I was debating to upload this or not. It takes a while to take off the commercials and edit it together for YouTube and save it and upload it. I had originally recorded it on DVD+RW but I didn't catch the beginning. Luckily I had recorded it on VHS too, so I transfer the VHS to DVD. I had posted it on YouTube but now it got blocked by CW4kids. So I removed them from YouTube not to get in more trouble. Updates soon.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Go-onger vs. Gekiranger to be in the Theaters

More info here from TV-Nihon
The original source form Kikuchi Mika's blog

Go-Onger will have a movie once again!! I can't talk about the details, but this is unprecedented for Sentai to have a second movie. I'm so very happy. The other Go-Onger members are also very excited. Wait for more details! The fact that the second movie is being made is truly thanks to all of you, the fans. All the other Go-Onger members are really feeling loved!! Truly thank you! Bomper is also very happy!!
Monday, December 8, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Name Changes

Premieres January 3rd on CW4Kids
Special Sneak Preview this December 13 at 9:30am

Meet them all here
Seems that 9 out of 13 will be Caucasian, while 2 are Asian, 1 Latino and 1 is African-American. Maybe one is Italian or Latino, who knows.
Cate Blanchett and Jay Leno discuss Power Rangers

Cate Blanchett was on the Tonight Show tonight promoting her new movie with Brad Pitt and they were discussing her children's like of the Power Rangers. And that she was 'going' to be one of the Rangers. She wasn't sure which one was female, she said sometimes the female is pink or yellow. Jay, of course, was not sure. So they brought up an old picture of the original MMPR (above) and tried to figure out which one was female. She said the 'yellow one' had 'man boobs.' Jay said he saw no gender in the Power Rangers, that they were all the same. ::sigh:: Cate had mentioned the Black Ranger going to jail but that is very incorrect. Walter Emmauel Jones is in no legal trouble, if that is the one they are talking about. Do your research!
In July of 2009, Walter Emmauel Jones was arrested for driving under the influence in Alabama. Is Cate Blanchett psychic?
In July of 2009, Walter Emmauel Jones was arrested for driving under the influence in Alabama. Is Cate Blanchett psychic?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Scott Bailey is Kamen Rider Ohja???

On another note, William O'Leary is also in the cast. He played Tim Taylor's brother Martin 'Marty' Taylor in "Home Improvement," he looks a lot like Doug Stanhope and I thought Doug was William. Hah.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Kamen Rider Decade: Pink, Magenta or Red?

So to me it doesn't matter if he is indeed pink, I think it is and it is just as fine. He's 'masculine' or 'strong' as ever. (I put those terms in quotations not mockingly, but in quotations to note the notions we attached to such a term.) The thought that red is connected to blood and power for masculinity could be another key to why most Kamen Riders are red and majority of Sentai leaders are red. Other reasons, of course, are because of Japan's country's color is red and red is associated to power, strength, and triumph. I had one art teacher that would refuse to acknowledge Pink as a color, she considered a shade of Red, she said it was just Red. So if she heard this conversation, she wouldn't know what all the fuss was about.
Color: Pink,
Kamen Rider,
KR Decade,
Friday, November 14, 2008
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Cutie #4: Tony Moras

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Toripter is a boy!
Related Topic: Go-Onger: Triptor's Gender?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Why didn't VR Troopers have another season?

Yeah that was 'Battle Grid' space which they wanted to have an equivalent to the rangers fighting putties and also, to have all three troopers together since all footage was derived from two different shows. So they used the Red Ranger's helmets and re-painted them. Above there they are. They did the amazing skill of make the Red Ranger helmet look feminine (right).
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
RangerStrike Cards and Power Rangers Collectible Card Game

And sure enough, like the show itself that is from the Japanese, they took the beautiful illustrations and put them in English. Reading a couple of the scans, the descriptions are short but pretty accurate. I think they did a good job, I jut wish they didn't use only 60% of the image.
And the most famous image and probably will be the most popular. I think it is a shame that they zoomed in this image because it omits the Green Candle, which is iconic with the Green Ranger.
Of course there will be lots of cards that won't be used, all the other Super Sentai cards of things that were not used in Power Rangers. Most likely these new cards will be sold in Wal-Mart, more updates when they come along. I am glad Power Ranger trading cards are back, I miss them.

The Official RangerStrike Website

The Official RangerStrike Website
Bandai America,
Bandai Japan,
Power Rangers,
Super Sentai
Sunday, October 5, 2008
21st Century Colors
UPDATED 8/14/14

One interesting thing I have noticed in this past decade, none of the team's colors have matched back to back fundlemently. I like it at Toei's effort each team color scheme was different. In the 90's, they used the same color scheme (Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink) about 5 times (Dairanger, Ohranger, Carranger, Gingaman and GoGoV), and two times in a row. Also Pink was used very sparingly in this decade where it was used 8 1/2 times in the nineties (White Swallow of Jetman had hints of Pink).
2000 - Timeranger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, Red
2001 - Gaoranger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, White, Silver
2002 - Hurricanger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Crimson, Navy, Green
2003 - Abaranger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, White
2004 - Dekaranger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, Black, White, etc.
2005 - Magiranger - Red, Yellow, Blue*, Green, Pink, Gold^, White
2006 - Boukenger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, Pink, Silver
2007 - Gekiranger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Violet, White
2008 - Go-Onger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, Green, Gold, Silver
2009 - Shinkenger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, Gold
2010 - Goseiger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, Pink, Silver
2011 - Gokaiger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, Silver
2012 - Go-Busters - Red, Yellow, Blue, Gold, Silver
2013 - Kyoryuger - Red, Green, Blue, Black, Pink, Cyan, Gray, Gold, Violet, Navy, Silver
2014 - Toqger - Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, Orange
* - technically MagiBlue is light blue, so Dekaranger and Magiranger have a similar color scheme but fundamentally not the same one.
^ - more than one color but the majority of their suit was this color.
Color: Blue,
Color: Green,
Color: Pink,
Color: Red,
Color: Yellow,
Super Sentai,
Monday, September 29, 2008
Power Rangers Halloween Costumes
I covered Halloween costumes before, but not on accuracy of the costumes, if they are show-accurate. When it comes to the Halloween costumes, for SPD, we got all the male rangers and for Ninja Storm and Jungle Fury, one was skipped.
The Halloween costumes were unique as when the show came out, there were only Red, Blue and Pink. A three-Ranger stable that will continue occurring through the years. Later in 1994 and 1995 for Seasons 2 and 3, there were the other colors (Black, Yellow) including White, but never Green. Green was only available in sewing patterns. All the Rangers, except White were show accurate, they were a middle mix between the toys and the show suits with the 'coin decal' on their chests.

There was the White and Pink Ninja Ranger outfits, that were pretty basic, water-downed versions.

The costumes, I recall all six Ranger Costumes being available in stores but online, I can only find Red, Pink and Gold. The costumes were show-accurate but the Gold Ranger's shield was flat, not popping out like the White Ranger.

Turbo, I think this is the first year to only have four Ranger costumes (Red, Blue, Pink and Phantom). The unique part of this one is that Phantom Ranger was used twice, I think the first one-year Ranger to be repeated twice. The Phantom Ranger costume is a simple version of the show version. Funny thing is that they had a generic logo.

The costumes, I recall all six Ranger Costumes being available in stores but online, I can only find Red, Pink and Gold. The costumes were show-accurate but the Gold Ranger's shield was flat, not popping out like the White Ranger.

Turbo, I think this is the first year to only have four Ranger costumes (Red, Blue, Pink and Phantom). The unique part of this one is that Phantom Ranger was used twice, I think the first one-year Ranger to be repeated twice. The Phantom Ranger costume is a simple version of the show version. Funny thing is that they had a generic logo.
The Silver Ranger got no costume. The only Rangers that got costumes was Red and Pink. That's it. It was the first time the Blue Ranger got shafted. The other costume sold with them was Phantom Ranger, who made cameos in the series. I finally found a pic of Red Space Ranger on 10/16/10.

As for the costumes, as in Power Rangers in Space, there was only two Rangers and this time we got four--Red, Blue, Pink and Magna Defender. The Rangers were accurate, but the Magna Defender was a dumbed-down version of the costume. As you can tell, the 'muscles' started early on with the Galaxy costumes. This was the first to do so.
For Lightspeed, only three were produced (Red, Pink and Titanium). This is the second time the Blue Ranger got no costume. It is the last time to have only 3 Ranger Halloween costumes. The outfits were fairy accurate. As for the Titanium Ranger, there was a yellow line above the 'Y' mark. Also, the yellow is deeper shade in the show.

As for the costumes, as in Power Rangers in Space, there was only two Rangers and this time we got four--Red, Blue, Pink and Magna Defender. The Rangers were accurate, but the Magna Defender was a dumbed-down version of the costume. As you can tell, the 'muscles' started early on with the Galaxy costumes. This was the first to do so.
For Lightspeed, only three were produced (Red, Pink and Titanium). This is the second time the Blue Ranger got no costume. It is the last time to have only 3 Ranger Halloween costumes. The outfits were fairy accurate. As for the Titanium Ranger, there was a yellow line above the 'Y' mark. Also, the yellow is deeper shade in the show.

For Time Force, we got four: Red, Blue, Pink and the Quantum Ranger. The Quantum Ranger is not accurate at all, it had a split of lines in the helmet and suit. Also, the yellow mark on the helmet and he is a darker shade of red, which on the show, he and the Red ranger were the same shade of red. This 'look' was also in some illustrations of him.

Wild Force, four again: Red, Blue, White (female), and Silver. The deluxe version were show-accurate, with gloves, boots and weapon.

Maybe because this was the first Disney series, most of the Rangers got costumes: Red, Blue, Navy, Crimson and Green. Also introduced to the Halloween costumes was the muscle suits, there is the choice between without muscles and with muscles.

Red, Navy, and Crimson got muscle suits. Blue above is the deluxe version.
Yellow Ranger did get a Disney Store exclusive.
The Green costume was very very show accurate.

Maybe because this was the first Disney series, most of the Rangers got costumes: Red, Blue, Navy, Crimson and Green. Also introduced to the Halloween costumes was the muscle suits, there is the choice between without muscles and with muscles.

Red, Navy, and Crimson got muscle suits. Blue above is the deluxe version.

Yellow Ranger did get a Disney Store exclusive.


For Halloween, there was Red, Blue, Yellow, Black and Triassic. Black Ranger only came with muscles for boys.

Also unique was Adult costumes for once: Black and Triassic. They are as simple as the kid ones, including 'muscles,' no real gloves or boots, the helmet is a double part mask.

And even the only PR costume ever for dogs! Of course only in Red. I wish there was Pink cause I have girl dogs. There was no White, White was the only one ignored. Other than Black Ranger's gold accents being yellow and the Triassic Ranger being a darker shade of red, the others were show accurate.

The Disney Store exclusive was of Red and Blue in Super Dino mode.

SPD was unique as there was there so many Rangers. 13 in the series and 7 in the toys. In Halloween, all the main Rangers got included... except for the yellow ranger, she didn't even get a Disney Store exclusive. Red Ranger and Blue Ranger got regular, muscle suit and deluxe 'Swat Mode.' Pink Ranger got regular and Swat. Omega got a muscle suit, Shadow got a regular suit, and Green got regular as well. Six is the most ranger costumes we have gotten lately. The costumes were fairly show accurate, but the swat and Shadow Ranger were a bit watered down.
In costumes, Red, Green, Pink and the Solaris Knight. The female Blue Ranger at least got a Disney Store exclusive. They were all fairly show accurate, except for the Solaris Knight, it was stream-lined. It got some muscles in it, it is the only one. Red and Green got regular and muscle. Pink got regular and shinier 'deluxe' costume. And again, Yellow got shafted. No male Yellow Ranger has gotten a child Halloween costume.


For PROO, only the male rangers got love and in the costumes, there was 5 costumes (Red, Blue, Black, Pink, and Mercury) but no Yellow. Black, in a loooong time got a costume. All the boys got muscles and regular costumes. All the costumes were show accurate, boots and gloves came separate, but Mercury Ranger's blue color seemed a bit off.

Jungle Fury is a unique creature on its own. Because like Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder, the series started with three rangers (a female yellow ranger), so since there would be no new Rangers until July or so, they made Elephant, Bat, and Shark Rangers. So there is the muscle costumes: Red, Blue, and Rhino; regular: Red, Blue, Yellow and Rhino. Surprisingly, the other Rangers are fairly show accurate. I like the details in the back.

Jungle Fury is a unique creature on its own. Because like Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder, the series started with three rangers (a female yellow ranger), so since there would be no new Rangers until July or so, they made Elephant, Bat, and Shark Rangers. So there is the muscle costumes: Red, Blue, and Rhino; regular: Red, Blue, Yellow and Rhino. Surprisingly, the other Rangers are fairly show accurate. I like the details in the back.

The Rhino Ranger has a Halloween costume and he is being called 'Special Ranger.'

Brand new revealed in July 2009, we got the main five, which has not happened since Ninja Storm. The suits are fairly suit-accurate except for the boots. Boots are sold seperately and they have in black and green but it has the regular tire-color cuffs. No Gold or Silver, I think that's fair if they have to exclude something. The boy colors all come in regular and in muscle and Yellow comes in regular and shiny like with Mystic Force.
'Classic Power Rangers'
Surprise! For 2009, we get Red and Pink child costumes of MMPR. It doesn't say MMPR in the title in the online stores.

Thre has been Red adult costume, it turns out to be official and they are making Pink one for adult too. The Red one is shiny for some reason.

Since last year, the boys could get muscle Red Ranger suit. And this year, the White Ranger costume was released, with abs and biceps or not, a simple saba sword sold separately.

This year for some reason they don't have the diamonds on the bottom cuffs, maybe the boots are sold separately that come with the diamonds and I don't see them.
Green Ranger Muscle Costume available in 2012.

Red Megaforce Ranger; Muscle suit (18 inch deluxe Dragon Sword sold separately)
Toddler version (soft Dragon Sword sold separately)
Megaforce Blue; Muscle Suit (Shark Bow sold separately)
Pink Megaforce Ranger (Soooo Adorable!)
Robo Knight Deluxe; Robo Knight
Robo Knight Toddler Suit
This is Ultra Mode but Wal-Mart.com calls it 'Super Megaforce.' Available in Toddler as well.
Black Megaforce Ranger Muscle Costume
Blue Ranger Regular
Regular Red Ranger
Muscle Red Ranger
Toddler Red Ranger Regular
Red Ranger Toddler Light Up Motion Activated
Super Megaforce Blue Muscles
Blue Ranger Toddler
Regular Pink Ranger
Deluxe Pink Ranger (Shiny)
Pink Ranger Prestige Tutu
Toddler, Half-Mask Child, Regular, Sparkle, and Deluxe versions of Pink Ranger
Toddler, Regular and Muscle versions of Gold Ranger
Toddler, Half-Mask Child, Regular, Sparkly, Muscle and other versions of Red Ranger
Blue Ranger
Only Muscle of Black
Only Muscle of Green
Dino Thunder,
Kid Costumes,
Mystic Force,
Power Rangers,
PR In Space,
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