Justin Nimmo. Jason David Frank is 5 years older than Christopher Lee. Selwyn was a year older than Christopher. Paul Schrier was 28 and Jason Narvy was 24, 2 months younger than Melody.
In Lost Galaxy, Archie Kao (Kai) was 29, he is 10 months younger than David Yost. Reggie Rolle (Damon) was 23; Danny Salvin was 26; Cerina Vincent (Maya) was 20; Russell Lawrence (Mike) was 21; Varlie Vernon (Kendrix) was 23; Melody Perkins (Karone) was 25. Archie was the oldest and Cerine was the youngest. Danny is 6 years older Christopher Lee. Amy Miller (Trakeena), who married Reggie Rolle and I can't find her age.
In Lightspeed Rescue, Sean Cw Johnson (Carter) was 22; Michael Chaturantabut was 25; Alison Macinnis (Dana) was 20; Keith Robinson (Joel) was 24; Sasha Craig (Kelsey) was 18, Monica Louwerens (Angela) was 26; Ron Rogge (Captain Mitchell) was 32--a year older than David Yost. Ron was only 12 years older than Dana and Rhett. Rhett Fisher (Ryan) was 20, 2 months younger than Alison.

Jason Faunt (Wes) was 27--five years older than Sean Johnson; Michael Copon (Lucas) was 19; Erin Cahill (Jen) was 21; Deborah Phillips (Katie) was 23; Kevin Kleinberg (Trip) was 18; Dan Southworth (Eric) was 27; Dan is 2 months older than Jason. Edward Albert played Mr. Collins and was 50 at the time, making him 23 years older than Jason Faunt. He passed away in 2006 at the age of 55 due to Lung Cancer. Vernon Wells (Ransik) was around 55 and I don't know how old Kate Sheldon (Nadira) is. So, Kevin was the youngest of the Rangers and Dan was the eldest, with a 9 year difference, more than David Yost and Austin St. John's age differences.
Wild Force: Ricardo Medina (Cole) was 25; Alyson Sulivan (Taylor) was 25--4 months older than Ricardo; Phillip Jeanmarie (Max) was 24; Jessica Ray (Alyssa) was 20; Jack Guzman (Danny) was 24; Philip Andrew (Merrick) was 24. Jessica Ray was the youngest and has a 5 year difference from Ricardo and Alyson. Ilia Volok (Master Org) was 37 and I don't know how old Ann Marie Crouch (Shayla) is.
Ninja Storm: Pua Magasiva (Shane) was 23; Sally Martin (Tori) was 18; Glenn McMillan (Dustin) was 19; Jason Chan (Cam) was 32---a year younger than Amy Jo Johnson; Jorgito Vargas Jr. (Blake) was 26 and Adam Tuominen (Hunter) was 23; Katrina Devine (Marah) was 23 and Katrina Browne (Kapri) was 28.
Dino Thunder: Emma Lahana (Kira) was 20; James Napier (Connor) was 22; Kevin Duhany (Ethan) was 20; Jeffrey Parazzo (Trent)was 26; Jason David Frank was 31--a year younger than Cam. Jason, being the oldest, is 11 years older than Kevin and Emma, the youngest.
SPD: Brandon Jay McLaren (Jack) was 24; Chris Violette (Sky) was 24; Matt Austin (Bridge) was 27; Monica May (Z) was 21; Alycia P. (Syd) was 22; Michelle Langstone (Kat) was 26--a year younger than Matt Austin. John Tui (Doggie) was 30. John Tui had a 9 year difference between him and Monica.
Mystic Force: Firass Dirani (Nick) was 22; Angie Diaz (Vida) was 18; Richard Brancatisano (Xander) was 23; Melanie Vallejo (Madison) was 27; Nic Sampson (Chip) was 20; Antonia Prebble (Clare) was 22; Geoff Dolan (Leanbow) was 42. Of the main five, Angie was the youngest, having a 9 year difference with Melanie, who played her sister. Peta Rutter (Udonna) was 47, making her 25 years older than Firass and Geoff was 20 years older than Firass. Peta died in 2010 at age 51. John Tui (Daggeron) was 31.
PROO: James Maclurcan (Mac) was 22; Caitlin Murphy (Ronnie) was 21; Samuell Benta (Will) was 21; Rhoda Montemayor (Rose) was 28; Gareth Yuen (Dax) was 29; Dwayne Cameron was 26 (Tyzonn) and Ria Vandervis (Miratrix) was 23. Rod Lousich (Andrew) was 40--18 years older than James.
Jason Smith (Casey) was 24; Anna Hutchison (Lilly) was 22; Aljin Abella (Theo) was 23; David de Lautour (Robert James) was 26; Bede Skinner (Jarrod) was 32; Holly Shanahan (Camile) was 27; Nikolai Nikolaeff (Dom)was 27---a month younger than Holly. Bede was the eldest, 6 years older than David. Anna being the youngest, was 4 years younger than David and 10 years younger than Bede. Jungle Fury.
RPM: Eka Darville (Scott) was 20; Ari Boyland (Flynn) was 22; Rose McIver (Summer) was 22; Dan Ewing (Dillon) was 24; Olivia Tennet (Dr. K) was 18; Adelaide Kane (Tenaya) was 19; Milo Cawthorne (Ziggy) was 20 and I don't know old the others were. Dan was the eldest and Olivia was the youngest, 6 year difference.

Samurai: Alex Heartman (Jayden) was 20;
Erika Fong (Mia) was around 24 years of age;
Hector David Jr. (Mike) was 22;
Najee De-Tiege (Kevin) was 25;
Brittany Anne Pirtle (Emily) was 22 in December.
Ricardo Medina (Deker) being born in 1977, he was 34 at the time. Paul Schrier, born in 1970 was 41. Felix Ryan (Spike) was 21. I don't know how old
Steven Skylar (Antonio) was 23. Kimberly Crossman (Lauren) was 21. The youngest is Felix and Paul is 20 years older. Ricardo is 13 years older than Alex. OMG, Paul could be Alex and Felix's dad! Not Najee's dad, because that would be 15 year difference, well, who knows. Alex was born in February of 1990 and Felix in July, making Felix 5 months younger.
Megaoforce: Andrew Gray was born in 1987 and was 26 in 2013. Ciara Hanna was born in 1991 and was 22 in 2013. John Mark Loudermilk was also 22, five months younger than Ciara. Azim Rizk was born in 1990 and was 23 in 2013. Christina Masterson was 24 at the time. Cameron Jebo was 25, born in 1989. Andrew is the oldest and John is the youngest, they have a 4 year age difference.

Dino Charge: Brennan Mejia was born in 1990 and was 25 in 2015. Camile Hyde was born in 1993 and was 22 in 2015. Claire and Camile are as old as the franchise. Yoshua Sudarso was born in 1989 and was 26 in 2015. James Davies was born in 1989 and was 26 as well. James is a month older than Yoshi. Michael Taber was born in 1994 and was 21 in 2015. Davi Santos was born in 1991 and was 25 in 2015. Claire Blackwelder was also born in 1993 like Camile and was 22 as well, making it funny her character is supposed to be older. Jarred Blakiston (Prince Phillip) was born in 1991 and was 24 at the time. Ryan Carter (Heckyl) was born in 1992 and was 23 at the time of filming in 2015. Arthur Ranford (Albert) was born in 1948, making him the oldest Power Ranger actor at the time at age 67.
Of the main seven, the oldest is James Davies and the youngest Michael Taber, being 5 years apart. Arthur Ranford is 41 years older than James and 46 years older than Michael Taber. Ryan Carter who plays villain Heckyl is 3 years younger than James Davies and 2 years older than Michael. Jarred is about the same age as Davi Santos just like Camile and Claire are only a few months apart. I can't find an age on
Reuben Turner (James) but he can't be that much older than Brennan. According to Rangerwiki (
http://powerrangers.wikia.com/wiki/James_Navarro), Reuben was 28 at the time of shooting, making him only three years older than Brennan and about 2 years older than James Davies and 39 years younger than Arthur Ranford.

Ninja Steel: Christi (Sarah) was 24, Will Shewfelt (Brody) was 22, Peter Sudarso (Preston) was 27, Zoe Robins (Hayley) was 25, Nico Greetham (Calvin) was 22, and Jordi Webber (Levi) was 23. Will is younger than Nico by 2 months. Will and Jordi are only a year apart. Kelson Henderson (Mack) was in his 40s.
Beast Morphers: Abraham Rodriguez (Nate) was 19 when they started, Colby Strong (Blaze) was 25, Liana Ramierez (Roxy) was 21, Rorrie Travis (Devon) was 24, Jazz Baduwalia (Ravi) was 20 or 21, and Jacqueline Scislowski (Zoey) was 19. Kristina Ho (Betty) was 25 and Cosmo Flores (Ben) was 22. Teulia Blakely (Commander Shaw) was 44 and is 24 years old than Jazz.