UPDATED 8/2/12
Someone asked me long ago to say how many heads of the Giant Robo have been red. I decided to cover which colors have been what. Many of the Robos that started out only had two-color color scheme, mostly red and blue. I decided to start with Changeman, since it was more diverse than others.
Someone asked me long ago to say how many heads of the Giant Robo have been red. I decided to cover which colors have been what. Many of the Robos that started out only had two-color color scheme, mostly red and blue. I decided to start with Changeman, since it was more diverse than others.

The red Dragon mecha became the head.
Black and White made torso and arms.
Blue and Pink made the legs.

Green and Yellow made right arms and legs.
Blue and Pink made left arms and legs.
Red was the head.

Black made main torso and upper legs.
Blue made the lower legs.
Yellow was left arm.
Pink was right arm.
Red was the head and chest.

Red: head, back, waist and thigh
Yellow: torso and arms
Blue: Legs
Live Boxer
Black: head, torso, arms, and left foot
Green: legs and right foot
Super Live Robo
Black: left shoulder, helmet, waist shield, and feet
Green: forearms and right shoulder

Black: body, arms and upper legs
Blue: left foot
Yellow: right foot
Pink: lower legs
Red: head, chest, and back

Red: head and body
Black: right leg
Yellow: left leg
Blue: right arm
Pink: left arm

Red: head and chest
White: right leg
Blue: left arm
Black: left leg
Yellow: right arm

Black: Shoulders and Arms
Pink: Chest
Yellow: Right Leg
Blue: Left Leg
Red: Torso, head
Red: Body, Head
Pink: Waist
Yellow: Left Leg
Blue: Right Leg
Green: Helmet, arms, chest

Red: Head, Chest
Yellow: Right Leg
Black: Left Leg
White: Left Arm
Blue: Right Arm

Red: Right Arm
Blue: Left Arm
Yellow: Chest
White: Head
Black: Waist and Legs
Red: Head, Back
Green: Waist
Pink: Right Leg
Yellow: Left Leg
Blue: Shoulders, Arms, Torso
Green: Legs
Pink: Feet
Red: Chest
Blue: Waist, upper leg
Yellow: Shoulders, Arms, Head
Red: Head, Torso
Pink: Arms
Green: Right Leg
Yellow: Left Leg
Blue: Waist, Upper Legs
Red: Head, Chest
Pink: Arms
Blue: Waist, Upper Legs
Yellow: Left Leg
Green: Right Leg
Yellow: Arms, Chest
Blue: Abs, Lower Legs
Red: Waist, Upper Legs
Pink: Feet
Black: Head, Shield
Red: Head, Chest
Yellow: Left Arm
Pink: Right Arm
Blue: Waist, Legs
Green: Back
Victory Robo
Blue: Waist, Upper Legs
Pink: Right Leg
Yellow: Left Leg
Green: Back, head
Red: Arms, Chest
Green: Head, Torso, Upper Legs
Pink: Right Leg
Yellow: Left Leg
Blue: Left Leg
Red: Right Arm
Blue: Arms
Green: Waist
Pink: Right Arm
Yellow: Left Arm
Red: Head, Chest
Time Robo Alpha & Beta
Red: Chest
Blue: Alpha's left leg | Beta's left arm
Green: Alpha's right leg | Beta's right arm
Yellow: Alpha's left arm | Beta's right leg
Pink: Alpha's right arm | Beta's left leg
Gao King
Red: Upper Torso
Yellow: Head, Chest Oranment
Blue: Right Arm
White: Left Arm
Black: Waist, Legs
Red: Head, Chest
White: Left Arm
Blue: Right Arm
Black: Waist, Legs
Red: Head
Blue: Right Arm
Yellow: Legs, body, and Right Arm
Crimson: Top
Navy: Bottom
Yellow: Waist, Legs
Crimson: Feet
Navy: Shoulders, arms
Green: Chest
Red: Head

Blue: Right Arm
Yellow: Chest
Red: Head, Body, Upper Leg
Blue: Left Leg
Green: Right Leg
Yellow: Right Arm
Pink: Left Arm
Red: Head, Body, Upper Legs
Blue: Arms, Wings
Green: Lower Legs
Pink: Left Foot
Yellow: Right Foot

Red: Head, Arms
Yellow: Wings
Pink: Chest
Green: Waist
Blue: Legs
Pink: Left Leg
Blue: Right Leg
Yellow: Right Arm
Green: Left Arm
Red: Head, Back
Blue: Back
Pink: Left Arm
Yellow: Right Arm
Black: chest
Red: head, body, and legs
Red: Head, Body
Yellow: Right Arm
Pink: Left Arm
Black: Left Leg
Blue: Right Leg
Red: Head
Black: Body, Legs
Blue: Shoulders
Yellow: Chest
Pink: Arms
Red: Head, Body, Arms, Upper Legs
Blue: Right Leg
Yellow: Left Leg
Violet: Left Leg
Red: Head, Arms, Chest
Yellow: Middle
Blue: Waist, Legs
Red: Head, Shoulders, Chest
Yellow: Middle
Blue: Waist, Legs
Black: Right Arm
Green: Left Arm
Green: Right Leg
Blue: Left Leg
Yellow: Left Arm
Pink: Right Arm
Red: Head, Body

Red: Head, Body
Pink: Left Arm
Blue: Right Arm
Yellow: Left Leg
Black: Right Leg
Red: Head, Shoulders, Torso
Blue: Left Arm
Green: Right Arm
Pink: Left Leg
Yellow: Right Leg
Great Go-Buster
Red- Body, arms, legs, head
Blue - Torso, Legs
Yellow - Arms
Silver - chest
Gold - Arms, ShouldersWarning: Could have MistakesThe colors refer to the operators, not the exterior color of the mecha.
Head: Red (30), Yellow (2, OhBlocker & GaoKing), Black (1, Mega V.), Green (1, Grand Liner), White (1, DaiShogun).
Left Leg: Yellow (11, Five Robo, Dairenoh, Ohranger Robo, RV Robo, VRV Robo, Victory Robo, Grand Liner, Victory Mars, Gekitohja, GekiFire, Gosei Great), Blue (5, Abarenoh, Dekaranger Robo, Time Robo Alpha, Grand Liner, ShinkenOh), Black (3, Jet Icarus, Invicible Shogun, DaiTanken-technically), Pink (2, Time Robo Beta, Manticore-technically), Violet (1, GekiWolfTohja).
Right Leg: Blue (5, Dairenoh, MagiLegend, GekiTohja, GekiFire, DaiTanken), Pink (4, Ohranger Robo, Victory Robo, Grand Liner, Mars Victory), Green (5, RV Robo, VRV Robo, Time Robo Alpha, Dekaranger Robo, ShinkenOh), Yellow (3, Daizyujin, Inv. Shogun, Time Robo Beta), Black (2, Five Robo, Gosei Great), White (1, Jet Icarus).
Right Arm: Blue (7, Five Robo, Inv. Shogun, Gao King, Gao Ikarus, Senpujin, Abarenoh, Gosei Great), Yellow (6, JetIcarus, GaoMuscle, Dekaranger Robo, MagiLegend-technically, DaiBouken, DaiTanken), Red (2, DaiShogun, Grand Liner), Pink (3, Great Five, Gingaoh, Time Robo Alpha), Green (1, Time Robo Beta).
Left Arm: Blue (4, Jet Icarus, DaiShogun, Grand Liner, Time Robo Beta), Yellow (5, Great Five, Gingaoh, Time Robo Alpha, Senpujin, ShinkenOh), Red (1, Abarenoh), Pink (6, Five Robo, Dekaranger Robo, DaiBouken, DaiTanken, ShinkenOh, Gosei Great), White (3, Inv. Shogun, Gao King, Gao Ikarus), Green (1, MagiLegend-technically).
Both Legs: Blue (6, Great Five, Live Robo, Mega V., Gingaoh, MagiLegend, Go-On), Black (4, DaiShogun, GaoKing, GaoIkarus, DaiVoyager), Green (2, OhBlocker, DekaWingRobo), Yellow (1, Senpujin), Red (2, Abarenoh, DaiBouken), Navy (1, Gouraijin), Pink (1, Turbo Robo).
Both Arms: Red (4, VictoryRobo, GekiTohja, GekiFire, EngineOh), Pink (3, RV Robo, VRV Robo, DaiVoyager), Blue (3, Ohranger Robo, VictoryMars, Deka Wing Robo), Black (2, Daizyujin, Dairenoh), Yellow (3, Live Robo, OhBlocker, Mega V.), Crimson (1, Gouraijin).
Chest/Torso: Red (17, Inv. Shogun, OhBlocker, RV Robo, VRV Robo, Gingaoh, Victory Robo, Victory Mars, Time Robo, Gao King, Abarenoh, Dekaranger Robo, Deka Wing Robo, DaiBouken, DaiTanken, Gekitohja, Engine-Oh), Pink (2, Daizyujin, MagiKing), Yellow (4, DaiShogun, Mega V., Senpujin, DaiVoyager), Blue (1, Ohranger Robo), Green (2, Grand Liner, Dairenoh).
Waist/Middle: Blue (3, OhBlocker, RV Robo, VRV Robo, Victory Robo), Green (3, Ohranger Robo, Victory Mars, MagiKing), Pink (1, Dairenoh), Red (1, Mega Voyager), Yellow (1, Engine Oh), Black (1, Great Five).
1 comment:
Well Done!!! "high five" It gives me ideas to create my own Megazords / Robots for my fanfiction of PR and Sentai.^^
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